This is a living, searchable database gathering past and current incidents of police violence against women of color, including both trans and non-trans women of color.
Entries can be sorted by column or filtered by a wide variety of options using the drop down menus and search boxes below. Click enter in each field to search.
This database contains cases referenced in Invisible No More, and many that aren't included in the book. It certainly does not represent all instances of police violence against Black women and women of color - please feel free to add more cases by clicking here: Share a case.
In order to protect the privacy of individuals who are still living and who have not elected to speak extensively to the media or participate in legal proceedings, in some cases names and sources have been omitted from the public database.
Thanks to Alexis Pegues and Levi Craske for their substantial contributions to creating this database.
Please Note: Saving/exporting will save only the current filtered results. To export the ENTIRE database simply leave all filters un-set, then save/export to your desired format.
To see cases marked as involving people who are TGNC, LGBQ, Muslim, immigrants, pregnant, mothers, people with a disability, homeless or low-income, or responses to the war on drugs, policing of sex work/ prostitution charges, traffic stops, incidents at schools, domestic violence or other crises, download the entire database in an Excel or CSV file and sort by column.
Updated 9.24.19
Year | Name | City | State | Race | Age | Abuse Type | Description | Source name | Source | Take Action | Consequences | Trans/GNC | Lesbian/bi/queer | Muslim | Immigrant | Pregnant | Mother | Disability | Homeless/low income housing | War on Drugs | Policing prostitution | Traffic stop | School | Response to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault or homophobic or transphobic violence | Response to mental or physical health crisis | CATEGORIES |
2003 | Sonya Dora Nitcok Ivanoff | Nome | AK | Indigenous/Native American | 19 | Fatal | Sonya was missing from her home for 4 days before she was found dead in a mine, with gunshot wounds and evidence of a brutal beating. The suspected murdered was a Nome police officer. | Alaska Dispatch News | https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/article/appeals-court-upholds-murder-conviction-nome-officer/2010/03/05/ | The suspected murdering police officer was sentenced to 101 years in prison. | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Patricia Kruger | Houston | AK | Indigenous/Native American | 38 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a "disturbance"; they found Kruger, who had stolen a gun and was allegedly firing at police. They then shot her. | Alaska Dispatch News | https://www.adn.com/mat-su/article/trooper-shoots-kills-woman-during-houston-standoff/2016/02/22/ | |||||||||||||||||
1955 | Claudette Colvin | Montgomery | AL | Black | 15 | Physical | After a police officer demanded Claudette move out of her seat to preserve segregation, he yanked her out of her seat and then kicked her down the aisle. Officers proceeded to make sexually degrading comments about her body. | At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance—A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power by Danielle McGuire | https://books.google.com/books/about/At_the_Dark_End_of_the_Street.html?id=dtUVU1kKfqYC | x | ||||||||||||||||
2011 | Ashlynn Avery | Hoover | AL | Black | 16 | Fatal | During an in-school suspension, Ashlynn (who has diabetes, asthma, and sleep apnea) fell asleep. A school supervisor struck her cubicle, causing the cubicle to hit Avery’s head. She woke up and then fell back asleep. The supervisor took the book from her and slammed it on, causing the book to hit the student in the chest. He then slapped her backpack and shoved her face first into a file cabinet, handcuffed her, and arrested her. Ashlynn required follow-up care to her shoulder, arm, and wrist, and as well as extended mental counseling for trauma caused by the supervisor. | ABC 33 | http://abc3340.com/archive/hoover-high-student-files-lawsuit | x | x | DISABILITY, SCHOOL | ||||||||||||||
1942 | Rosa Lee Cherry | Little Rock | AL | Black | 19 | Sexual | Rosa was raped by police officers. | At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance—A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power by Danielle McGuire | https://books.google.com/books/about/At_the_Dark_End_of_the_Street.html?id=dtUVU1kKfqYC | |||||||||||||||||
1949 | Gertrude Perkins | Montgomery | AL | Black | 25 | Sexual | Gertrude was raped by two police officers as she walked home one night. | At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance—A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power by Danielle McGuire | https://books.google.com/books/about/At_the_Dark_End_of_the_Street.html?id=dtUVU1kKfqYC | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Chikesia Clemons | Saraland | AL | Black | 25 | Physical | Police showed up to arrest Chikesia at a Waffle House because she allegedly arrived drunk and brough alcohol into the store. However, Chikesia and eye witnesses report that she and her friends originally had requested utensils, which they were denied; the dispute led her and her friends to leave. When Chikesia returned to the store to contact the Waffle House headquarters, she was violently arrested by police, including being slammed to the floor and having her breasts exposed by police officers. | HuffingtonPost | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/waffle-house-doubles-down-on-chikesia-clemons-arrest-as-activists-call-for-boycott_us_5ae73398e4b02baed1bcbab2 | https://www.change.org/p/walt-ehmer-waffle-house-drop-the-charges-against-chikesia-clemons | ||||||||||||||||
1948 | Alma Shaw | Birmingham | AL | Black | 42 | Fatal | Alma was shot by police who claimed she was "resisting arrest". | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1953 | Della McDuffie | Alberta | AL | Black | 63 | Fatal | Della was beaten to death by police who used a blackjack during a raid of her cafe. | "The Della McDuffe Case: A Legal History" | http://nuweb9.neu.edu/civilrights/wp-content/uploads/Della-McDuffie.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2018 | Rose Campbell | Alpharetta | AL | Black | 65 | Physical | Rose was pulled over by police and then refused to give a citation that police gave her. Police officers then started yelling at her and aggressively pulled her out of her car while she screamed. | The Hil | http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/387226-georgia-police-officer-suspended-after-manhandling-grandmother | The officer was suspended and then resigned. | x | x | MOTHER, TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||
1945 | Nicey Brown | Selma | AL | Black | 74 | Fatal | Nicey was beaten to death in her home by a drunken policeman who was asking the whereabouts of Nicey's daughter. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
2004 | Annie Holiday | Cherokee | AL | Black | 78 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to an elderly woman shooting a gun. When they arrived, she allegedly shot at them. They responded by shooting and killing her. | Times Daily | https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1842&dat=20040313&id=51UeAAAAIBAJ&sjid=U8gEAAAAIBAJ&pg=4653,1499023&hl=en | x | ||||||||||||||||
1946 | Mary Fair Burks | Montgomery | AL | Black | 32(?) | Physical | At a women's council, Mary recounted her run-in with a "club-wielding police officer". | At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance—A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power by Danielle McGuire | https://books.google.com/books/about/At_the_Dark_End_of_the_Street.html?id=dtUVU1kKfqYC | |||||||||||||||||
1950 | Mattie Debardereleben | Birmingham | AL | Black | unknown | Fatal | Mattie refused to sell some chickens to three Federal revenue agents and a deputy sheriff. They beat her and she died "of a heart attack" on way to jail. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | Celestina Manuel | Scottsdale | AZ | Indigenous/Native American | 15 | Fatal | A resident called police to report a fight in the parking lot; when police arrived, the driver got in the car with Celestina and her boyfriend and drove away, allegedly in the direction of the police car. A police chase ensued, which ended with an officer getting out of his car, at which point another officer allegedly feared that the driver would drive into him. Police shot at the driver and killed Celestina, who was in the car. | East Valley Tribune | http://www.eastvalleytribune.com/news/report-detective-feared-for-partner-s-life/article_c558b14b-3137-5037-860b-44cd5802809c.html | The city paid the family $2 million. | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Melissa Ventura | Yuma | AZ | Latinx | 24 | Fatal | When police responded to a domestic abuse call, police say Melissa opened the door wielding a knife and trying to attack them (however she was much smaller than both officers and the officers had no signs of injury or attack afterward). She was then shot and killed. | The Root | http://www.theroot.com/ariz-mother-fatally-shot-by-sheriffs-deputies-1790855928 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
1993 | Blanca Bernal | Nogales | AZ | Latinx | 27 | Sexual | A Border Patrol agent stopped Blanca and her friend Ana Gomez, and when they couldn’t produce “papers,” he forced them into his Border Patrol vehicle and told them that if they wanted to be returned to Mexico instead of detained, they would have to have sex with him. While Ana was able to get away, Selders took Blanca to an isolated area, raped her. | Tucson Citizen | http://tucsoncitizen.com/morgue2/1999/08/27/184632-attorney-damages-against-agent-would-send-message/ | Blanca successfully sued the Border Patrol agent and won $753,000 in damages in a civil suit. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2007 | [redacted name] | unknown | AZ | Black | 27 | Sexual | Police pulled over a woman for allegedly making an improper right turn. She was strip-searched in front of male officers on suspicion that she was concealing drugs. She described the experience later as having been "visually raped" and "unconstitutionally violated". | "Driving While Black or Brown: An Analysis of Racial Profiling in Arizona" | https://www.acluaz.org/sites/default/files/documents/DrivingWhileBlackorBrown.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Loreal Tsingine | Winslow | AZ | Indigenous/Native American | 27 | Fatal | A police officer responded to a report of shoplifting; when he arrived, Loreal allegedly brandished a pair of scissors. After throwing her to the ground, the police officer shot at her 5 times, killing her. | Fox 45 Now (Dayton Affiliate) | http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-breaking/2016/10/31/arizona-winslow-officer-who-fatally-shot-loreal-tsingine-resigns/93092882/ | The family have filed a $10.5 million claim, and the officer has resigned | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2017 | Jonie Pilar Block | Phoenix | AZ | Black | 27 | Fatal | Police were called regarding an armed woman at a garden; they connected this woman with a homicide that had happened earlier that day. When they arrived, she allegedly denied their commands and they shot and killed her. | ABC 15 News | http://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/phoenix-police-investigating-officer-involved-shooting-near-downtown | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Sylvia Marie Bejarano | Tempe | AZ | Latinx | 33 | Fatal | Police were looking for a stolen vehicle; when they appeared to have spotted it, they confronted Sylvia and her partner Jose at the car, which they then drove away in. They picked up their 13 year old son before police confronted them again. Police say that Sylvia then shot at the police car, prompting them to shoot and kill her. | AZ Central | https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2018/07/06/tempe-police-identify-woman-fatally-shot-officers/765026002/ | |||||||||||||||||
2017 | Sabrina Ann Garcia | Mesa | AZ | Latinx | 34 | Fatal | Officers responded to a report of a woman threatening suicide. When officers arrived, Sabrina allegedly ran away from them while holding a handgun. According to police reports, police fired bean bags in an attempt to disarm her, and then shot and killed her. | AZ Central | https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa/2017/10/07/mesa-officer-shooting-saturday/743773001/ | x | x | DISABILITY, HEALTH CRISIS | ||||||||||||||
2016 | Sherrisa Homer | Phoenix | AZ | Black | 36 | Fatal | Police responded to multiple calls (including a call from Sherrisa herself) of a woman shooting at people. When police arrived, she turned the gun on herself as well as at police, which is when they shot at her and killed her. | ABC 15 News | http://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/phx-pd-suspect-injured-in-officer-involved-shooting-near-19th-ave-and-indian-school-rd | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Amanda Alvarez | Tucson | AZ | Unknown | 38 | Fatal | Amanda Alvarez was approached in a trailer by police responding to an alleged domestic disturbance. According to police reports, she sprayed police with bear spray and they shot and killed her. | Tucson News Now | http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/37640340/breaking-no-deputies-hurt-in-shooting-southwest-of-tucson | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Lisa Michelle Rivera | Yuma | AZ | Latinx | 49 | Fatal | Police responded to a domestic disturbance call. When they arrived, Lisa was allegedly involved in a domestic disturbance in a parking lot and was amred with a gun. Police claim they struggled with her and then shot and killed her. | KYMA | http://www.kyma.com/news/update-fatally-shot-person-in-yuma-identified-/739397389 | x | MOTHER | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Michelle Cusseaux | Phoenix | AZ | Black | 50 | Fatal | Police approached Michelle in her home for a routine check-in, and entered her living space; she appeared at the door holding a hammer and officers responded by shooting her. | AZ Central | http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/breaking/2015/09/17/phoenix-police-michelle-cusseaux-shooting-outside-policy/72370792/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
1997 | [redacted name] | Nogales | AZ | Latinx | unknown | Physical | A woman miscarried after an immigration raid that terrorized her and her children. | Over-Raided, Under Siege | https://www.ushrnetwork.org/resources-media/over-raided-under-siege-us-immigration-laws-enforcement-destroy-rights-immigrants | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2014 | Ersula Ore | Phoenix | AZ | Black | unknown | Physical | Ersula was jaywalking due to construction on the street when a police officer accosted her; before she was able to properly respond to his request for ID, he violently arrested her and slammed her on the ground. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/asu-resigns-throwing-jaywalking-prof-ground-article-1.2118181 | https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/justice-for-professor.fb47?source=s.fb&r_by=6426959 | The police officer was put on 8 month leave. | |||||||||||||||
2007 | Miriam Aviles | Tucson | AZ | Latinx | Physical | Miriam was pulled over by Tucson police and asked for identification without providing a reason for the traffic stop. The officer called Border Patrol and escalated the situation by trying to detain Ms. Aviles, which caused her to begin labor by physically forcing her into the Patrol car. Despite her pleas for medical help, she was taken to immigration detention. | Over-Raided, Under Siege: U.S. Immigration Laws and Enforcement Destroy the Rights of Migrants, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. | | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2003 | Rosie Banks | Modesto | CA | Black | 13 | Physical | Rosie experienced teasing, likely tied to her autism, at school. Her reaction to teasing prompted school faculty to take her to the principal's office, where a police officer was present and pepper-sprayed her in the face. A second encounter with police at her school resulted in her being handcuffed. | Racializing Disability, Disabling Race: Policing Race and Mental Status | https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1750285 | unsure if a settlement was reached? (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCOURTS-caed-1_04-cv-06284/pdf/USCOURTS-caed-1_04-cv-06284-0.pdf) | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2000 | [name redacted] | San Bernadino | CA | Unknown | 16 | Sexual | A sheriff’s deputy committed statutory rape of a 16-year-old Explorer scout. | POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female” | http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dwf2003.pdf | The officer was sentenced to 120 days in jail | ||||||||||||||||
2007 | Pleajhai Mervin | Palmdale | CA | Black | 16 | Physical | Pleajhai was arrested after being slammed on a table and having her arm broken by a security guard at her high school. The assault was in an aggressive and irrational response to Pleajhai dropping cake on the ground and allegedly not picking it up to the guard's satisfaction. A boy filming the violence was promptly assaulted by the officer as well. | Daily News | http://www.dailynews.com/article/zz/20071013/NEWS/710139926 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Elena "Ebbie" Mondragon | Hayward | CA | Black | 16 | Fatal | Fremont police found a stolen vehicle sought in connection with multiple armed robberies in Fremont and around the Bay Area, police said. When Det. Joel Hernandez and Sgt. Jeremy Miskella tried to stop the vehicle at City View Apartment Homes, its driver rammed a detective's vehicle. Police shot and killed the passenger. | East Bay Times | http://www.eastbaytimes.com/2017/03/14/hayward-police-investigate-shooting-near-csu-east-bay/ | |||||||||||||||||
2003 | [name redacted] | Woodlake | CA | Unknown | 17 | Sexual | A police officer admitted to having sex with a 17-year old police Explorer scout while on duty. The officer drove the girl to a rural area outside the city limits, where they had sex. The state Deputy Attorney General said DNA evidence in the officer’s squad car linked him to the crime. | POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female” | http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dwf2003.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
2005 | Katrina Campos | Fresno | CA | Latinx | 17 | Fatal | Katrina was shot by police while she and her boyfriend were fleeing a drug bust. Allegedly her boyfriend, who was driving, rammed into a cop car, prompting police to open fire. | Find A Grave (not a news source) | https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=69315182 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | La Mesa | CA | Black | 17 | Physical | A high school student was violently thrown to the ground twice, tackled, and arrested by police on her campus while she was trying to escape. Police allegedly arrived due to the student refusing to leave campus after being suspended. | NBC 7 | https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/california/Helix-High-School-Student-Officer-Take-Down-LMPD-Investigation-470405473.html | The officer was merely reassigned. | x | |||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | City Heights | CA | Latinx | 17 | Physical | A 17 year old girl was slammed to the floor and held down by police, then detained. | Copwatch | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7UxgTlvCpI | |||||||||||||||||
2001 | Ginenne Stover | Highland | CA | Multi-Racial | 18 | Fatal | Police were responding to a domestic disturbance call when Ginnene allegedly approached officers with a knife. They shot her within minutes of arriving at the scene. | LA Indymedia: Activist News | http://la.indymedia.org/news/2001/03/5761_comment.php | x | DV | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Yanira Serrano-Garcia | Half Moon Bay | CA | Latinx | 18 | Fatal | Family of Yanira called the fire department, as they had in the past, to provide medical assistance to Yanira when she was having a schizophrenic episode. However, this time police showed up instead. Police fired shots within 20 seconds of arriving, in response to Yanira allegedly running towards the police with a knife (though the family say the object was a butter knife). | SF Gate News | http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/DA-Police-shooting-near-Half-Moon-Bay-justified-5695981.php | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2018 | Bethany Renee Nava | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 18 | Physical | An 18 year old was physically and violently dragged off the Red Line subway and then arrested allegedly for having her feet up on the seat. A bystansder was also arrested. Her wrist was sprained and she received other contusions from the arrest. | KTLA | http://ktla.com/2018/01/23/video-student-says-lapd-officer-pulled-her-off-metro-train-arrested-her-for-having-her-foot-on-seat/ | |||||||||||||||||
1989 | [redacted name] | Calexico | CA | Latinx | 19 | Sexual | A Mexican woman was kidnapped and raped by a Border Patrol agent. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/1992-09-12/news/mn-273_1_border-patrol | The officer was sentenced to 24 years in prison. | x | |||||||||||||||
1998 | Tyisha Miller | Rubidoux | CA | Black | 19 | Fatal | Tyisha was found by her relatives comatose in her locked car, foaming at the mouth and with a gun in her lap. Relatives called the police for help. According the police account, Tyisha sat up and grabbed the gun when police were attempting to break into the car; they shot at her 23 times, killing her. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/2002/dec/13/local/me-tyisha13 | |||||||||||||||||
2008 | Laquisha Turner | Richmond | CA | Black | 19 | Fatal | Laquisha, a disabled woman, died after a police gang raid in her and her mother's home, in which police deployed tear gas and/or flash grenades. Laquisha died a month later as a result of being forced to inhale the smoke. | ABC 7 News | http://abc7news.com/archive/6533539/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Tatyana Hargrove | Bakersfield | CA | Black | 19 | Physical | Tatyana was on her bike and reached into her backpack to grab some water. 3 police cars approached her, demanded her to give them her backpack, punched and violently arrested her as they let their K9 bite her. They allegedly mistook Tatyana for a 150 lb bald black male suspect. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/07/12/i-told-him-i-cant-breathe-police-punch-teen-girl-after-mistaking-her-for-black-male-suspect/?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.6b8a38979438 | https://www.gofundme.com/help-tatyana-hargrove | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | Samantha Alonso Luna | Arcata | CA | Latinx | 20 | Physical | Police say they saw a young woman hanging out of the sunroof of a car. When they approached her, the officer got into an argument with the young woman about her last name and then violently dragged her out of the car. Police then slammed her the ground as three police officers mounted her to arrest her for alleged public intoxification. | WNEM | http://www.wnem.com/story/38458535/woman-grabs-hold-of-cops-hair-until-it-has-to-be-cut-off-violent-arrest-gains-attention | x | TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||||
2007 | Elaine Coleman | Hawthorne (Los Angeles) | CA | Black | 21 | Fatal | Police responded to a call for for help from Elaine's mother when Elaine locked herself and her 4 year old child in a room and threatened to commit suicide. When they arrived, Elaine was allegedly threatening and trying to hurt her daughter with a knife. After she allegedly stabbed an officer, their taser "had no effect on her" and they shot her. Elaine seemed to have been having a psychotic break during the incident. | San Gabriel Valley Tribune News | http://www.sgvtribune.com/general-news/20070911/police-defend-shooting | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2004 | Maribel Hernandez | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 22 | Fatal | Little has been published about Maribel or her death, other than that Maribel was shot by police. | LA Times | http://homicide.latimes.com/post/maribel-hernandez/ | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Gabrielle Monique Nevarez | Fair Oaks | CA | Black | 22 | Fatal | Gabrielle's grandmother called police, reporting Gabrielle had stolen her car. When police found her, she fled and a police chase ensued. During the chase, she hit two police cars; police claim she allegedly lunged at them, causing them to fear for their safety, and shot at her 17 times, killing her. | ABC 10 News | http://www.abc10.com/news/local/citrus-heights/high-speed-chase-ends-with-officers-killing-woman/277655580 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
1990 | [name redacted] | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 24 | Sexual | An INS officer James Riley was arrested in May 1990, after conducting an unauthorized immigration “one-man raid at gunpoint at a bar, where he abducted and raped a 24-year-old woman after telling her that she was under arrest for lacking legal documents to be in the United States. One month later, over seventeen women had filed charges against him, recounting similar abuse. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/1990-06-15/local/me-77_1_illegal-aliens | x | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Cau Bich Tran | San Jose | CA | Asian | 25 | Fatal | Neighbors of Cau called police to report "screaming and pounding" from within Cau's house. Within 3 seconds of arriving, police shot Cau. They allegedly mistook a vegetable peeler she held in her hand for a knife that they assumed she was going to throw at them. | SF Gate | http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/SAN-JOSE-1-8-million-settlement-in-killing-by-2558796.php | The family received a $1.8 million settlement from the city. | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2004 | Summer Marie Lane | Riverside | CA | Black | 25 | Fatal | Summer's male companion attempted to withdraw money from a Food 4 Less under a fake name. When police arrived, they got in a physical fight with the companion, at which point Summer tried to drive toward them multiple times and yelled for her companion to get in the car. The last time she drove toward her companion and the officer, the officer shot her. | Court document | http://www.cityofriverside.org/cprc/OIDs/OID%20Public%20Reports/Lane.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2011 | Jesucita Ortega | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 25 | Fatal | Police responded to a domestic disturbance call made for Jesucita's boyfriend, as Jesucita was attacking him with a knife. When police arrived to a scene, they allegedly used a taser on her, but it had no effect. When she allegedly moved toward police with the object, they shot her. Her boyfriend suspected she was suffering from post-partem depression. | LA Times | http://homicide.latimes.com/post/jesucita-ortega/ | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2014 | Mayra Lazos-Guerrero | Denver | CA | Latinx | 25 | Physical | Police viciously took down a seven months pregnant Mayra for pleading with them to stop brutally beating her boyfriend, who they suspected of swallowing drugs. Cops then erased the video that a witness took of the assault. Mayra faces child abuse charges, among other charges, because there was a child in the car when the police officers assaulted her and her boyfriend. | KDVR, Fox 31 | http://kdvr.com/2014/11/24/denver-police-accused-of-excessive-force-illegal-search/ | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2003 | Adebusula Tairu | Culver City | CA | Black | 26 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a woman who was threatening people with a knife in her apartment. When police arrived, Adebusula allegedly threatened them with a knife. They responded by shooting her. | LA Times | http://homicide.latimes.com/post/adebusola-tairu/ | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Meagan Hockaday | Oxnard | CA | Black | 26 | Fatal | Police were called regarding a domestic dispute between Meagan and her partner; within 20 seconds of arriving at the scene, the officer shot Hockaday 4-5 times, killing her. | Ventura County Star News | http://archive.vcstar.com/news/local/oxnard/das-office-finds-officer-justified-in-fatal-shooting-of-oxnard-woman-3a5b3b30-0bab-627d-e053-0100007-390622791.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
1993 | Sonji Taylor | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 27 | Fatal | Sonji was shot 9 times by police after she allegedly held her son hostage and threatened police with a knife. However, the autopsy shows that some bullets hit her after she was lying on her face. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed1.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
1999 | [redacted name] | Stockton | CA | Latinx | 27 | Physical | Police suddenly showed up at the mother's door and raided her home. In the process, they knocked her over, causing her to bleed and become nearly unconscious. Her children were also thrown all over the place. They claimed they were looking for a man who had crack. | Whose Safety?: Women of Color and Violence by Law Enforcement | https://www.afsc.org/sites/afsc.civicactions.net/files/documents/whose%20safety.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Kim Nguyen | Los Angeles | CA | Asian | 27 | Sexual | Kim was arrested by police for alleged public intoxication. In the car ride to the police station, an officer sexually groped Kim. She then fell out of the car, with severe injuries to her head, and reported the incident. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-35-million-settlement-lapd-20170209-story.html | Kim received a $3.5 million settlement from the city. | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Guadalupe Manzo Ochoa | Oakland | CA | Latinx | 27 | Fatal | Guadalupe was shot and killed by police at the end of a police chase, after officers pursued her for driving a stolen vehicle and then allegedly ramming the vehicle into a cop car. | Patch Media | https://patch.com/california/sanleandro/union-city-woman-fatally-shot-san-leandro-police-after-chase-identified | x | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | Tashfeen Malik | Redlands | CA | Asian | 27 | Fatal | Tashfeen and her husband were allegedly involved in a mass shooting that killed 14 people and injured 22. After the shooting, police chased and shot both Tashfeen and her husband; she was shot 13 times. | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2015/12/06/us/san-bernardino-shooter-tashfeen-malik/index.html | x | x | x | MUSLIM, IMMIGRANT, MOTHER | |||||||||||||
2018 | Melyda Corado | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 27 | Fatal | A person entered a Trader Joes and allegedly held it hostage. When the police arrived, a standoff ensued, during which an officer shot and killed the store manager Melyda. | Huffington Post | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trader-joes-employee-killed-by-police_us_5b575545e4b0b15aba92c8b2 | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | Annette Garcia | Riverside | CA | Latinx | 28 | Fatal | Police were allegedly responding to a suicide call. When they found Annette, she was holding a knife according to police. However, she was shot in the back 6 times while running away from police. | San Diego Tribune | http://legacy.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/riverside/20090122-1819-shooting.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2013 | Sonia Angelita Castenada-Montoya | Pomona | CA | Latinx | 28 | Fatal | Police encountered Sonia in the driveway of a motel where she allegedly brandished a gun at them. In response they shot her multiple times. | Daily Bulletin | http://www.dailybulletin.com/general-news/20130319/officer-involved-shooting-in-pomona-still-under-investigation | |||||||||||||||||
2017 | Samantha Aguilar | Montebello | CA | Latinx | 28 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a domestic disturbance at a hotel. When they arrived, Samantha got into her car and allegedly drove toward her boyfriend / the police. Police responded by shooting her multiple times and killing her. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-montebello-police-shooting-20170617-story.html | |||||||||||||||||
1996 | Kimberly Lashon Watkins | Pomona | CA | Black | 29 | Fatal | Kimberly was allegedly driving under the influence of drugs when she crashed into a fast-food restaurant. When police arrived, she allegedly resisted arrest. More police arrived, and shot her with a Taser stun dart. She was then taken to the hospital where her heart stopped and she was pronounced death. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/1996-07-22/local/me-26698_1_stun-dart | |||||||||||||||||
2011 | Maria Ruvalcaba | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 29 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a "violent woman". When they arrived at Maria's home, she had reportedly locked herself in her bathroom. She then came out and allegedly lunged at police with a knife. They shot her multiple times. | LA Times | http://homicide.latimes.com/post/maria-ruvalcaba/ | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Charlena Cooks | Barstow | CA | Black | 29 | Physical | Police responded to an altercation in a parking lot between Charlena and a white woman. After the latter woman was asked her story, Charlena was approached, arrested, and aggressively pushed to the ground by police, supposedly for not giving her name to the cop. | CNN | http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/28/us/barstow-california-police-video-pregnant-woman-arrest/index.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Jessica Leanne Nelson-Williams | San Francisco | CA | Black | 29 | Fatal | Jessica Williams was shot while sitting in her car after an alleged police chase she was involved in. Police approached her car when she crashed and was attempting to reverse. She was unarmed when she was shot and killed in her car. | ABC 7 News | http://abc7news.com/news/sf-police-chief-resigns-following-latest-fatal-police-shooting-/1345944/ | The officer was fired by the mayor | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2008 | Tamara Angela Hurtado (also known as Angelica Lopez) | Hemet | CA | Indigenous/Native American | 30 | Fatal | Tamara and her companion were shot and killed by police after an hour long gun battle involving 9 cops. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/2008/may/15/local/me-briefs15.S1 | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Redel Kentel Jones | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 30 | Fatal | Police responded to a robbery when they encountered Redel. Police report that Redel approached them with a knife, and that they responded by shooting her. However, a witness says she never turned towards them, that a taser was never used, and that she was running away from police when she was shot. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-lapd-shooting-witness-20150813-story.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2000 | Erin Colleen McDonald | Windsor | CA | Unknown | 31 | Fatal | Erin was shot by police 5 times after she called 911 for help during a psychotic episode. | Pachline | http://pachline.org/sonoma-county-stolen-lives-2000-2011/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Maria Rita Zarate | Bakersfield | CA | Latinx | 31 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a reportedly suicidal woman walking in the street with a gun. When they arrived, a mental health professional allegedly tried to talk Maria into dropping the gun; she then allegedly raised the gun at police, and was shot by 6 different officers. They then found the gun to be an airsoft pellet pistol (a non-lethal gun). | Bakersfield.com | http://www.bakersfield.com/archives/woman-shot-by-police-was-pointing-airsoft-pistol-at-officers/article_b71c011b-86bf-5d9f-84b8-6bea1d23f141.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Kisha Michael | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 31 | Fatal | Police responded to a "suspicious vehicle" parked on a street; when they arrived, they claim they saw Kisha had a gun in her car. They then fired 13 shots at her, killing her and the man (Marquintan Sandlin). Family members say Kisha did not own a gun. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-inglewood-police-shooting-20170221-story.html | 5 of the police officers involved in the shooting are no longer working for the LAPD, though it is unclear whether they resigned or were fired. | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Vicki Avila | La Habra | CA | Latinx | 31 | Fatal | Vicki called police hoping to get mental health treatment and to report a domestic disturbance. Police arrested her on suspicion of assault on a police officer. In jail, deputies shot her with a taser gun when she allegedly got into a fight with a cellmate. After being taken to the hospital for reasons unrelated fight and tasering, she was transferred back to jail, at which point she suffered a heart attack. Evidence points to the correlation between drug and alcohol addiction she had dealt with for many years and the tasering - a combination which may have been the reason for her death. | Pasadena Star News | https://www.pasadenastarnews.com/2007/04/30/grand-jury-faults-jailers-in-womans-death/ | |||||||||||||||||
1996 | Alicia Sotero Vasquez | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 32 | Physical | Alicia was violently beaten by police officers after a police chase. The van she was in contained 18 other people. | JSTOR / ALICIA SOTERO VÁSQUEZ: Police Brutality against an Undocumented Mexican Woman | http://www.jstor.org/stable/23014439?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents | The deputy that beat her was fired | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2002 | Lydia "Tammy" Rodriguez | Fresno | CA | Latinx | 32 | Fatal | Little has been published about Lydia or her death but reports say she was waving a hatchet at a police offer at a car dealership, where she was then shot by police. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/2002/sep/10/local/me-sbriefs10.1 | |||||||||||||||||
2012 | Valeria Munique Alvarado | Chula Vista | CA | Latinx | 32 | Fatal | Valeria was fleeing from an apartment where police were trying to arrest a felon. Her car hit a border agent as she was trying to leave. When a second agent tried to reach in and take her keys out of ignition, she drove into the agent again, at which point he was on her windshield. He then shot and killed her. | San Diego Tribune | http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-claim-filed-against-border-patrol-in-womans-death-2012oct12-story.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Mayra Cornejo | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 34 | Fatal | Police officer responded to reports of a woman threatening / firing at a man in Compton; she allegedly refused to drop her weapon and they promptly shot and killed her | LA Times | http://homicide.latimes.com/post/mayra-cornejo/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
1998 | Chila Amaya | Union City | CA | Latinx | 35 | Fatal | Chila's brother called police when he claimed his sister was on drugs and threatening to harm herself. When police arrived, they shot her 6 times through a locked security door, even though witnesses say she never posed a threat to police. | Berkeley Daily Planet | http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2004-09-03/article/19554 | Amaya's family were given $1 million in damages | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | Alesia Thomas | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 35 | Fatal | Alesia was approached by police after she left her 2 children at a police station, declaring she could not take care of them. The officer severly beat Alesia. While Alesia pleaded for medical attention and repeated that she could not breathe, the officer waited 30 minutes in her patrol car before taking Alesia to the hospital, at which point she was pronounced dead. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-alesia-thomas-settlement-20151014-story.html | The officer responsible was sentenced to 36 months in jail. Alesia's family received a $2.5 million settlement from the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Jessica Gonzalez | Santa Ana | CA | Latinx | 35 | Fatal | Jessica was shot by police after they encountered her in an alley and allegedly saw her holding a gun. They later found a replica handgun near her body, and at the time of the shooting they had been looking for her in connection with the recent death of her partner. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-orange-santa-ana-shooting-20130624-story.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Wakeisha Wilson | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 35 | Fatal | Wakeisha Wilson was arrested on suspicion of battery for allegedly punching a patient in a hospital. She was found dead in her cell 24 hours after her arrest. 21 minutes of surveillance footage on Wakeisha's cell was "inadvertendly deleted". LAPD has pointed to Wakeisha's history of psychiatric hospitalization and suicidal thoughts to determine that they were not responsible for Wakeisha's death, and suggest it was suicide. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-wakiesha-wilson-20170710-story.html | x | x | MOTHER, DISABILITY | ||||||||||||||
1997 | Venus Renee Baird | Oakland | CA | Black | 37 | Fatal | Police were called by Venus' neighbor reporting a family argument; when police arrived, they shot her, alleging she had waved a butcher knife at them. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed1.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | Susie Young Kim | Santa Ana | CA | Asian | 37 | Fatal | Susie was involved in a police chase after she evaded a traffic stop. It is unclear what specifically prompted the officer to shoot her when the police chase ended, but the office shot and killed Susie with her baby in the back seat. | OC Register | http://www.ocregister.com/2011/10/18/santa-ana-settles-case-of-mom-fatally-shot-by-officer/ | The family settled for an undisclosed amount of money with the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2015 | Norma Angie Guzman | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 37 | Fatal | Police were responding to a report that Norma had threatened a man with a knife; when they arrived (while she was having a psychotic episode), they shot and killed her rather than attempting to subdue her in a non-lethal way. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-lapd-shooting-video-20160406-story.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Sinuon Pream | Long Beach | CA | Asian | 37 | Fatal | Police responded to multiple calls about a woman in the street swinging and threatening people with a knife. When they arrived, she attempted to walk away from police. They allegedly used a taser on her to no effect. When Sinuon reportedly swung the knife at police, they fired around 14 shots, killing her. | CBS News | http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2017/01/21/woman-killed-in-long-beach-police-officer-involved-shooting-identifed/ | https://www.youcaring.com/sopheapdiggs-738127 | x | x | DISABILITY MOTHER | |||||||||||||
2015 | Yuvette Henderson | Oakland | CA | Black | 38 | Fatal | Police responded to a report in a mall of a woman shoplifting and carrying a gun. When police found Yuvette, they immediately shot at her at least 12 times, killing her. Police later claimed that Yuvette was trying to carjack 3 cars, had a gun and was threatening them, witnesses say she had no gun, and autopsy reports show that the last and fatal round of bullets were fired when Yuvette was unarmed and on the ground. | Oakland Post | http://www.oaklandpost.org/2017/03/17/judge-allows-lawsuit-to-proceed-against-emeryville-police-who-killed-woman/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
1979 | Eulia May Love | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 39 | Fatal | Eulia was approached by police at her house when she was using a knife to "whack at two rubber trees" in her backyard. They arrived in response to a report of a conflict involving her (reports vary as to which conflict). Police shot her 12 times, killing her, when she allegedly prepared to throw her knife (one report states she threw it and missed the police). | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/1999/jun/06/opinion/op-44648 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2007 | Anita Delgado | Sylmar | CA | Latinx | 39 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a robbery; when they arrived, Anita allegedly held a woman hostage at gunpoint. When the woman escaped, she reportedly threated police with her gun; they then shot her. Her weapon turned out to be a plastic gun. | LA Times | http://homicide.latimes.com/post/anita-delgado/ | |||||||||||||||||
2010 | Gwendolyn Killings | Oakland | CA | Black | 39 | Fatal | Police began to chase Gwendolyn and her male companion in her car when police noticed they were driving a stolen car. At the end of the chase, an officer stepped in front of the car. Gwendolyn allegedly revved her engine to threaten the officer, and police shot her. However, in her daughter's subsequent lawsuit, they claim Gwendolyn was unconscious or otherwise immobilized and posed on threat at the time she was shot. | Patch | https://patch.com/california/sanleandro/city-sued-for-15-million-by-daughter-of-woman-shot-by-police | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Michelle Lee Shirley | Torrance (Los Angeles) | CA | Black | 39 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a reckless driver; when they arrived, she had been in a crash. As she tried to leave the scene, at least 3 police officers fired around 33 shots, killing her. Allegedly police began shooting after her car ran into a police vehicle; however, a witnesses' footage of the incident contests this. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3897234/Michelle-Lee-Shirley-shot-dead-police-Torrance.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | Jazmyne Ha Eng | Los Angeles | CA | Asian | 40 | Fatal | Staff at a mental health facility, where Jazmyne was a patient, called for a psychiatric hold. Police showed up and despite Jazymne being described as "sitting quietly for hours", she allegedly held a hammer above her head. Police reported that they attempted to use a taser on her, but that it did not work effectively. They then shot her. The autopsy report shows no evidence of a taser dart in Eng. | Pasadena Star News | http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/general-news/20140218/county-approves-18-million-settlement-in-shooting-of-mentally-ill-rosemead-woman | The family received a settlement of $1.8 million for Jazymne's death. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2002 | Guanda Denise Turner | Long Beach | CA | Black | 41 | Fatal | Guanda was placed in a chokehold by police after she was questioned by them regarding "her drug-dealing activities". Allegedly a confrontation ensued, and after being placed in a chokehold, she slipped into a coma and then died. | Court document | https://longbeach.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=465401&GUID=D07C3868-A54B-4B5F-91A3-EE28B54680C1 | A $19,000 settlement was reached between the city and Guanda's mother from her wrongful death lawsuit. | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Kayla Moore | Berkeley | CA | Black | 41 | Fatal | Kayla's roommate called police, saying Kayla had been drinking and doing drugs. When police arrived, Kayla was calm and cooking food. Police insisted there was a warrant for her arrest (which was incorrect). When Kayla demanded they show evidence of the warrant, 8 officers tackled her to the ground, causing her to asphyxiate. They denied providing her CPR because they did not have the material to separate their lips from hers. | The Daily Californian | http://www.dailycal.org/2014/05/07/leaked-documents-shed-new-light-kayla-moore-death/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Maria Rodriguez | Bakersfield | CA | Latinx | 42 | Fatal | Maria was on the property of a stone business in the early hours of the morning when police arrived. She allegedly brought out a BB gun replica of a handgun, and officers shot her in response. It is unknown why she was there or whether she suffered from mental illness. | KSBW News | http://www.ksbw.com/article/bakersfield-officers-kill-woman-armed-with-bb-gun-man-armed-with-gasoline/1054666 | |||||||||||||||||
2001 | Rosa Viera | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | 43 | Fatal | Little has been reported about Rosa or her death, other than that she and her male companion were shot by police. | LA Times | http://homicide.latimes.com/post/rosa-viera/ | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Monique Jenee Deckard | Anaheim | CA | Black | 43 | Fatal | After Monique's family called police for a wellness check on Monique, a stabbing was reported with Monique being the suspect. When police found Monique in her apartment and asked her to come out, she came out wielding two knives and charging at them according to their report. They shot and killed her. | NBC | http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Woman-Fatally-Shot-in-Anaheim-Identified-295644671.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2000 | Karen O. Chin | Alameda | CA | Asian | 44 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a fight between Karen and her sisters. When police arrived, Karen was allegedly stabbing her sister with a pair of scissors. Officers immediately shot Karen, killing her. | SF Gate | http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Woman-Stabbing-Sister-Killed-by-Alameda-Police-2782832.php | |||||||||||||||||
2008 | Maria Irma de La Torre | Salinas | CA | Latinx | 45 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a woman "acting strangely". When they arrived, Maria was sitting in her car seemingly stabbing herself in the neck with an object. According to police, she allegedly then opened the door and rushed at police with the object; they shot her 3 times. However, the object was a crochet hook and non-police witnesses say Maria had nothing in her hands at the time she was shot. | The Californian | http://www.drivecms.com/uploads/haddadandsherwin.com/412177200Californian.102010.pdf | Maria's mother and husband received a $2.1 million settlement. | x | |||||||||||||||
2004 | Jeanne Hamilton | Palmdale | CA | Unknown | 46 | Fatal | Jeanne was tasered and pepper sprayed during a traffic stop where she was arrested and taken to jail. Two hours later she stopped breathing in her cell and was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead. | Amnesty International | http://www.amnestyinternational.be/IMG/pdf/List_of_deaths_Taser.pdf | X | TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||||
1965 | Rena Price | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 49 | Physical | Rena was assaulted and arrested by police when she came to her son's defense, who was being arrested and then hit in the head by police. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jun/22/local/la-me-rena-price-20130623 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | Siolosega Velega-Nuufolau | Santa Nella Village | CA | Asian | 50 | Fatal | Police responded to a call from a neighbor reporting that Siolosega was waving a knife in her driveway and loudly asking for 911 to be called. When police arrived, they shot and killed her after she allegedly waved the knife at them in "an aggressive and threatening manner" | The Fresno Bee | http://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/crime/article52044185.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2008 | Anita Gray | Berkeley | CA | Black | 51 | Fatal | Police were responding to a call about a domestic dispute. When a police officer approached Anita on her porch, he shot her in the back. Police alleged that Anita had advanced toward the officer with a knife, but witnesses say Anita had dropped the knife before she was shot. The bullet went into the house and almost hit both Anita's daughter and grandchild. | Berkeley Daily Planet | http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2008-02-15/article/29254 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Marlene Pinnock | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 51 | Physical | A police officer responded to multiple calls about a woman walking barefoot along the highway. When the officer arrived, Marlene was straddled, punched and brutally beaten on the side of the highway. She suffered a traumatic head injury as a result. | CBS News | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/marlene-pinnock-settlement-beating-california-highway-patrol-daniel-andrew/ | Marlene received a $1.5 million settlement from the city. The officer responsible also agreed to resign, though criminal charges against were dismissed. | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2009 | Dora Luis | Shafter | CA | Latinx | 52 | Fatal | Dora was shot by police after she allegedly lunged at officers with a knife during a schizophrenic and/or depressive episode. | Bakersfield News | http://www.bakersfield.com/news/shafter-police-family-deal-with-aftermath-of-woman-s-death/article_14d0d8c6-e1d8-56bc-822b-484f61d41c99.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Juanita (referred to by family as Joaquina) Mendez-Medrano | Perris | CA | Latinx | 52 | Physical | Juanita was told she was not allowed to leave without being issued a citation. When she attempted to leave, she was thrown to the ground and almost suffocated while selling flowers outside a graduation ceremony | KTLA | http://ktla.com/2017/07/17/video-showing-arrest-of-street-vendor-in-perris-sparks-outrage/ | https://www.youcaring.com/joaquina-879096 | x | x | ||||||||||||||
1999 | Margaret Mitchell | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 54 | Fatal | Margaret, a 102 lb homeless woman, was approached by police who were attemptig to decipher whether she was pushing a stolen grocery cart. According to police, she seemed mentally ill and lunged at police with a screwdriver when they shot at her. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/2000/dec/16/local/me-833 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2008 | Teresa Sheehan | San Francisco | CA | Black | 56 | Physical | Police were called to take Teresa to an emergency psychiatric evaluation. When they arrived, she allegedly threatened them with a knife. They shot her 5-6 times, causing her to later need two hip replacement surgeries. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/mar/23/police-shooting-mentally-ill-teresa-sheehan-supreme-court | Teresa's lawsuit went to the US Supreme Court and she recieved a $1 million settlement. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2002 | Marcella Byrd | Long Beach | CA | Black | 57 | Fatal | Marcella was leaving a grocery store after allegedly not paying the $155 charge for her groceries during a schizophrenic episode when police arrived. She was told to drop her knife; when their alleged attempts at bean bag rounds did not subdue her and when she allegedly raised her knife in an aggressive way at them, they shot at her and killed her. According to one report, she raised the knife in reaction to being hit in the thigh with a second beanbag roud. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/2004/apr/01/local/me-byrd1 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2011 | Brenda Williams | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 57 | Fatal | Police responded to a call that a woman was shooting at her daughter and grandchildren. Police called to Brenda to drop her weapon when they arrived, but she did not respond (most likely because she was deaf). She allegedly pointed the gun at her neighbor, at which point they shot her multiple times. | LA Times | http://articles.latimes.com/2011/apr/29/local/la-me-watts-shooting-20110429 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Ariel Levy | Hayward | CA | Black | 62 | Fatal | Police were performing a welfare check on Ariel after she had made multiple calls to police about a recent police interaction where her son had been arrested. When police arrived, she allegedly walked out of her apartment with a handgun. They shot her multiple times. | SF Gate | http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Hayward-police-shoot-and-kill-armed-woman-5205798.php | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Ok Jin Jun | Los Angeles | CA | Asian | 62 | Physical | Ok was driving behind a police car when she honked at them. They let her pass by, then followed her and violently arrested her, including slamming her against her car. She suffered injuries to her face as a result of the violent incident. | NBC Los Angeles | http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/62-Year-Old-Woman-LAPD-Officers-Roughed-Her-Up-in-Church-Parking-Lot-381842761.html | Ok received a $300,000 settlement from the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2015-2016 | Jasmine "Celeste Guap" Adulsin | Oakland | CA | Latinx | 17-18 | Sexual | Celeste was sexually assaulted and exploited by more than 30 police officer between 2015 and 2016; she was paid by some officers and some she had sex with her in exchange for information about undercover prostitution stings. 4 of the officers had sex with her when she was underage. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/prostitute-reveals-new-details-bay-area-police-sex-scandal-article-1.2694945 | Her family has won a $989,000 settlement | POLICING PROSTITUTION | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Rae'Ven Kelly | Los Angeles | CA | Black | 30 (?) | Physical/Sexual | Rae'Ven disclosed a recent encounter with police on a train wherein she was accused of riding for free, and subsequently violently beaten and groped by police. | Campus Lately | http://campuslately.com/diseney-star-racially-profiled-and-physically-beaten-by-l-a-police/ | |||||||||||||||||
2004 | [name redacted] | Los Angeles | CA | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | An undocumented woman called the police for help because a man was beating her in her home. When the officer arrived, rather than protecting the woman from harm, he took her into a bedroom, sexually battered her, and then arrested her, falsely accusing her of a crime. | Press release; Invisible No More | The officer was convicted of criminal sexual battery. | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2007 | "R.H." | Bell | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer plead guilty to sexually assaulting a woman while threatening her with his gun during a traffic stop | CNN | http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/07/17/officer.sex.assault/index.html | The officer was sentenced to 9 years in prison. | X | TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||||
2008 | [name redacted] | Los Angeles | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Two officers have been charged with repeatedly raping and sexually assaulting at least four women from 2008 to 2011 while on duty. The police officers threatened their victims with arrest if they did not comply with their demands and abused at least some of the women in the back seat of the unmarked police car they drove together. One of the two officers also is accused of assaulting one woman with a gun. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-lapd-officers-sexual-assault-20160217-story.html | Both officers were sentenced to 25 years in prison. | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Bakersfield | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer was arrested on sexual battery charge for sexually assualting a woman while on duty | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Bakersfield | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An officer was charged with inappropriately touching a woman who rode in his patrol car after a party. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/08/the-county-kern-county-california-sexual-assault-secret-payoffs | A civil lawsuit was settled for $72,500 before coming to trial. | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Melanie Wilson | San Diego | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Melanie was collecting recyclable cans when a police officer pulled over to her and questioned her. Melanie said she was lost and the officer drove her to a home she had been staying at. As she was exiting the car, the officer stated he needed to search Melanie for contraband, which consisted of an extensive full-body search where he touched her breasts and vagina. | San Diego Reader | https://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2017/jun/20/ticker-san-diego-police-sex-nepotism-charge/# | x | HOMELESS | |||||||||||||||
2017 | "N.G." | San Diego | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police deputy came to a couple's house when the woman's husband called police to complain that his wife was drunk and on drugs. When the call was made, the woman and her daughter left in the car - at which point police approached her in the street and asked what motel she was staying at. The deputy then followed her to her hotel and sexually assaulted her inside the bathroom. | San Diego Tribune | http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/immigration/sd-me-fischer-claim-20180625-story.html | x | X | x | MOTHER, WAR ON DRUGS, DV | |||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | Sacramento | CA | Black | unknown | Physical | Two female Black Lives Matter protestors were arrested by police when police arrived to allegedly stop protestors from blocking the car of a woman trying to exit a parking garage. Protestors say that they were not blocking the car, and that police suddenly started pushing them with their bikes. One officer jumped on top of the woman and then tasered her before arresting both of them. | Sacramento Bee | http://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article208772059.html | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | Los Angeles | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Two police officers were arrested for luring and detaining women in their cars and sexually assaulting them for over a year. | Independent | https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/luis-valenzuela-james-nichols-los-angeles-police-officers-sexual-assault-rape-a8231441.html | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Elieen Aquino | West Covina | CA | Latinx | unknown | Physical | Police made a traffic stop on Eileen and her husband; when the police discovered her husband was on probation, he ordered Eileen and him to get out so that they could search her car. As Eileen recorded the incident, the officer threatened her, tackled her inside the car and forcibly removed Eileen from the passenger seat, bruising her. Police also hit, kicked and brutalized her husband. | ABC 7 | http://abc7.com/woman-claims-west-covina-officers-hit-kicked-husband-during-traffic-stop/3363642/ | x | TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||||
1965 | Rena Frye | Los Angeles | CA | Black | unknown | Physical | Rena was allegedly assaulted by police in a violent arrest when she arrived at the scene where her son, Marquette Frye, was being arrested for "drunk driving." | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/traffic-stop-ignited-watts-riots-50-years-article-1.2321722 | |||||||||||||||||
2000 | [redacted name] | Los Angeles | CA | Black | unknown | Physical | Officers responding to a “family quarrel” had beaten her in her home until she fainted, while her children were locked outside, powerless to answer their mother’s cries for help. The officers then gagged her and dragged her across her yard to their police car. | Police Brutality and International Human Rights in the United States: The Report on Hearings Held in Los Angeles, California, Illinois, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Fall 1999 | x | |||||||||||||||||
2003 | [name redacted] | Los Angeles | CA | Indigenous/Native American | unknown | Sexual | This woman was pulled over by police on the alleged basis of prositution. She told them she was just walking; however, police forced her into their car and 2 officers beat and raped her and then left her in the street. When she called 911 to report the incident, paramedics didn't believe her. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2003 | [name redacted] | unknown | CA | Multi-Racial | unknown | Physical | The woman called police for help with a conflict between her, her partner, and a contractor. When police arrived and discovered the same-sex relationship, police began to brutalize her. Officers wrenched her arm, threw her to the ground, pulled down her pants, placed her in a chokehold, and hit and kicked her. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | [redacted name] | El Monte | CA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | This woman was approached and then raped by police officer. | New York City Young Women's Initiative | http://www.shewillbe.nyc/YWI-Report-and-Recommendations.pdf | The officer was put on unpaid administrative leave. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2017 | Jennye Pagoada Lopez | San Ysidro | CA | Latinx | unknown | Physical | Jennye arrived at the border post of San Ysidro pleading for medical attention because she was pregnant and bleeding. She was detained, denied medical help and subjected to abusive conditions, leading her to a miscarriage four days later. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-pregnant-women-ice-20170928-story.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
in or before 2003 | [redacted name] | Los Angeles | CA | Indigenous/Native American | unknown | Sexual | This woman was arrested by police allegedly for prositution, but during the arrest the officers brutally raped her. | x | x | |||||||||||||||||
unknown | [name redacted] | Los Angeles | CA | Indigenous/Native American | unknown | Physical/Sexual | A police officer approached this woman while she was smoking a cigarette. He hit her, shoved her onto a tree, and forced her to strip off all her clothes to reveal "where the drugs were". | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
unknown | [redacted name] | Anaheim | CA | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | An officer stopped a woman, asked her if she had her papers, and then forced her to perform oral sex. | LA Times | http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/05/anaheim-sex-case-.html | The officer was charged. | x | |||||||||||||||
unknown | [redacted name] | Encinintas | CA | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | A border enforcement agent who was questioning a woman “asked if she worked as a prostitute”; then he made her pull her shirt up and touched her, while looking around to make sure no one was around. He made her pull her pants and underwear down and penetrated her with his finger. | Whose Safety?: Women of Color and Violence by Law Enforcement | https://www.afsc.org/sites/afsc.civicactions.net/files/documents/whose%20safety.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
unknown | [name redacted] | Los Angeles | CA | Unknown | unknown | Physical | A young woman stopped to gather her books before leaving an area as ordered by a police officer stationed in her high school. The officer grabbed her in a choke hold despite her saying she couldn't breathe. The young woman transferred to another school after the incident, too humiliated to return. | (Police in LAUSD Schools: The Need for Accountability and Alternatives, 10, Community Rights Campaign and Los Angeles Chapter of Dignity in Schools Campaign, 2010) | can't find link | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Zityrua Abraham | Sacramento | CA | Black | unknown | Physical | 7-8 police cars pulled up and stormed Zityrua's home with guns drawn. After illegally searching her apartment, and grabbing her and slamming her down on her pregnant belly, they realized they had raided the wrong unit while looking for an alleged car thief. As a result, her neck was sprained, her shoulders were injured, and it unknown so far whether her fetus was harmed. | Fox 40 | http://fox40.com/2017/07/10/pregnant-woman-says-sacramento-police-officers-threw-her-to-the-ground-while-searching-for-suspect/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Jessie Hernandez | Denver | CO | Latinx | 17 | Fatal | Jessie was shot by police as she sat in a car with friends in an alley. Police then dragged her body out of the car, slammed her to the ground, handcuffed her and searched her while she was unconscious. | WestWord | http://www.westword.com/news/jessica-hernandez-police-shooting-denver-paying-1-million-settlement-8964507 | The family of Jessie received $999,900 in a settlement from the city. A policy change in Denver PD also resulted from the case; Denver PD are no longer allowed to shoot at moving or fleeing vehicles. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2011 | Christen Lea Vargas | Colorado Springs | CO | Latinx | 27 | Fatal | Christen was pulled over by police who identified her as a woman evading a warrant for her arrest. While an officer talked to a passenger in Christen's car, Christen attempted to drive away, driving over the officer's foot in the process. The police then opened fire. | Colorado Springs Gazette | http://gazette.com/shooting-unjustified-family-of-slain-woman-claims/article/124956 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Denise Michelle Washington | Aurora | CO | Black | 30 | Fatal | Denise was shot 5 times after police were called due to her "erratic" and "crazy" behavior. The officer fired shots after she hit him with a candlestick. | Denver Post | https://la.utexas.edu/users/jmciver/357L/P5/DP_Officer%20shot%20woman%20five%20times-twice%20in%20the%20back_092403.htm | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Ronette Morales | Denver | CO | Latinx | 30 | Fatal | Police were looking for Ronette on a warrant for burglary when she fired a shot that hit an officer's hand. Another officer then shot her with her kids by her side, killing her. | Denver Post | http://www.denverpost.com/2013/01/30/denver-sheriffs-deputy-shot-in-hand-woman-with-gun-killed/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Stephanie Lopez | Englewood | CO | Latinx | 32 | Fatal | Stephanie was shot by police after being involved in a police chase over an alleged carjacking. The police began shooting after the car being chased was pushed to the side of the road. | US News | https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/colorado/articles/2017-07-03/1-victim-in-colorado-officer-involved-shootings-identified | |||||||||||||||||
2012 | Donna Lynn Martinez | Lakewood | CO | Latina | 39 | Fatal | Donna and her friend were stopped by police on a traffic stop. Her friend allegedly became "combative" and was tased by police, at which point Donna tried to drive away. With the officer's arm allegedly still in the car, he shot her. | Denver Post | http://www.denverpost.com/2012/09/07/woman-shot-during-confrontation-with-lakewood-police-identified/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2006 | [name redacted] | Colorado Springs | CO | Unknown | unknown | Physical | An officer pulled over a woman on a traffic stop, and then claimed she resisted arrest. In response, police broke her window and dragged her out her car by her hair and neck, then pinning her to the ground with his knee in her back (and ignoring her pleas that she was disabled). | The Gazette | http://gazette.com/article/52792 | The woman received $15,000 for physical injuries in her excessive force lawsuit | x | x | DISABILITY, TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Grand Junction | CO | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An officer who had already been accused of sexual assault responding to this woman's 911 call about an altercation. When he arrived at her house, he raped her. | Denver Post | https://www.denverpost.com/2013/06/05/court-ruling-for-grand-junction-police-affirmed/ | X | DV | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Oyzhana Williams | Aurora | CO | Black | Physical | Oyzhana was in the parking lot of a hospital after taking her boyfriend there due to gunshot wounds he suffered. Officers arrived to the hospital in response to the shooting, and demanded Oyzhana hand over her keys so that the car she had driven her boyfriend in could be searched and examined. A disagreement ensued, ending with Oyzhana dropping her keys to the ground in front of the officers, to which they responded by dragging her out of the police car, choking her with their forearm, and throwing her to the floor. The officers then piled onto her, handcuffed her and arrested her. | Westword | http://www.westword.com/news/aurora-pays-335000-to-settle-oyzhana-willaims-police-abuse-lawsuit-10344822 | x | HEALTH CRISIS | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | Diamond Rust | Washington | DC | Black | 20 | Physical | Diamond was arrested for fare evasion after boarding the MTA bus with her children. An undercover cop slammed her down on the ground and beat her aggressively in front of her kids, resulting in open wounds on her face, 4 broken teeth, and a fractured knee. | WUSA9 | http://www.wusa9.com/mobile/article/news/local/dc/police-did-this-to-mommy-woman-injured-during-arrest-at-dc-bus-stop/65-517248377 | x | MOTHER | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Marquesha McMillan | Washington | DC | Black | 21 | Fatal | Police were responding to a call about a liquor store robbery. Marquesha and her male companion were approached outside the store by police, at which point police say Marquesha shot at officers as she ran to hide behind a dumpster. They shot at her 8 times. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/dc-officers-involving-in-killing-robbery-suspect-who-shot-at-them-will-not-be-charged-authorities-say/2016/10/31/f53ac7bc-9f82-11e6-8832-23a007c77bb4_story.html?utm_term=.203a3aa9e1ec | |||||||||||||||||
2003 | Charquissa Johnson | Washington | DC | Black | 23 | Fatal | Police were called on a shots-fired call. When they arrived, Charquissa's neighbors said it was probably firecrackers. They then approached Charquissa, at which point she allegedly brought out a pistol and aimed at them. However, witnesses say that Charquissa was not armed and had her hands in the air when she was shot by police. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2003/05/10/cover-up-claimed-in-shooting/e8b96862-46f9-455b-9d08-fb13652132e1/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
1950 | Maggie Peay | Washington | DC | Black | 24 | Physical | An officer arrived at Maggie's home looking for a man. When she protested his invasion of her home, he beat her, possibly fracturing her skull. He also slapped her baby and arrested her. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Ebony Belcher | Washington | DC | Black | 32 | Physical | Ebony was using the women's restroom when a security guard at Giant's assaulted her and forced her out of the bathroom. The guard also called her derogatory names in the process. | HuffingtonPost | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/security-guard-trans-woman-bathroom_us_573e0ca6e4b0646cbeec78d9 | The officer was arrested and charged with assault. | x | x | TRANS/GNC, DISABILITY | |||||||||||||
2013 | Miriam Iris Carey | Washington | DC | Black | 34 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a fight between Karen and her sisters. When police arrived, Karen was allegedly stabbing her sister with a pair of scissors. Officers immediately shot Karen, killing her. | Washington Post | http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2014/11/26/how-miriam-careys-u-turn-at-a-white-house-checkpoint-led-to-her-death/?utm_term=.aedb347069d2 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2002 | [name redacted] | Washington | DC | Unknown | unknown | Physical | A trans woman was choked by her male partner and chased through their apartment as she tried to defend herself. When she called the police, they reportedly responded by arresting her, handcuffing her, and forcing her down the stairs, though her abuser was not arrested. As soon as officers saw her identification, they misgendered her. She was detained for seven or eight hours at the police station, and was initially charged with civil assault against her abuser. | Invisible No More; outtakes | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
2002 | [name redacted] | Washington | DC | Black | unknown | Physical | Police smashed this woman's face into a door and chipped her tooth. The officer then proceeded to unbutton her trousers during a search on the street. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
2002 | [redacted name] | Washington | DC | Black | unknown | Sexual | A Black lesbian reported that Washington, DC, police officers unbuttoned her trousers during a street search, asking her, “Why are you wearing boys’ underwear? Are you a dyke? Do you eat pussy?” | Washington Blade | can't find link | x | ||||||||||||||||
unknown | Toni Collins | Washington | DC | Black | unknown | Sexual | Toni recounted how, while working as a sex worker, she was forced to have sex with police multiple times. Police would threaten her that if she didn't have sex with them, they would arrest her for prostitution. | "Disposable People,” The Intelligence Report | http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/SPLC/SPLC-IR-2.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2004 | Nizah Morris | Key West | DE | Black | 47 | Fatal | Nizah was leaving a bar and grill when bystanders called 911 due to her heavily intoxicated state. A police car arrived and cancelled the ambulance, upon Nizah's request to just go home. According to the police officer, who began to drive her home, she wanted to be let out miles from her home. She was then found unconscious and bleeding profusely from a head injury on the street a few minutes later by a motorist; she died hours later. The circumstances surrouding her death remain very grey, as the injury may have resulted from the butt of a gun, and police went to great lengths to cover up the details of their interaction with Nizah. | The Daily Beast | http://www.thedailybeast.com/cops-covered-up-trans-womans-mysterious-death | x | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | [name redacted] | Groveland | FL | Black | 11 | Physical | In response to a burglary alarm going off by accident, police arrived at a home and pushed an 11 year old girl down onto the ground in her own bedroom. She says police held her at gunpoint and held her the floor with their knee. | HuffingtonPost | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/17/fairfield-ohio-pool-police_n_7603484.html | |||||||||||||||||
2004 | [redacted name] | Miami | FL | Unknown | 12 | Physical | A young girl was approached by police at a swimming pool for drinking, smoking, and skipping class. When he tried to arrest her, she began running away from him, at which point he tasered her "for her own safety". | CNN | http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/11/14/children.tasers/ | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | Margate | FL | Black | 16 | Physical | A fight between high school students broke out, and police arrived. At least 4 officers pinned a young girl to the floor and then tasered her before arresting her. 6 other people, including a mother of one of the high schoolers who was trying to break up the fight, were arrested during the incident. | Local 10 | https://www.local10.com/video/cop-stuns-student-with-taser-while-she-was-resisting-arrest-at-margate-school-police-say | x | SCHOOL | |||||||||||||||
2001 | Andrena Kitt | Pensacola | FL | Black | 21 | Fatal | Kitt was approached while in her car by an officer who suspected her of drug-related crimes. Frightened, she fled, minorly injuring the officer on her way; she was promptly shot at ("volley of gunfire") and killed. | Jacksonville News | http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/apnews/stories/042301/D7BID5M00.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Alteria Woods | Vero Beach | FL | Black | 21 | Fatal | Pregnant Alteria Woods was shot and killed during a gun battle that resulted from a drug raid. She was inside the house, but was not the person police were after. | WPTV | http://www.wptv.com/news/region-indian-river-county/person-killed-deputy-injured-in-gifford-as-swat-team-attempts-to-serve-warrant | |||||||||||||||||
2008 | Latoya Monique Grier | Jacksonville | FL | Black | 22 | Fatal | LaToya was pulled over for speeding; she then drove away after the officer approached her. After a police chase ensued, the officer approached LaToya's window with a gun. She tried to escape on foot but was caught by him. While the officer brought her back to his car, she allegedly took out a small revolver and fired at him (missing). He then shot her. A witness said she only saw LaToya swing at him and did not see a gun. | The Florida-Times Union | http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/040208/met_264111096.shtml#.WXUP59PyvX8 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | Damaris Jaramillo | Homestead | FL | Latinx | 22 | Fatal | Damaris was involved in kidnapping 2 teenage boys and holding them for ransom. When police arrived at the scene, Damaris allegeldy raised a gun at police, at which point they shot her. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/?icid=hjx004 | |||||||||||||||||
2017 | Cariann Denise Hithon | Miami Beach | FL | Black | 22 | Fatal | Cariann was involved in a car crash; when police arrived on scene, she tried to drive away. Her car hit a police officer, prompting another officer behind the fleeing car to shoot at her as she was driving. Her car rammed into another car and she died at a nearby hospital. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/woman-fatally-shot-driving-22-aspiring-lawyer-article-1.3553039 | |||||||||||||||||
2011 | Elba Luz Cartagena | St. Cloud | FL | Latina | 24 | Fatal | Elba reportedly fired a gun in her apartment, prompting her roommate to call police. When police arrived, they chased Elba with a gun in her hand; cornered, she allegedly threatened them. They shot her 4 times. | Orlando Senteniel | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2011-06-30/news/os-victim-police-shooting-st-cloud-20110630_1_police-shooting-gun-charge-gun-arrest | |||||||||||||||||
2012 | Joanna Ann Mojica | Bradenton | FL | Latinx | 26 | Fatal | Police were responding to a call about a burglary. When they found Joanna, she allegedly drove in the direction of police officers in order to escape. They shot at her, killing her. | Herald Tribune | http://www.heraldtribune.com/news/20120719/update-deputies-shoot-kill-female-burglary-suspect | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Deresha Armstrong | Orlando | FL | Black | 26 | Fatal | Armstrong was suspected of burglary and was running from cops when she was shot by police and killed. According to the police, she had a handgun in her hand at the time she was shot, but no records show she was threatening police. | WFTV News | http://www.wftv.com/news/local/officials-burglary-suspect-sought-after-armed-accomplice-fatally-shot-by-deputy-/263076905 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | Amanda Fountain | West Palm Beach | FL | Black | 31 | Physical | A bouncer for a restaurant told Amanda to leave and wait outside. Police were called, and when police arrived, they punched her in the face and violently arrested her. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5546723/Video-showing-Florida-officer-grabbing-woman-hair-and.html | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Shannon Chatman | West Palm Beach | FL | Black | 31 | Physical | A bouncer for a restaurant told Shannon's sister Amanda to leave and wait outside. When police arrived on the scene, he yanked her by her hair and threw her to the ground multiple times. He also put another man trying to help the women in a headlock and dragged him across the street to the police car. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5546723/Video-showing-Florida-officer-grabbing-woman-hair-and.html | |||||||||||||||||
2011 | Catawaba Tequila Howard | Miami | FL | Black | 32 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a woman "threatening herself and others around her". When they arrived, she allegedly shot at police officers. They responded by shooting her. Catawaba had been struggling with mental health possibly related to her experiences in the military. | CBS Local Miami | http://miami.cbslocal.com/2011/08/12/woman-killed-officer-saved-by-vest-in-police-involved-shooting/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Yolanda Thomas | Westwood Lakes | FL | Black | 34 | Fatal | Yolanda and a male companion were being chased by police after they had allegedly stolen from a drugstore. When they crashed into a barrier, Yolanda attempted to escape, which police interpreted as threatening. She was shot. | CBS | http://miami.cbslocal.com/2013/01/07/family-of-man-killed-in-police-involved-shooting-demands-answers/ | |||||||||||||||||
2000 | Andrea Hall | Orlando | FL | Black | 40 | Fatal | Andrea was being held hostage for 51 hours. When police arrived, they "mistakenly targeted her for her skin tone" and similar clothes to the hostage. They shot her, killing her. | Orlando Senteniel | http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2000-07-28/news/0007280275_1_police-swat-swat-team-andrea-hall | Andrea's family received a $3.9 million settlement from the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2006 | Emily Marie Delafield | Green Cove Springs | FL | Black | 56 | Fatal | Emily called police to her home, claiming her sister was trying to kill her. When police arrived, they claimed she was wielding and threatening them with a knife and hammer. They attacked her with a taser 10 times - due to her multiple medical conditions and disabilities, she died immediately afterward. | The Florida Times-Union | http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/042606/met_21713628.shtml#.WUsmuRPyvX9 | The death was ruled a homicide, but also ruled justified | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Linda Sue Davis | Tamarac | FL | Black | 60 | Fatal | Linda was shot by police directly after she shot her neighbor. | Sun Senteniel | http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2013-01-09/news/fl-tamarac-two-dead-20130109_1_deputy-shot-drop-gun-tamarac-woman | x | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Gretna | FL | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer sexually assaulted a woman during a traffic stop. | WCTV | http://www.wctv.tv/home/headlines/UPDATE_Officer_Accused_of_Rape_Released_on_Bond_.html | The officer was sentenced to 108 months in prison | X | TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||||
1949 | Louise Houston | Tampa | FL | Black | unknown | Physical | Louise was beaten and cut by police officers who were grilling her regarding the details of her husband's whereabouts after he had had an altercation with a railroad foreman. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Lisa Hayes | Claymont | FL | Black | unknown | Physical | Lisa was being given a bath by her husband when the couple intruded upon by police on a drug raid. Lisa's husband was violently beaten, while she was held at gunpoint and asked to stand depsite her quadriplegia. | Delaware Online | http://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2015/11/02/state-rebuts-quadriplegics-force-claim/75038294/ | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2016 | [redacted names] | Leesburg | FL | Black | unknown | Physical | Two high school students who got into a physical fight were both tasered by police and then arrested. One girl was taken to the hospital because the stun gun probe became stuck under her bra, but both were taken to Lake County jail. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3785500/Shocking-video-shows-fight-two-high-school-students-broken-officers-taser-girls.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2002 | [name redacted] | Atlanta | GA | Black | 18 | Physical | Aneika was approached by an undercover cop who was trying to arrest her for prostitution. She, unaware he was a cop, feared he was trying to sexually assault her and stabbed him in the stomach with his pocket knife; he then shot her in the back. | x | ||||||||||||||||||
2000 | Sonserra Holloway | San Diego | GA | Black | 20 | Sexual/Fatal | Sonserra was approached by police, stripped naked, and forced to undergo a cavity search on police's suspicion that she had sold drugs to an undercover officer. Instead of taking her to jail, police took her to a border patrol agent. While in the car, Sonserra escaped and was chased by police, at which point they shot her while Sonserra was in handcuffs. She was unarmed. | Sagon Penn / SanDiego CopWatch Conference | https://soundcloud.com/occupy-city-heights/panel-4-sagon-penn-san-diego | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2011 | [name redacted] | Marietta | GA | Latinx | 23 | Sexual | The woman was working at a restaurant when the officer accused her of stealing his phone, and then threatened to have her deported. He then kidnapped her to his apartment, handcuffed her and raped her. The woman said Bill threatened to have her deported then took her to his apartment, handcuffed her to the bed and forced her to have sex. | WSB TV | https://www.wsbtv.com/news/ex-deputy-sentenced-to-life-for-raping-illegal-imm/241738094 | The officer was sentenced to 25 years in prison. | x | x | IMMIGRANT, POLICING PROSTITUTION | |||||||||||||
2000 | Ylia Lavendar | Atlanta | GA | Black | 24 | Physical | Ylia was approached by police for her car radio being allegedly too loud. A confrontation ensued and the police officer broke her eye socket. Her vision remains impaired as a result of the incident. | AJC | http://www.ajc.com/news/local/family-vows-fight-high-court-decision-shooting/C3vq7Yh6MTWeocxK1kWfEO/ | The officer who punched her was ordered to pay Ylia $5,100 for the damages done to her eye. | x | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Alexia Christian | Atlanta | GA | Black | 26 | Fatal | Alexia was arrested for driving a stolen vehicle; when she was placed in the squad car, a conflict ensued that an audio recording covered. The officer in the car claimed Alexia had slipped out of her handcuffs and was holding a gun; he shot her 10 times. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/08/fatal-police-shooting-atlanta-mother-triggers-transparency-concerns | x | ||||||||||||||||
2006 | Rekha Kalawattie Budhai | DeKalb | GA | Black | 34 | Fatal | Police responded to a domestic / marital issue from Rehka's husband. Rehka was in emotional distress and was holding a knife. Police then shot and killed her. | Court document | https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-l9Ys3cd80fTXZKQ0JRQmpPWFU/view | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2002 | Tessa "Teesee" Hardeman | Atlanta | GA | Black | 35 | Fatal | According to limited reports, Hardeman pepper-sprayed and stabbed a police officer whlie he was attempting to arrest her for prostitution. He then shot and killed her | Free Lance-Star | https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1298&dat=20020810&id=3i4zAAAAIBAJ&sjid=SQgGAAAAIBAJ&pg=7034,2677091&hl=en | x | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | Sukeba "Sassy" Jackson-Olawunmi | Clarkston | GA | Black | 39 | Fatal | Sukeba had been banging on doors in a condo complex claiming someone was trying to kill her, and then attempted to drive away in someone else's car. When police cornered her, they tasered her and violently arrested her. She then died. | AJC | http://www.ajc.com/news/local/dekalb-investigates-deaths-where-cops-used-tasers/1lDj0vl0yuMduBK0YqK4PO/ | |||||||||||||||||
2011 | Carulus Hines | Atlanta | GA | Black | 40 | Fatal | Police responded to a call from a neighbor that Carulus had thrown her child out the window. When they arrived, they found her stabbing her other child. They shot her 8 times. | CBS 46 | http://www.cbs46.com/story/16137241/police-fatally-shoot-woman-who-stabbed-child-to-death | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2009 | Sarah Ann Riggins | Albany | GA | Black | 48 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a domestic dispute between Sarah and her boyfriend. When police arrived, she allegedly threatened them with a gun and a knife and fired at an officer. They shot at her 4 times. Family members have doubts about Sarah's reported behvaior by the police. | WALB News 10 | http://www.walb.com/story/11386218/new-information-on-fatal-police-shooting?clienttype=printable | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Kathryn Johnston | Atlanta | GA | Black | 92 | Fatal | Police arrived at Kathryn's residence conducting a no-knock search warrant and hoping to find a man they had bought drugs from earlier that day. When they arrived not in police uniform, Kathryn fired a gun she had for self defense, injuring officers. They responded by firing 130 shots and killing her. Her friends and neighbors suggest she was particularly scared due to the then-recent rape of another elderly woman nearby. Cops then planted weed in Kathryn's home. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/23/us/23atlanta.html | Three officers were sentenced to 5-10 years in prison. The city settled for $4.9 million to the family of Kathryn Johnston. | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Atlanta | GA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Two cops allegedly raped a woman that they drove home after an accident. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://www.policemisconduct.net/databases/ | One officer resigned | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Clayton | GA | Unknown | unknown | Physical | Cops used excessive force on a pregnant woman during a raid on her home over false animal complaint | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | X | X | PREGNANT, MOTHER | ||||||||||||||
2016 | [name redacted] | Columbia | GA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A woman called police to report a domestic violence incident. When the deputy arrived he forced the woman to perform oral sex on him after threatening to arrest her boyfriend. | WRDW | http://www.wrdw.com/content/news/SLED-investigating-after-Orangeburg-County-deputy-fired-384530171.html | The officer was fired | x | DV | ||||||||||||||
2018 | Erica Walker, Brittany Lucio and Asia'h Epperson | Atlanta | GA | Black | unknown | Physical | Three women were arrested and aggressively manhandled by police after they re-entered a restuarant to use the bathroom. When they were asked to leave, they were dragged out by security, resulting in bruises on their bodies. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5761171/Three-Atlanta-women-arrested-taking-long-Houstons-bathroom.html | |||||||||||||||||
1962 | Marion King | Camilla | GA | Black | unknown | Physical | When pregnant mother Marion visited a jail to provide food to jailed civil rights activist, she was knocked to the the ground and kicked by police officers. She lost consciousness and suffered a miscarriage as a result. | Georgia Encyclopedia | http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/history-archaeology/slater-king-1927-1969 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2004 | [redacted name] | Athens | GA | Black | unknown | Sexual | This woman was raped at gunpoint by a police officer who told her he was going to "teach her a lesson" and that "the world needed one less dyke". | Stonewalled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in the US | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | The officer agreed to a deal whereby he received two years probation where he was to have no contact with the victim, he was banned from Athens-Clarke County, and promised not to appeal the decision. | x | |||||||||||||||
2011 | [redacted name] | unknown | GA | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | A deputy kidnapped, raped at gunpoint and falsely imprisoned an undocumented Salvadoran woman. He also threatened to deport her. He defended himself by claiming that she was a "prostitute". | ThinkProgress | https://thinkprogress.org/police-officer-found-guilty-of-raping-undocumented-immigrant-at-gunpoint-under-threat-of-deportation-31b8fdb03d12/ | The deputy was found guilty | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2011 | Kenya Harris | Albany | GA | Black | unknown | Physical | Kenya Harris miscarried after she went to a police station to pick up her minor son. Despite the fact that she was obviously pregnant, an officer grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the floor, causing her to black out. He then sat on her back, handcuffed her, and threw her against a wall and into an interrogation room, even though she told him she had to take care of her children at home. Officers ignored her pleas for medical attention, instead charging her with obstruction of justice and holding her in jail overnight. She lost the pregnancy shortly after being released. | Huffinton Post | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/15/police-beating-miscarriage_n_6687536.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | [name redacted] | Decatur | GA | Black | unknown | Physical | This woman was beaten by a police officer with a baton after she allegedly tried to leave a store and "pushed him" on her way out. When he stopped her, she allegedly reached for his badge and radio; he responded by beating her and threatening to shoot her while she's on the ground. | x | x | |||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Columbia Co | GA | Unknown | Sexual | A deputy sexually assaulted a woman in custody | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | The officer was fired and arrested | |||||||||||||||||
2004 | Lisa Tomita Kaina | Paia | HI | Pacific Islander | 27 | Fatal | Lisa was involved in a police chase after she had stolen a car. When they cornered her in, she allegedly had her hands up in the air as police approached her car and fired shots. | Honolulu Star-Bulletin | http://archives.starbulletin.com/2004/01/25/news/story4.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | Meagan Taylor | Des Moines | IA | Black | 22 | Physical | Meagan and her friend, both black trans women, were approached by police at a motel after the motelkeeper called police when Meagan's ID did not match her outward appearance, assuming she was a sex worker. They were forcefully arrested and her friend was made to take the stuffing out of her bra. As a result of being jailed for 8 days, she and her friend missed the funeral they were traveling to. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/29/transgender-woman-meagan-taylor-iowa-hotel | Meagan settled her lawsuit for an undisclosed amount. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2015 | Autumn Steele | Des Moines | IA | Indigenous/Native American | 34 | Fatal | Police arrived at Autumn's residence due to her misdeanor charge that required police escort. Allegedly, after being bitten by a dog, the officer was trying to shoot the dog and missed, hitting and killing Autumn in front of her child. | USA Today | https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/03/24/cop-accidentally-shot-woman-back-work/70406706/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Ames | IA | Unknown | 84 | Physical | Police broke an 84 year old woman's shoulder when she refused to go to hospital | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://www.policemisconduct.net/databases/ | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Jeanetta Marie Riley | Sandpoint | ID | Indigenous/Native American | 35 | Fatal | Jeanette was hospitalized due to mental health concerns and drug and alcohol use. Once outside the hospital, police responded to reports of her wielding a knife. She allegedly approached officers with the knife when and they shot her immediately after arriving at the scene. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3026060/Idaho-pregnant-woman-shot-officers-captured-video.html | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2017 | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Unknown | 14 | Physical | Officers unnecessarily drive-stunned students to break up a fight, which involved using a Taser in drive-stun mode against a 14-year-old girl. | DOJ Chicago Police Department | https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3288696-Cpd-Findings.html#document/p37 | x | SCHOOL | |||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Round Lake Beach | IL | Unknown | 16 | Sexual | A police officer repeatedly had sex with a 16 year old girl. They got into contact with one another when the girl was breaking up with his son. | Daily Herald | http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20100518/news/305189970/ | The officer was sentenced to 30 days in jail | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Unknown | 16 | Physical | A DOJ report found that officers hit a 16-year-old girl with a baton and then tasered her after she was asked to leave the school for having a cell phone in violation of school rules. Officers were called in to arrest her for trespassing. Officers claimed the force was justified because she flailed her arms when they tried to arrest her. | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/13/us/chicago-police-doj-report/index.html | x | SCHOOL | |||||||||||||||
1974 | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Black | 17 | Sexual | A black girl was gang raped by 10 police officers. | Angela Davis, Women, Race & Class | http://lit.alexanderstreet.com/blww/view/1003074002 | Some of the police officers were suspended. | ||||||||||||||||
2011 | Kwamesha Sharp | Harvey | IL | Black | 17 | Physical | Kwamesha arrived at a friend's house while police were responding to a situation there. When police arrived, even though Kwamesha was not involved in the call, they violenty arrested her. Despite her telling them that she was pregnant, the officer pushed his knee into her stomach, causing her to suffer a miscarriage weeks later. | ABC 7 Chicago | http://abc7chicago.com/archive/8713946/ | Kwamesha received a $500,000 settlement from the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2014 | Natiara Lumpkins | Chicago | IL | Black | 18 | Physical | During an arrest, a police officer threw Natiara into a car and chipped her tooth. | Chicago Reporter | http://projects.chicagoreporter.com/settlements/case/14-cv-10184/ | Natiara received a $1,000 settlement. | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Charita Rhodes | Chicago | IL | Black | 19 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
unknown | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Latinx | 19 | Sexual | The 19-year-old was being searched in the system by police officers. While her name was being searched, she underwent an extensive and excessive full body search, and an officer unzipped his pants while staring at her for 30 minutes. | We Charge Genocide: Police Violence against Chicago's Youth of Color | http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CAT/Shared%20Documents/USA/INT_CAT_CSS_USA_18557_E.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
unknown | [redacted name] | Chicago | IL | Black | 19 | Sexual | A Chicago police officer kidnapped and raped a young woman he had arrested. | Chicago Reader | https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/armed-and-dangerous/Content?oid=906325 | The officer was fired. | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Eazy Rogers | Chicago | IL | Black | 21 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2010 | Tiawanda Moore | Chicago | IL | Black | 21 | Sexual | In responding to a domestic disturbance call regarding Moore and her boyfriend, police arrived and one officer sexually groped Moore's body. The officer then gave Moore his number. When she attempted to report this, police persistently tried to dissuade her; because of this, she began recording the conversation, for which she was arrested and jailed for two weeks. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/05/01/woman-jailed-two-weeks-for-recording-chicago-p-d-s-internal-affairs-officers-can-sue-for-a-fourth-amendment-violation/?utm_term=.ab33c2576641 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Nicole Patterson | Chicago | IL | Black | 22 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2012 | Rekia Boyd | Chicago | IL | Black | 22 | Fatal | Rekia was standing with her friends when an off-duty police officer told them that they were being too loud. When they turned to leave, Rekia's friend pulled out a cellphone. The officer claimed he thought it was a gun and immediately shot at Rekia's head, killing her. | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2016/05/18/us/rekia-boyd-shooting-officer-resigns/index.html | Charges against the officer were dropped; he resigned in 2016. | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Paris Martin | Chicago | IL | Black | 22 | Physical | Paris was accosted by a police officer while she was sitting in her friend's car. When she asked why she was being approached, the officer forcefully took her out of her car and slammed her against his car. She received a fractured clavicle from the incident. | Chicago Reporter | http://projects.chicagoreporter.com/settlements/case/14-cv-8940/ | Paris received a $30,000 settlement from the city. | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Danielle Greene | Chicago | IL | Black | 23 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2003 | Demetrica Carwell | Chicago | IL | Black | 23 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2003 | Bianca Ferguson | Chicago | IL | Black | 24 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2003 | LaToya McGraw | Chicago | IL | Black | 24 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2003 | Nita Anthony | Chicago | IL | Black | 24 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2003 | Nicole Rainey | Chicago | IL | Black | 25 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
1999 | LaTanya Haggerty | Chicago | IL | Black | 26 | Fatal | LaTanya was a passenger in a car that was pulled over by police. The driver was beaten by police, prompting her to get out her phone to call for help. Police asked her to get out of the car; as she got out of the car with her hands in the air, they allegedly interpreted the phone as a gun and shot her. | Chicago Tribune | http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2001-05-08/news/0105080231_1_settlement-latanya-haggerty-mayor-richard-daley | The city paid her family $18 million. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2003 | Chanta Jackson | Chicago | IL | Black | 26 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2003 | Debra Gill | Chicago | IL | Black | 29 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2012 | Tiffany Rent | Chicago | IL | Black | 30 | Physical | Tiffany was given a ticket for parking in a handicap parking space. She tore up the ticket, and the officer then gave her another ticket for littering. When she attempted to drive away, the police followed her, tasered her, and dragged her out of her car to arrest her. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/06/tiffany-rent-pregnant-chi_n_1574402.html | Tiffany received a $55,000 settlement from the city. | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2014 | Shanekah Ross | Chicago | IL | Black | 30 | Physical | Shanekah witnessed a police officer arresting a black man, and came up to ask what the arrest was for. Police hit her above the eye with a baton, cutting her right eyebrow, and then tackled her to the ground and arrested her. Afterward, the officers filed false reports charging Ross with assault, battery and resisting arrest. | Chicago Reporter | http://projects.chicagoreporter.com/settlements/case/15-cv-5828/ | Shanekah received a $25,000 settlement. | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Teresa Johnson-Gordon | Chicago | IL | Black | 31 | Fatal | 21 people were killed and more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at the E2 nightclub after off-duty auxiliary officer and on-duty private security officer sprayed mace to break up a fight. The doors to the club were locked as people pushed their way to the exits. | |||||||||||||||||||
2015 | Itemid "Angel" Al-Matar | Chicago | IL | Arab | 32 | Physical/Sexual | While trying to catch the train, Itemid was violently arrested, slammed on the stairs and had her hijab and niqab ripped off by 6 police officers who suspected her of being a suicide bomber. At the police station she was forced to strip naked. | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-police-muslim-student-lawsuit-met-20160811-story.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2018 | Decynthia Clements | Elgin | IL | Black | 34 | Fatal | Decynthia was found sitting in a damaged car on the shoulder of a highway. After an hour, during which officers repeatedly threatened to arrest her even though she posed no danger to anyone and they were aware of information suggesting she was in crisis, police approached the car when it caught on fire to assist her in getting out of the car. Instead, they shot her 3 times within seconds of her stumbling out of the car, gasping for air, claiming she was holding knives. | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/elgin-courier-news/news/ct-ecn-elgin-show-solidarity-police-st-0314-20180313-story.html | x | x | x | MOTHER, DISABILITY, TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||
1997 | Frankie Perkins | Chicago | IL | Black | 37 | Fatal | Frankie was being observed by police who suspected her of being involved in "drug activity". When they saw her swallow something, they charged at her and choked her. Neither performed CPR or the hiemlich when she had ingested small bags of cocaine, and she promptly died. | Chicago Tribune | http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1999-07-07/news/9907070195_1_police-brutality-suit-perkins-family-multimillion-dollar-wrongful-death | x | x | |||||||||||||||
1959 | Jessie Mae Robinson | Chicago | IL | Black | 41 | Physical | Jessie and about 50 other people were arrested during a warantless police raid. When she arrived at the station, she and others were assaulted verbally and physically. Jessie needed to be hospitalized as a result of the violence. | US Prison Culture (cant find an official news source) | http://www.usprisonculture.com/blog/2013/03/20/the-invisibility-of-police-violence-against-women-girls/ | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | Oriana Farrell | Taos | IL | Black | 43 | Physical | Oriana was pulled over for speeding; while driving away after receiving a ticket, she was pulled over again and her 14 year old son tried to fight off the officer who was attempting to pull Oriana out of the car. More officers arrived, breaking her car windows, drawing tasers, and firing three shots at Oriana in her car. | KRQE News | http://krqe.com/2015/07/13/mom-in-chase-where-police-fired-at-van-of-kids-to-face-judge/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Diane Bond | Chicago | IL | Black | 48 | Sexual | Diane was forced into her apartment at gunpoint by police, who then ordered her to undress, bend over, expose her genitalia to the male officers, and reach inside her own vagina under threat of having her teeth removed with needle-nose pliers unless she complied. | Court document | https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCOURTS-ilnd-1_04-cv-02617/pdf/USCOURTS-ilnd-1_04-cv-02617-0.pdf | Diane successfully sued and won an undisclosed amount of money from the city. | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2007 | Dorothy Williams-Johnson | Chicago | IL | Black | 50 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a woman shooting out of her window. When they arrived at her door, they allegedly heard the sound of a round being loaded. Upon opening the door, Dorothy reportedly shot at officers, who responded by shooting and killing her. | Chicago Tribune | http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2007-07-17/news/0707160672_1_apartment-officers-records-show | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Unknown | 50 | Sexual | Police roughly arrested a woman and exposed her breasts in public when she was being searched | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | |||||||||||||||||
unknown | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Black | 50 | Physical/Sexual | The woman was slammed against a wall as police stormed her house on an alleged drug raid. After assaulting her son and son's friend, they forced her to perform an invasive cavity search on herself while they watched. This violent incident was part of a string of encounters that the woman had with the same police officers, wherein they stalked, sexually harrassed, threatened and physically beat her - a total of 6 encounters. | Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America’s Prison Nation | https://books.google.com/books/about/Arrested_Justice.html?id=D6sOdUn-UqAC | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2015 | Bettie Jones | Chicago | IL | Black | 55 | Fatal | Bettie was the downstairs neighbor of a father and son. The father called police to report that his son was threatening him with a baseball bat, and then called Bettie to ask her to open the door when police arrived. When she opened the door she was shot (as well as the son). | ABC 7 Chicago | http://abc7chicago.com/news/no-charges-for-cop-in-fatal-shooting-of-bettie-jones-quintonio-legrier/1748388/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Angelique Styles | Chicago | IL | Black | 60 | Fatal | Police responded to a call from Angelique's brother about a domestic dispute. When they arrived, Angelique was allegedly wielding a knife and acting "belligerently". Police ordered her to drop the knife and then shot her. | NBC Chicago | http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Woman-Seriously-Injured-After-Police-Shooting-229189451.html | |||||||||||||||||
1945 | Willie Bradley | Springfield | IL | Black | 64 | Physical | Mrs. Bradley was beaten unconscious by the turnkey in a Springfield, Illinois jail. Mrs. Bradley was in jail because six policemen had entered her home and arrested her, her daughter, Anna Bee Bradley, and Kenneth Scruggs. Removed to the hospital after the beating, Mrs. Bradley was found to have suffered two broken ribs. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Unknown | 67 | Physical | A 67 year old disabled woman was cuffed and assaulted by police. They then falsely charged her when she couldn't get up after having been knocked down by police. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | X | DISABILITY | |||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Coal Valley | IL | Unknown | unknown | Physical | Police tasered a woman four times and used a stun gun on her while she was in handcuffs because she asked an officer a question. | Quad-City Times | https://qctimes.com/news/local/article_c7077062-4165-11de-9105-001cc4c03286.html | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | Aretha Simmons | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | Police arrived at Aretha's home during a raid looking for a man who did not live there. They pointed a gun at the head of the Aretha's elderly mother, pointed a gun into the chest of her 3-year old daughter, and violently shook Aretha in front of her child and mother before handcuffing her. Arethas child has PTSD from the incident and mental health experts believe she will need therapy into her adult years. | NY Times | https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2018/06/27/us/ap-us-chicago-police-children.html | The city of Chicago awarded Aretha's family $2.5 million in damages. | X | MOTHER | ||||||||||||||
2014 | [name redacted] | Alorton | IL | Unknown | unknown | Physical | 5 officers tasered & beat a woman at a traffic stop for having an "obstructed window". | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://www.policemisconduct.net/databases/ | x | TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||||
1970 | [redacted name] | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Fatal | Police shot a young Black person in the back eight times after seeing the person on the street wearing women’s clothes; the person had previously been arrested and charged with “impersonating the opposite sex.” | Windy City Media | http://windycitymediagroup.com/gay/lesbian/news/ARTICLE.php?AID=19336. | x | ||||||||||||||||
1997 | [redacted name] | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | A mother came to the police station to sort out her son's arrest. When she arrived, police beat her down in the station. | Whose Safety?: Women of Color and Violence by Law Enforcement | https://www.afsc.org/sites/afsc.civicactions.net/files/documents/whose%20safety.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2000 | [redacted name] | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | Officer assaulted a black pregnant woman while his partner told her "we don't like Black pregnant women." | Second Amended Complaint, McClennon v. City of Chicago, | haven't found link | x | ||||||||||||||||
2004 | [name redacted] | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Sexual | This woman was arrested and then searched three times, including vaginally. She believed these searches served the purpose of revealing her "true" sex rather than for a legitimate purpose. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Catherine Brown | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | Catherine, a pastor and mother of two was approaching her driveway, when police rapidly drove forward and blocked the driveway, shouting at her to move. She reversed the car, and was then chased and hit by the police car - the cops proceeded to attack and pepperspray her in front of her kids, and then charge her with attempted murder - a charge which she was found not guilty of 2.5 years later. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3573306/Shocking-dashcam-footage-shows-Chicago-police-LAUGHING-pepper-spray-beat-female-pastor-children.html | The Justice Movement https://www.facebook.com/blacklivesmatterchi/ | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Elaina Turner | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | Elaina and her fiance were approached by police who threatened to tow every car the family had. Elaina pretended to film the incident, and when she dropped her phone and went to pick it up, she was tasered by police multiple times, resulting in a miscarriage. | Chicago Tribune | http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-chicago-police-taser-lawsuit-settlement-0721-20170720-story.html | Elaina won a $500,000 settlement. | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Kirstie Gould | Chicago | IL | Unknown | unknown | Physical | Kirstie was working in a salon in Englewood when police arrived without a search warrant and forcefully arrested her. She was thrown to the ground and held, making it hard for her to breathe. | Chicago Reporter | http://projects.chicagoreporter.com/settlements/case/14-cv-9562/ | Kirstie received a $34,000 settlement from the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Josette Roberts | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | Josette was walking away from an altercation that she was not apart of; as she was walking away, police ran up and smashed her face with a metal object. The assault resulted in a facial fracture, bruising, and ongoing headaches - an injury that led her to lose her job. | Chicago Reporter | http://projects.chicagoreporter.com/settlements/case/15-cv-1463/ | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Patassa Johnson | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | Patassa was severly beaten by police while she was in handcuffs after she was pulled over for allegedly driving while drunk. The officer who beat her had hoarded racist and anti-black website domains for years. | The Daily Beast | http://www.thedailybeast.com/texas-just-passed-a-new-law-that-could-screw-harvey-victims | Patassa receieved a settlement of $185,000 from the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Sabrina Harrison | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Sexual | Sabrina was in her East Garfield Park apartment when police raided her home without warrant, allegedly looking for drugs. They strip-searched her and exposed her breasts to the rest of the officers. | Chicago Reporter | http://projects.chicagoreporter.com/settlements/case/14-cv-2109/ | Sabrina received a $55,000 settlement from the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2016 | [redacted name] | Chicago | IL | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | When this woman went to request a warrant against her girlfriend's ex-girlfriend, a police officer sexually groped and harrassed her at the station. | Chicago Reporter | http://projects.chicagoreporter.com/settlements/case/16-cv-9149/ | The woman won a $100,000 settlement | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Nicola Robinson | Chicago | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | Nicola and her friends laughed when the person a police officer was chasing outran him and escaped. The officer responded to the laughter by punching Nicola, an obviously pregnant woman, in her stomach "as hard as he could" and then going on a racist tyrade. | The Root | http://www.theroot.com/pregnant-chicago-woman-accuses-angry-cop-of-punching-he-1790859916 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | [redacted name] | Peoria | IL | Black | unknown | Physical | A high school student was filmed during a physical fight with other students when she allegedly brought out a knife and stood on top of a cafeteria table. She was tasered by police and then taken to a hospital. Her father commented that the fight was caused by his daughter cracking after months of bullying, which the school's anti-bullying program failed to prevent. | PJ Star | http://www.pjstar.com/news/20170327/police-officer-uses-stun-gun-to-subdue-girl-in-fight-at-peoria-high-school | x | ||||||||||||||||
unknown | [name redacted] | New York City | IL | Latinx | unknown | Physical | This woman was arrested and beaten by police after she tried to help her friend, who was being questioned by police. Police also used multiple homophobic and transphobic slurs during the arrest. She was also intensely harrassed by police while in custody for 2 days. | Make the Road | http://www.maketheroad.org/pix_reports/MRNY_Transgressive_Policing_Full_Report_10.23.12B.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | Karen Day Jackson | Wichita | KS | Indigenous/Native American | 45 | Fatal | Police responded to a call from Karen's husband, who was court ordered to stay away from her. Karen had arrived at his house and on the phone call, he told police that she had bipolar disorder. Karen was shot by police after she allegedly came at them with an igniter, a bottle and a knife - a story which her daughter and husband do not believe. | The Wichita Eagle | http://www.kansas.com/news/article1095898.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Gynnya McMillen | Elizabethtown | KY | Black | 16 | Fatal | Gynnyna was arrested and taken to Lincoln Village Detention Center after allegedly getting into an argument with her mother. Police used a takedown move on her when she arrived and refused to take off her sweater; the next day she had a seizure and died. Medical reports classify a genetic heart condition as the cause of her death, though two employees were charged for falsifying room check logs. | CBS News | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/gynnya-mcmillen-case-kentucky-to-close-juvenile-detention-center-where-teen-died/ | Three employees involved in Gynnyna's death were fired, and the Detention Center was closed in June 2017. | ||||||||||||||||
2006 | Zhenxing Jiang | New York | KY | Asian | 32 | Physical | ICE officers manhandled a pregnant woman and ridiculed her pleas for medical help, resulting in her miscarriage. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/14/nyregion/protests-brew-over-attempt-to-deport-a-woman.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2014 | Tracey Ann Oglesby Wade | Louisville | KY | Black | 39 | Fatal | Tracy was approached by police at her home in response to a warrant for identity fraud. She told them she had a gun and her kid inside; police began an 8-hour stand off until they entered her home. According to the police, she pointed her gun at them, and they fired multiple times. | Wave 3 News | http://www.wave3.com/story/26688229/woman-shot-by-police-at-conclusion-of-standoff-dies-identity-released | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Darnesha Harris | Breaux Bridge | LA | Black | 16 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a fight in Breaux Bridge. When Darnesha attempted to leave in her car, she hit a police car, a parked car and a bystander in her panic. Police shot at her and killed her; witnesses say she was shot when her hands were in the air. | The Advocate | http://www.theadvocate.com/acadiana/news/crime_police/article_8ceccc88-ee65-5832-b585-b8ff963992c7.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
1971 | Clementine Applewhite | Baton Rouge | LA | Black | 19 | Sexual | Clementine was raped by two police officers who arrested her after flipping a coin. Another police officer witnessed the assault and left. | Court Case | https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/1821660/applewhite-v-city-of-baton-rouge/ | Clementine received $6,000 from her lawsuit. | ||||||||||||||||
1980 | Sherry Singleton | New Orleans | LA | Black | 26 | Fatal | Police conducted a raid on Sherry's boyfriend's home, in desperate attempts to find out who had shot a New Orleans officer days before. When they entered her boyfriend's home, they shot her while she was naked in the tub and unarmed. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/1981/07/10/us/7-officers-indicted-in-new-orleans.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
1994 | Kim Groves | New Orleans | LA | Black | 32 | Fatal | Kim was murdered by a hitman, hired by a police officer against whom Kim had filed a police brutality complaint. | The Times-Picayune | http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2011/12/triggerman_who_killed_in_1994.html | The family was given $3,595 for Kim's funeral 17 years after she was buried. The officer and hitman were both sentenced to jail time as well, with the hitman receiving life in prison. | x | |||||||||||||||
2005 | Jameela Yasmeen Arshad | Kenner | LA | Black | 51 | Fatal | Jameela, a doctor, was assisting a young bicyclist who had been hit by a car when police arrived and demanded for her credentials. When she didn't have them on her, and allegedly "swat" at the officer when he tried to stop her from helping the cyclist. When arresting her, family argues officers placed Jameela in "positional asphyxia" causing her heart attack and death. | The Times - Picayune | http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2014/11/appeals_court_upholds_ruling_f.html | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | Barbara Lassere | LaPlace | LA | Black | 60 | Fatal | Barbara was pulled over by police for driving without a tail light. She then drove away from the officer (her family claims she was terrified of police), and was followed. When more police officers approached her car the second time, they allege that she tried to fire a gun at them, at which point police shot her. However, witnesses and family members dispute the claim that she had or fired a gun. | The Times-Picayune | http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2015/02/jury_find_4_sheriffs_deputies_negligent_in_shooting_death_of_laplace_woman.html | Barbara's family received $150,000 in settlement from the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Baton Rouge | LA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer raped a woman while in uniform | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | A lawsuit was settled for $75,000. | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Lakitha Wright | New Iberia | LA | Black | Physical | Police pushed Lakitha over porch railings, threw her to the ground and pepper-sprayed her when she was more than 8 months pregnant at the time. They also called her racial slurs and erased her video evidence of the incident. | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lakitha-wright-judge-rules-deputies-used-excessive-force-on-pregnant-woman-2018-05-07/ | Lakitha was awarded $41,000 to her and her two children by the district judge. | x | x | PREGNANT, MOTHER | ||||||||||||||
2002 | Laveta Jackson | Boston | MA | Black | 36 | Fatal | Laveta struggled with worsening mental health concerns; during a psychotic episode, she killed her children. When police were called by the man who found her in the basement, she allegedly approached them with her knife. A witness heard 15-20 shots fired at Laveta, instantly killing her. | Boston Globe | https://ssristories.org/mother-kills-her-two-children-attempts-suicide-also-involved-2nd-antidepressant-desyrel/ | x | x | x (police called bc she killed her children) | ||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Brookline | MA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An officer followed a woman home and groped her. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | The officer resigned and was placed on probation | ||||||||||||||||
1947 | Bessie Banks | Boston | MA | Black | unknown | Physical | Bessie suffered an intense attack of indigestion and began screaming for help. When her husband tried to call a cab, a patrolman came up and ordered Bessie to hush. When she didnt, he slammed her head into the pavement and knocked her teeth out. He then beat her husband. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1986 | Shirley Rodriquez | Taunton | MA | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Police arrived at Shirley's home claiming they had a warrant to search the home and Shirley's vagina for drugs (specifically for heroin). They took her to a hospital and forced the local physician to perform an invasive body cavity search. The cavity search and the raid of the home yielded no drugs nor drug material. | Justia US Law | http://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/771/1245/1656748/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Brianna/Briana [last name unknown] | Hagerstown | MD | Multi-Racial | 15 | Physical | Brianna was riding her bike when a truck hit her and knocked her unconscious, prompting the driver to call police despite her repeated refusal of medical care. When police arrived, they badgered her with questions, and when she refused, they attacked her and pepper sprayed her while forcibly taking her to the police station. | ABC News | http://abcnews.go.com/US/maryland-teen-pepper-sprayed-police-shares-side-story/story?id=42293931 | |||||||||||||||||
1991 | Rebecca Garnett | Gaithersburg | MD | Black | 20 | Fatal | Rebecca was holding a bag of corn chips during the arrest of a companion when an officer shot her. The officer claims the gun went off accidentally, while another report claims he mistook the bag for a gun. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1993/03/06/family-agrees-to-settlement-in-womans-slaying-by-officer/f4bcbb8c-6049-4605-b81c-53d8c06a614a/?utm_term=.e76758cd31d7 | The city paid her family $440,000 and jailed the officer for one year | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Korryn Gaines | Randallstown | MD | Black | 23 | Fatal | Police arrived at Korryn's house in response to Korryn failing to appear at court for a traffic stop and for Korryn's fiance on a domestic violence charge. Korryn told police to leave and barricaded herself in her home with a shotgun. The situation escalated as more police arrived with weapons, and ended with them shooting her. During the 6 hour stand-off, police were aware of Korryn's mental health issues. | Baltimore Sun | http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/investigations/bs-md-co-korryn-gaines-timeline-20161103-story.html | Her family received $37 million from the Baltimore court. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2009 | Starr Brown | Baltimore | MD | Black | 26 | Physical | Starr, a pregnant woman, saw 2 women attacked. When police arrived, she encouraged officers to go after the attackers instead of berating the victims as they were doing. Police reacted by wrapping their arm around her neck and grinding her face into the pavement. | Baltimore Sun | http://data.baltimoresun.com/news/police-settlements/ | Starr receieved a $125,000 settlement from the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Mya Hall | Baltimore | MD | Black | 27 | Fatal | While driving at night, Mya and a friend entered the wrong exit and accidentally crashed into a guard post at the NSA. Police then opened fire, killing Mya and injuring Brittany. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/trans-sex-worker-remembered-friends-nsa-shooting-article-1.2174601 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Makia Smith | Baltimore | MD | Black | 33 | Physical | Makia witnessed a gang of police acting "dangerously aggressively" toward a young man they were arresting. When she began filming, an officer rushed her and dragged her out of her car by her hair. They violently arrested her, forcing her to leave her 2-year-old child with a child she did not know. | Rolling Stone | http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/why-baltimore-blew-up-20150526 | Makia receieved $220,000 in a settlement with the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Kianga Mwamba | Baltimore | MD | Black | 36 | Physical | Kianga was recording a video of police arresting and kicking a man when they ordered her to stop recording and pull over. When she complied and pulled over, police dragged her out of her car, arrested and tasered her. | Baltimore Sun | http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/bs-md-ci-video-arrest-20141209-story.html | Kianga received a $60,000 settlement from the city. | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Angela Beatrice Randolph | Glen Burnie | MD | Black | 38 | Fatal | An MTA police officer approached Angela after she was involved in a verbal altercation with someone who tried to sit next to her. When she allegedly attacked the officer, the officer shot her. | Capital Gazette | http://www.capitalgazette.com/cg2-arc-140611cn-randolph-shooting-20140611-story.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2001 | Satina White | Hampstead | MD | Unknown | 40 | Fatal | Police were called about a woman who was threatening suicide and harm to her family members after a dispute with her sister. When police arrived, they said she was holding a gun, prompting them to shoot and kill her. | Baltimore Sun | http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-04-12/news/bs-md-ca-trooper-woman-shooting-20110412_1_state-trooper-maryland-state-police-hampstead-home | x | x | MOTHER, DISABILITY | ||||||||||||||
2007 | Uywanda Peterson | Baltimore | MD | Black | 41 | Fatal | Police were chasing a man during a drug investigation when the man tossed the drugs. When police attempted to pick them up, they claim Uywanda attacked them. They then used a stun gun on her, and the investigation sought to determine whether police also used pepper spray on her. Police then took her to hospital where she was pronounced dead 45 minutes later. | Baltimore Sun | http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2007-04-27/news/0704270091_1_taser-stun-gun-peterson | x | WAR ON DRUGS | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Anila Daulatzai | Baltimore | MD | Asian | 46 | Physical | Anila was boarding an airplane for her father's surgery the next day when she became aware that there were dogs on the plane. She told flight attendants she had a non-life-threatening allergy and chose a seat far enough away from them; however, attendants pressed her for a medical certificate and claimed she had a life threatening allergy, then called police to come eject her from the plain. Police ripped her pants in the process of violently dragging her off the plane. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2017/10/04/southwest-says-she-was-forced-off-a-plane-over-dog-allergies-the-woman-has-a-very-different-account/?utm_term=.b084f103b598 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2009 | Barbara Floyd | Baltimore | MD | Black | 58 | Physical | Barbara was observing a drug bust near her home when a police officer came up behind her, wrapped his arm around her neck, threw her to the pavement, and ground her face into the sidewalk, opening up a wound on her forehead and sending her blood pressure over 200. | CBS Local Baltimore | http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2014/09/29/investigation-balt-police-brutality-settlements-cost-taxpayers-11-5m/ | The city paid Barbara $30,000 as a settlement to her lawsuit. | x | |||||||||||||||
2009 | Venus Green | Baltimore | MD | Black | 87 | Physical | Venus' grandson arrived at her home telling her he had been shot. Police then arrived, alleging the grandson had to have been shot inside the house and blocking the ambulance from providing medical treatment to him. When Venus attempted to help her grandson, an officer violently dragged her, threw her across a chair, and arrested her, causing her shoulder to separate. | Baltimore Sun | http://data.baltimoresun.com/news/police-settlements/ | Venus receieved $95,000 in a settlement from the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Anne Arundel | MD | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Three different women described their experience with one officer wherein he, at separate times, coerced them into exposing themselves to get out of tickets. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://www.policemisconduct.net/databases/ | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Baltimore | MD | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An officer offered to get rid of a woman's ticket in exchange for sex | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | |||||||||||||||||
2008 | Jacqueline Allen | Baltimore | MD | Black | unknown | Physical | Jacqueline was shot in the stomach by police. She lost a kidney and part of her liver. [can't find the deposition that gives more details] | Baltimore Sun | http://data.baltimoresun.com/news/police-settlements/ | Jacqueline received a $200,000 settlement from the city. | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Carlett Johnson | Cheverly | MD | Black | unknown | Physical | Carlett was pulled over for driving without a front license plate. Her license plate had been suspended earlier for "dark tint on her vehicle". When police told her that her car would be impounded on a result, she tried to call her son to come get her. They then arrested her and punched her in the face while she was handcuffed, alleging she had "tried to bite them". Her injuries needed stitches at the hospital as a result. | NBC Washington | http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Maryland-Police-Officer-Accused-of-Punching-Handcuffed-Woman-in-the-Face-During-Traffic-Stop-417824603.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2011 | Katherine Paulson | Kennebunk | ME | Indigenous/Native American | 39 | Fatal | Katherine's mother called the police saying she had had a dispute with her daughter and feared for her safety; she also alerted the dispatcher that her daughter had mental illnesses. Within 19 seconds of arriving, police shot Katherine, stating she was approaching them with a knife and that they feared for their lives. | Press Herald | http://www.pressherald.com/2012/12/08/shoot-effort-to-get-ill-woman-treatment-ends-tragically/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | Aiyana Stanley-Jones | Detroit | MI | Black | 7 | Fatal | Aiyana was shot by police performing a no-knock raid related to a robbery earlier that day. They raided the wrong apartment and instantly shot into the room, killing a sleeping Aiyana. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jan/31/detroit-aiyana-stanley-jones-police-officer-cleared | |||||||||||||||||
1947 | Beverly Lee | Detroit | MI | Black | 13 | Fatal | Beverly was shot by a police officer. A witness says she saw Beverly and another youth walking down the street when a police officer approached, yelled "stop you so-and-so" and then shot Beverly. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
2011 | Derrinesha Clay | Lansing | MI | Black | 17 | Fatal | For an unknown reason, Derrinesha climbed into a bank at night and hid in the closet when the cops showed up. Police say when they opened the door, she handed over a pair of scissors, and then began swinging a knife. An officer shot her in the stomach, at which point she fell to her knees, and was shot again in the head. | Detroit Free Press | http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2016/03/02/brian-rendon-darrinesha-clay/81239322/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
1991 | Pamala Lavern Frowner | Detroit | MI | Black | 21 | Fatal | Pamala was approached by police after picking up a friend's friend from a bar, who had just robbed someone at the bar. The friend's friend held her at gunpoint in the car; the police then shot into the car 13 times, killing her | Detroit Free Press | https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/100242845/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Janet Wilson | Dearborn | MI | Black | 31 | Fatal | Janet had allegedly caused a disturbance at a mall. When police showed up, they found Janet driving in her car; as she allegedly began to move her car forward with a police officer standing in front or near her car, police shot at her from outside her car and killed her. | M Live | http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2016/08/family_sues_for_10_million_ste.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Aura Rosser | Ann Arbor | MI | Black | 40 | Fatal | Police were called by Rosser's boyfriend regarding a domestic dispute. When they arrived, they claimed that Rosser was trying to attack her boyfriend with a knife, and then moved forward with the knife towards the police. One officer tasered her while another officer shot her. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/03/aura-rosser-killed-dave-ried-ann-arbor_n_6604458.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
1997 | Jimmi Ruth Ratliff | Detroit | MI | Black | 47 | Fatal | Police were called on Jimmi because she would not allow building staff into her apartment. When police arrived, they alleged she had fired her gun in her apartment. They then shot and killed her by firing through the wall into her bedroom. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed1.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
1998 | Cora Bell Jones | Detroit | MI | Black | 79 | Fatal | Police arrived at Cora's home in response to a drive-by shooting at her house. Claiming they saw someone run into her home, 20 officers broke in and shot Cora in the chest. They claim she was wielding a knife, despite the fact that was 79 and partially deaf and blind. | Metro Times | https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/costly-cops/Content?oid=2171198 | Officials paid Cora's family $350,000 | x | |||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Benzie County | MI | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer used force and coercion to grope a woman he pulled over on 3 occassions | Record Eagle | http://www.record-eagle.com/news/local_news/benzie-deputy-suspended-amid-csc-charges/article_25e258b9-626e-5e82-b0fb-af9000083b21.html | The officer took a plea deal which resulted in a one-year prison sentence | X | TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||||
1946 | Amy Spurlock | Jackson | MI | Black | unknown | Physical | Amy Spurlock was beaten and attacked by poilce after a group of white teens attacked a group of black teens. Police arrived and joined the attack. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1946 | Lucy Gordy James | Detroit | MI | Black | unknown | Physical | Patrolmen beat Lucy severly. She sued for damages. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1948 | Billie Moton Holmes | Flint | MI | Black | unknown | Physical | Billie had been evicted by her landlord, who called the police when she did not immediately vacate. When police arrived, they beat her and dragged her down a flight of stairs. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1964 | Barbara Jackson | Detroit | MI | Black | unknown | Physical | Barbara was erroneously accused by a "john" that she had stolen money from him. When police arrested her, they beat her, smashed her face in a door frame, and kicked her. Some of her teeth were broken and damaged and the violence disfigured her face. | Violence in the Model City: The Cavanagh Administration, Race Relations, and the Detroit Riot Of 1967 by Sydney Fine | https://books.google.com/books/about/Violence_in_the_Model_City.html?id=WEl5AAAAMAAJ | x | ||||||||||||||||
1965 | Cynthia Scott | Detroit | MI | Black | unknown | Fatal | Cynthia, a sex-worker well-known by police in the area, was approached by police when she was walking with money in her hand with a man. They interrogated her about whether she was engaging in sex work, and when they tried to arrest her, she allegedly "cut" an officer on the finger and tried to escape. They shot her twice, at which point she allegedly tried to slash them again, prompting them to shoot her a 3rd time. Witnesses say she never had a knife, or that the knife was taken from her before she was shot. | Violence in the Model City: The Cavanagh Administration, Race Relations, and the Detroit Riot Of 1967 by Sydney Fine | https://books.google.com/books/about/Violence_in_the_Model_City.html?id=WEl5AAAAMAAJ | x | ||||||||||||||||
1960s | Jackie Lee Murdock | Detroit | MI | Black | unknown | Sexual | Police arrived at Jackie's residence on the basis that there allegedly guns in the apartment she shared with 3 others. When she was arrested and put in the squad car, an officer ripped off her pajama top. At the precint, an officer fondled her breast while she was being photographed. | Violence in the Model City: The Cavanagh Administration, Race Relations, and the Detroit Riot Of 1967 by Sydney Fine | https://books.google.com/books/about/Violence_in_the_Model_City.html?id=WEl5AAAAMAAJ | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | [name redacted] | Robbinsdale | MN | Black | 18 | Physical | The 18 year old was shot at twice after allegedly chasing another woman with a knife. A witness, her younger sister, says the 18 year old was holding the knife out of fear of getting jumped by the other girls, was never given a warning, and was standing when she was shot. | x | ||||||||||||||||||
2015 | Ayesha McKinney | Minneapolis | MN | Black | 29 | Sexual | Ayesha was sexually harrassed by her parole officer, who asked for nude photos from her, demanded that she meet him in a hotel room, and asked that she participate in a threesome with him. | Star Tribune | http://www.startribune.com/sex-abuse-allegations-mount-against-former-minnesota-probation-officer/452367433/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Desiree Collins | St. Paul | MN | Black | 52 | Physical | While taking out the trash, Desiree was viciously attacked by a police dog who bit her arms and legs while police told her "you're fine." Police claimed they were looking for a burglary suspect. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/12/08/body-cam-captures-police-dog-attacking-innocent-woman-taking-out-her-garbage/ | The officer was given one day suspension. A lawsuit is currently being filed against the police force. | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | Tracina Ross | Minneapolis | MN | Black | Sexual | Tracina was sexually harrassed by her parole office, who asked her to engage in a threesome with him, go on a vacation with him, and inappropriately touched her. | Star Tribune | http://www.startribune.com/sex-abuse-allegations-mount-against-former-minnesota-probation-officer/452367433/ | x | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Dejamon Baker | St. Lous | MO | Black | 12 | Physical | Dejamon was tasered twice by a security guard in a Victoria's secret as she tried to stop her mother from being arrested. As a result of the assault, she had taser wounds in her stomach and chest. The young girl says she was simply crying and not getting in the officer's way of arrest. When she was arrested, her age was written down as 15 instead of 12. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2181918/Girl-12-TASERED-Victorias-Secret-trying-stop-police-arresting-mother.html | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Brittany Walker | St. Louis | MO | Black | 25 | Sexual | Brittany Walker called police when she suspected her car of being stolen. An officer arrived at her apartment, and after asking her several sexually inappropriate questions, forced her to perform oral sex. | Kansas City News | http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article189808474.html | The officer was charged with sodomy in 2018; he resigned the day after Brittany pressed charges. | x | x | x | PREGNANT, MOTHER, HOMELESS | ||||||||||||
2012 | Charlene Bratton | St. Louis | MO | Black | 27 | Physical | Charlene was arrested in a Victoria's secret due to warrants she had for traffic tickets. She said that during the arrest she was wrestled to the ground by the officer in front of her 12-year-old daughter, who was also tasered. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2181918/Girl-12-TASERED-Victorias-Secret-trying-stop-police-arresting-mother.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2011 | Anna Brown | St. Louis | MO | Black | 29 | Fatal | Anna checked herself into the hospital for intense pain in her legs; police were called and believed her to be on drugs. They arrested her by dragging her out of the hospital, into a squad car, and then into a holding cell, where she died 15 minutes later from a pulmonary embolism. Police ignored her cries of pain and need for medical treatment throughout the event. | St. Louis Post Dispatch News | http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/woman-unhappy-with-care-at-st-mary-s-hospital-is/article_ed640f3d-64a0-516c-88ff-fb770b5e9677.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2017 | Kiwi Herring | St Louis | MO | Black | 30 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a stabbing that Kiwi had apparently carried out against her neighbor, who had been homophobicly harrassing her. When police arrived, Kiwi allegedly cut an officer with a knife. They responded by shooting her at least 7 times, according to a witness. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/transgender-woman-police-killing-stlouis_us_599df3f7e4b05710aa599d34 | https://www.facebook.com/donate/112095869510135/ | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2015 | Kristine Hendrix | St Louis | MO | Black | 36 | Physical | Kristine and a man were abruptly tasered multiple times and then arrested by a police officer for partaking in a black lives matter rally that went into the street. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/st-louis-woman-sues-police-claiming-brutality-2015-arrest-article-1.3213101 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2001 | Annette Green | St. Louis | MO | Black | 37 | Fatal | Police conducted a military-style drug raid with a machine gun and battering ram on Annette's home. They shot her while she was on her stairway, unarmed. The basis for the raid had been a tip from an informant that Annette's nephew was selling crack in her home. | River Front Times | https://www.riverfronttimes.com/stlouis/whos-next/Content?oid=2471545 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Robin White | St. Louis | MO | Black | 50 | Fatal | Robin White, 50, was reportedly firing a gun outside of a house. Responding officers fired several shots, killing her, claiming she refused to drop her gun. | KMOV | http://www.kmov.com/story/35395160/woman-shot-killed-in-holly-hills-neighborhood | |||||||||||||||||
2007 | Linda Joyce Friday | Kansas City | MO | Black | 55 | Fatal | Linda called 911 to request an ambulance and then played gospel music on her stereo before allegedly displaying a gun to police. Police then shot her 3 times. Her son's subsequent lawsuit revealed officer's knew about Linda's mental illness before arriving at her home. | Kansas City Star | http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article92945217.html | Linda's son received $680,000 and found the Kansas City police at fault for Linda's death. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
unknown | [redacted name] | St. Louis | MO | Black | unknown | Physical | Officers approached and assaulted a young woman. They ordered her to put her hands up, then threw her against the wall to search her. Finding nothing, they threw her to the ground, kicked her, and put a gun in her mouth, telling her that if she told anybody, they would “blow her Black brains out” or would “take her away and rape her, and she won’t be found. | GENDER, RACE, AND URBAN POLICING The Experience of African American Youths | http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0891243206287727 | x (is "tomboy" GNC or queer?) | x | |||||||||||||||
1963 | June Johnson | Winona | MS | Black | 15 | Physical/Sexual | Johnson was arrested along with Fannie Lou Hamer and others for sitting at a bus station's white-only counter. In jail she was stripped naked and beaten badly in her face by police. The man who came to bail her out said she was beaten "within inches of her life". | Washington Post | http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/17/AR2007041701988.html | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Crystaline Barnes | Jackson | MS | Black | 21 | Fatal | Police accounts report that college student Crystaline was attempting to run a motorist off the road with her car. When they showed up, she allegedly tried to run her car into police. Police fired over 10 times at Crystaline, killing her. | WAPT | http://www.wapt.com/article/jackson-police-officers-at-scene-of-apparent-shooting/15902334 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Aviana White | Pass Christian | MS | Black | 27 | Physical | White was in the car with her brother who was stopped for speeding. When she refused to give her name to the officer and called her mom to come pick them up, the officer charged at her, threw her to the ground and tased her, despite her repeated statements that she was pregnant. She was tased at least 3 times. | Miama Herald | http://amp.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article173028961.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
1963 | Annelle Ponder | Winona | MS | Black | 31 | Physical | Annelle was arrested along with Fannie Lou Hamer and others for sitting at a bus station's whites-only counter. In jail, she was verbally degraded and beaten severly by police. | SNCC Digital | https://snccdigital.org/people/annell-ponder/ | |||||||||||||||||
2005 | Mary Jeffries | Holly Springs | MS | Black | 51 | Fatal | Mary was approached by police when she was allegedly walking around in the middle of the street naked. Police forcefully arrested her into their car, and then tasered her once she reached the jail. Shortly after being tasered, she seemed to "not be doing well" and was taken to hospital, where she was pronounced dead. | South Reporter | http://archive.southreporter.com/2005/wk40/officials%20examine.html | X | X | DISABILITY, HOMELESS | ||||||||||||||
1949 | Donetta Bell | Jackson | MS | Black | Physical | Mrs. Donetta Bell, a black instructor at Jackson College, Mississippi, was singled out of a group of white jaywalkers by police, slapped and jailed. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | ||||||||||||||||||
unknown | [name redacted] | N/A | N/A | Black | unknown | Physical | A pregnant immigrant woman from Cameroon miscarried while in ICE custody after officials ignored her requests for medical care for two days. | Ruben Rosario, Deportation Case Is No Model of Justice Served | can't find link or more information? | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | Charlotte | NC | Unknown | 13 | Sexual | A school security guard sexually assaulted a 13 year old from February through May of 2018. | NY Post | https://nypost.com/2018/07/12/school-security-guard-sexually-assaulted-13-year-old-girl-cops/ | x | SCHOOL | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Jasmine Darwin | Rollesville | NC | Black | 15 | Physical | Jasmine was attempting to intervene in a fight between her sister and another student when a police officer stationed at her school picked her up, lifted her over his head, and threw her to the ground, causing her to suffer a concussion. | NBC Charlotte | http://www.wcnc.com/news/watch-nc-student-slammed-to-ground-by-resource-officer/381910387 | https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/get-rid-officer-who-body-slammed-15-yr-old-black-girl-nc | x | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Janisha Fonville | Charlotte | NC | Black | 20 | Fatal | Janisha's partner asked her sister to call the police, as she and Janisha had been fighting. When police arrived, Janisha tried to rise from the couch in protest of their arrival. Police immediately shot her twice in the chest, killing her. They claimed she was lunging at them with a knife, but her partner who witnessed the shooting claimed Janisha was completely unarmed and posing no threat to officers. | Charlotte Observer | http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/crime/article15728675.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2017 | Takara Williams | Winston Salem | NC | Black | 24 | Physical | Takara was pulled over for a traffic stop. The officer saw that her insurance was expired. When she tried to call her grandfather, the officer escalated the situation and threw Takara down on the ground, violently arresting her. | My Fox 8 | http://myfox8.com/2017/05/04/woman-arrested-by-winston-salem-police-officer-in-viral-video-recounts-incident-police-release-statement/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2018 | Alkeeta Allena Walker | Tarpon Springs | NC | Black | 33 | Fatal | Police were called when construction workers overheard Alkeeta Walker tell them to call the police. When police arrived, Alkeeta allegedly was brandishing knives and charging at the officers, who then responded by tasering and shooting her in a matter of 17 seconds. | Tampa Bay Times | http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/Tarpon-Springs-officer-fatally-shoots-woman-armed-with-knives-w-video-_166224913 | https://www.gofundme.com/42g5u-help-with-funeral-expenses | x | X | MOTHER, DISABILITY | |||||||||||||
2011 | Talana Salissa Cain | Mount Airy | NC | Black | 45 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a woman threatening to commit suicide. When they arrived, she allegedly was holding a shotgun and shot at officers. They then shot her 7 times. | Journal Now | http://www.journalnow.com/news/local/surry-county-woman-who-died-in-standoff-with-police-was/article_6dd5b8bf-af5e-5cbd-8384-e1b78b3aa430.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Chieu-di Thi Vo | Greensboro | NC | Asian | 47 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a small woman chasing someone around with a meat cleaver (another call was made reporting a similar woman chasing someone with a knife). When police arrived, the officer shot Chieu within seconds of seeing her. Although the officer alleged she approached him with a weapon, his body camera shows her following a curved path in a non-threatening fashion. It is likely she did not immediately respond to him due to the fact that he was shouting in English and Chieu did not speak English. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3587181/Bodycam-footage-shows-moment-North-Carolina-cop-fatally-shoots-woman-came-meat-cleaver.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
1997 | Carolyn Sue Boetticher | Charlotte | NC | Black | 48 | Fatal | Carolyn was shot 22 times by police after the car she was in allegedly drove through a police check-point and drove "at" officers. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/1997/04/12/us/fbi-is-investigating-black-woman-s-death.html | |||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Coats | NC | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An officer threw a disabled woman to the ground while arresting her at a traffic stop. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | x | X | DISABILITY, TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | Greenville | NC | Unknown | unknown | Physical | A police officer strangled a woman and threatened to kill her daughter. | Daily Progress | https://www.dailyprogress.com/news/greene-woman-sues-sheriff-over-taser-use/article_391736ba-4609-55e8-a833-865b2c3fd4eb.html | The officer has been arrested | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | Sharon Smith | Biltmore Forest | NC | Black | unknown | Physical | Black Lives Matter activist was forcefully arrested after she responded to a question on a panel when it was against policy for her to do so. Employees of the building then called security, which entailed the police taking Sharon out of the building. | Black Youth Project | https://blackyouthproject.com/black-lives-matter-activist-arrested-during-anti-racism-training-after-confrontation-with-white-woman/ | |||||||||||||||||
1945 | Corporal Marguerite Nicholson | Hamlet | NC | Black | unknown | Physical | Marguerite was ordered to "move forward" on a train. When she refused the second order to move forward, she was beaten, cursed and abused by officers before being put in jail and fined. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1946 | Margaret DeGraffenried | Winston Salem | NC | Black | unknown | Physical | Margaret was beaten by police while she was participating in a strike against a leaf tobacco company. She was then sentenced to 3 months on a road gang. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | [name redacted] | Fargo | ND | Multi-Racial | 15 | Physical | A teenage girl was approached by police and accused of smoking weed while she was sitting in her family member's car to charge her phone. Police then aggressively dragged her out of her, put her in handcuffs, and repeatedly pounded her face against the hood of their car. Multiple officers rushed her to the ground while arresting her, and then proceeded to hog tie in the back seat of their car. She experienced bruising as a result of the arrest, and was kept in detention for 3 days. | WDAY | http://www.wday.com/content/fargo-family-says-police-used-excessive-force-teen-police-say-otherwise | x | WAR ON DRUGS | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Vanessa "Sioux Z" Dundon | Standing Rock Sioux Reservation | ND | Indigenous/Native American | 31 | Physical | While protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline, Vanessa was hit in the leg by a rubber bullet and her retina was fractured by a tear gas canister by police. She is unlikely to regain full sight in her right eye. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-standing-rock-wounded-20161222-story.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Isabel Escodedo | Fargo | ND | Latinx | unknown | Physical | Isabel's pregnant daughter, who herself had been brutalized by police during an arrest two year prior, was prank called by schoolmates who told police that Isabel was experiencing domestic violence. When police arrived, Isabel was home alone and tried to explain to the officers that there was no domestic violence. She was then grabbed and forcefully arrested, where her face was smashed into the wall, splitting her lip. Police arrested her and conducted a warantless search of her home. | KPPP FM | http://kpppfm.com/live-shows/a-mexican-crossing-lines-domestic-disturbances/ | X | x | MOTHER, DV | ||||||||||||||
2016 | Crystal Wilson | Standing Rock Sioux Reservation | ND | Native American | unknown | Physical | While protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline, Crystal was shot with a water cannon, tear gassed, and shot with a munition by police. | Lexis Legal News | http://www.lexislegalnews.com/articles/12935/injured-pipeline-protestors-sue-county-city-police-over-clash-at-bridge | |||||||||||||||||
2016 | Jade Kalikolehuaokakalani Wool | Standing Rock Sioux Reservation | ND | Indigenous/Native American | unknown | Physical | While protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline, two grenades blew up near Jade's head, burning her face and exposing her to shrapnel, which resulted in her being hospitalized. | Lexis Legal News | http://www.lexislegalnews.com/articles/12935/injured-pipeline-protestors-sue-county-city-police-over-clash-at-bridge | |||||||||||||||||
2008 | [name redacted] | Greely County | NE | Unknown | 27 | Sexual | A police officer raped a mentally disabled woman. She later gave birth to his child. | The Independent | https://www.theindependent.com/news/local/ex-deputy-convicted-of-abuse-in-sexual-assault-case/article_3a5247be-5864-5f04-ac94-6f2a00a42937.html | The officer was sentenced to 2 months in prison and 2 years probation | x | DISABILITY | ||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Concord | NH | Unknown | Sexual | An officer assaulted a woman during her arrest and then warned her not to report the groping incident | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | The officer was sentenced to 45 days in jail | |||||||||||||||||
2017 | Kyasia Sorrells | Orange | NJ | Black | 17 | Physical | Kyasia and her twin sister Nyasia were violently thrown to the ground by their braids by a cop who suddenly intervened in a group hangout of high school kids. The vice president of their high school attempted to stop the officer, who then punched him and tried to mace him; it is possible that this is why the officer was suspended afterward. The twins were taken into police custody. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/officer-suspended-after-grabbing-twins-pulling-ones-hair/2017/10/13/d5e2a7de-b031-11e7-9b93-b97043e57a22_story.html?utm_term=.74e239a092eb | The cop involved was suspended. | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Nyasia Sorrells | Orange | NJ | Black | 17 | Physical | Nyasia and her twin sister Kyasia were violently thrown to the ground by their braids by a cop who suddenly intervened in a group hangout of high school kids. The vice president of their high school attempted to stop the officer, who then punched him and tried to mace him; it is possible that this is why the officer was suspended afterward. The twins were taken into police custody. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/officer-suspended-after-grabbing-twins-pulling-ones-hair/2017/10/13/d5e2a7de-b031-11e7-9b93-b97043e57a22_story.html?utm_term=.74e239a092eb | x | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | Amanda Anderson | Jersey City | NJ | Black | 22 | Fatal | Officers were surveilling a home when a man allegedly shot at the officers who were in an unmarked police car. Police stormed and laid siege to the home for 90 minutes, during which they shot and killed Amanda Anderson, the man's companion. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/23/nyregion/23anderson.html | x | MUSLIM | |||||||||||||||
1973 | Assata Shakur | East Brunswick | NJ | Black | 26 | Physical | Assata and two companions were stopped by police on the New Jersey turnpike pursuant to COINTELPRO practice of arresting activists for minor traffic violations. Police began questioning the individuals in the car, escalating to a shoot out in which the police killed one driver and wounded Assata by shooting her multiple times as she held her arms up in surrender. She was then shackled, interrogated, physically and sexually abused over a period of days as she lay hospital in a hospital bed recovering from the shooting. | Assata Shakur: An Autobiography | https://libcom.org/files/assataauto.pdf | x | TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||||
2000 | Hazel Ayende | Hackettstown | NJ | Latinx | 29 | Fatal | Police followed Hazel on a police chase after she got in a minor accident. According to police reports, an officer then approached her car, tried to grab the steering wheel and fell out when Hazel drove away - prompting another officer to immediately shoot her and kill her. | Schenectady Cop Watch | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nyc.general/5YVMyx4-2BY | x | x | MOTHER, TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||||
1997 | Danette Daniels | Newark | NJ | Black | 31 | Fatal | Police attempted to arrest Danette for what they believed to be a drug transaction. She tried to drive off in the police car. An officer allegedly hanging off the open door then shot her. | x | x | |||||||||||||||||
1999 | Danette "Strawberry" Daniels | Newark | NJ | Black | 31 | Fatal | Police approached Danette for allegedly drug dealing; they shot her after a scuffle broke out in the squad car. Witnesses say Danette wasn't buying any drugs. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/1997/09/05/nyregion/newark-officer-is-cleared-in-shooting-during-arrest.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2005 | Mytia "Nikki" Groomes | Newark | NJ | Black | 34 | Fatal | Police said Mytia Groomes was loitering for the purpose of prostitution. She died of a drug overdose while in police custody. Few details are available regarding her death. | NJ Arrest Related Deaths | https://nj-arrest-related-deaths.herokuapp.com/posts/mytia-groomes | x | x | x | HOMELESS, WAR ON DRUGS, POLICING PROSTITUTION | |||||||||||||
2018 | Lashanda Anderson | Deptford | NJ | Black | 36 | Fatal | Lashanda was shopping at a strip mall. Police accused her of shiplifting and chased by officers. When she ignored their call to stop, she allegedly tried to run them over, prompting them to shoot her twice "self-defense". | Philly Inquirer | http://www.philly.com/philly/news/new_jersey/shooting-deptford-new-jersey-mall-police-lashanda-anderson-family-reaction-murder-20180611.html | |||||||||||||||||
1996 | Carolyn Adams | New Brunswick | NJ | Black | 39 | Fatal | According to the police officer, he was attempting to arrest her on prostitution charges. She allegedly bit his finger, to which he responded by shooting her. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/11/nyregion/lawsuit-in-police-shooting.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | Martina Brown | Jersey City | NJ | Black | 58 | Fatal | Martina's husband called for an ambulance to help his wife when she underwent a schizophrenic episode and grabbed a knife. Police arrived, threw him to the ground and shot Martina 6 times after she allegedly injured police with a knife. | The Jersey Journal | http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2009/07/jersey_city_man_to_cops_you_di.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Atlantic City | NJ | Unknown | unknown | Physical | Police attacked a disabled woman at a bar with a K9 who bit her. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | x | DISABILITY | |||||||||||||||
2011 | Diana Guerrero | Las Cruces | NM | Latinx | 17 | Sexual | While working as an intern at the police department, Diana went for a ride along with a polife officer. He sexually fondled and assaulted her. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/03/24/behind-3m-settlement-the-story-of-a-police-interns-dreams-shattered-by-sexual-assault/?utm_term=.9ef3433a6508 | Diana received a $3 million settlement from the city. The officer who assaulted her was sentenced to 9 years in prison. | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Marlysa Sanchez | Ruidoso | NM | Latinx | 31 | Fatal | Police responded to a burglary; when they arrived at the street, 2 allegedly oncoming vehicles attempted to drive into the officer. The officer shot at both drivers, of whom one was Marylsa, killing her. | Ruidoso News | http://www.ruidosonews.com/story/news/local/community/2017/11/06/state-police-investigating-fatal-officer-involved-shooting/836658001/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Jeanette Anaya | Santa Fe | NM | Latinx | 39 | Fatal | An officer tried to pull over Jeanette for an alleged "wobbly turn" at a stop sign; she fled in her car because she had a warrant for her arrest due to faking her identity at a previous traffic stop and also had cocaine in her system. When the officer hit her car, causing her to collide into cinderblock, she attempted to back away. The officer got out of his car and fired 16 shots at her as he approached her driver's side, killing her. | Santa Fe New Mexican | http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/passenger-speaks-out-on-jeanette-anaya-s-fatal-chase/article_9ead1b4c-6a22-5e5a-8dfe-3ac6c2c3fc52.html | The family received a $3 million settlement from the government. | x | |||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Albuquerque | NM | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Police fondled an injured woman during her arrest. When she was taken to the hospital, police raped her. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://www.policemisconduct.net/databases/ | The city settled the lawsuit with the woman for $575,000 | ||||||||||||||||
2007 | Denise Nicole Glasco | Las Vegas | NV | Black | 24 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a woman threatening a teenager in a Jack in the Box. When they arrived, she allegedly tried to escape arrest. Police assaulted her with a taser, a beanbag shotgun and pepper spray (to seemingly no effect, as she had taken PCP). They then shot her when allegedly lunged at them with no weapon. | Las Vegas Sun | https://lasvegassun.com/news/2009/jun/16/family-sues-metro-over-fatal-2007-shooting/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Sharmel Edwards | Las Vegas | NV | Black | 49 | Fatal | Sharmel's boyfriend called the cops when Sharmel went out driving his car without him, and notified them he had a gun in his car. According to the police, when they arrived they ordered her out of the car, and seeing her threaten them with a gun, they shot at her 17 times. Witnesses, however, say she was not holding a gun, and was never told to put down a gun - instead, she was shot with her hands in the air, surrendering. | Las Vegas Review Journal | https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/friends-woman-killed-by-police-was-nonviolent/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2005 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 14 | Sexual | An NYPD officer abused and began having sex with two girls (14 and 15) who were his karate students. He led one student to believe that sexual acts were part of the karate program. He was also charged with taking a third girl to his house to have sex in 2003. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/nypd-karate-teacher-fesses-teen-sex-rap-article-1.429365 | The officer was arrested and charged with felony counts of second and third degree rape. After denying the charges, he pleaded guilty and is facing 10 years in prison. He was suspended by the NYPD after his arrest and fired after his guilty plea. | ||||||||||||||||
unknown | [redacted name] | New York City | NY | Asian | 14 | Sexual | A 9th grade student was accused of being involved in a fight because she had present at the time of the fight. The security guard accused her of having a knife and proceeded to take her to a room and force her to take off her shirt and pants to check her bra. | "Deprived of Dignity: Degrading Treatment and Abusive Discipline in New York City and Los Angeles Public Schools" | https://www.nesri.org/resources/deprived-of-dignity-degrading-treatment-and-abusive-discipline-in-new-york-city-and-los-angeles-public-schools | x | ||||||||||||||||
2005 | [name redacted] | San Antonio | NY | Unknown | 15 | Sexual | An NYPD officer abused and began having sex with two girls (14 and 15) who were his karate students. He led one student to believe that sexual acts were part of the karate program. He was also charged with taking a third girl to his house to have sex in 2003. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/nypd-karate-teacher-fesses-teen-sex-rap-article-1.429365 | The officer was arrested and charged with felony counts of second and third degree rape. After denying the charges, he pleaded guilty and is facing 10 years in prison. He was suspended by the NYPD after his arrest and fired after his guilty plea. | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 15 | Sexual | Between Nov. 1, 2013, and Feb. 14, 2014, an NYPD officer raped his girlfriend’s daughter, a girl under the age of 15. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/nypd-busted-alleged-sexual-relationship-minor-article-1.2110680 | He was charged with two counts of rape, criminal sex acts, sexual misconduct, forcible touching, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child - and he was sentenced to 3 years in prison. | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 15 | Sexual | In 2014, an NYPD officer was charged with sex abuse, harassment and endangering the welfare of a child for sending sexual texts to and kissing a 15 year old who had volunteered with the force. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/nypd-youth-officer-kevin-louther-charged-sexting-15-year-old-girl-article-1.125466 | |||||||||||||||||
2005 | Adama Bah | Harlem, Manhattan | NY | Black | 16 | Physical/Sexual | Adama was detained in prison for 6 weeks on the grounds of overstaying her visa. She endured racist remarks, multiple invasive strip searches, isolation and was forced to wear an ankle bracelet for 3 years allegedly due to rumors of her being a suicide bomber. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/sep/02/after-9-11-muslim-arab-american-stories | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 16 | Sexual | An NYPD officer was suspended after being charged with criminal sexual act, unlawfully dealing with a child and endangering the welfare of a child. A 16 year old boy came forward and reported that the officer had had sex with him. | NY Post | https://nypost.com/2012/06/22/nypd-cop-busted-for-allegedly-having-sex-with-teen/ | The officer was suspended. | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 16 | Sexual | An NYPD officer was arrested for having sex with a 16 year old girl whom he had met during his work as a minister. He engaged in sexual messaging with the girl, and had sex with her multiple times. One source said the two had been romantically involved for a year. | NY Post | https://nypost.com/2015/03/24/cop-posing-as-church-pastor-busted-for-having-sex-with-teen/ | The charges were later dropped due to “lack of sufficient DNA evidence” and that the girl would have been 17 at the time. | ||||||||||||||||
unknown | Jessica Morillo | New York | NY | Latinx | 16 | Physical | Jessica, a public school student described her arrest for taking the “wrong” stairway in her school building (trespassing): “The school safety officer grabbed me, threw me on the stairs, twisted my arms, called for more cops, and then they handcuffed me. I had to go to court. I had bruises all over my body. I felt worthless.” 10 cops held her down at once. | Chalkbeat | https://co.chalkbeat.org/posts/ny/2013/09/04/police-arrests-and-tickets-in-school-down-but-racial-gap-persists/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Dailene Rosario | New York City | NY | Unknown | 17 | Physical | Dailene was tasered by police after she would not let them into her apartment without a search warrant. | ABC News | http://abcnews.go.com/US/nypd-launches-investigation-video-purportedly-shows-officer-stun/story?id=45509871 | x | ||||||||||||||||
1975 | Denise Hawkins | Rochester | NY | Black | 18 | Fatal | Denise was running down the street, fleeing from her abusive boyfriend. A police officer then shot her, alleging she had a knife in her hand. | CopBlock (having trouble finding more legitimate news source) | https://www.copblock.org/18633/former-rochester-ny-police-captain-michael-leach-who-shot-and-killed-an-innocent-woman-now-kills-his-own-son/ | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 18 | Sexual | A police officer met an 18 year old in a subway station. Later that day he picked her up from her house and took her to a club, with the officer knowing that the girl was underage. He provided her alcohol in his car and saw her consume more at the club. When they left the club, the girl believed she would be taken to her home; instead the officer took her to his apartment and raped her. She left after he fell asleep. | Commission to Combat Police Corruption | http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/ccpc/downloads/pdf/Sixteen-Annual.pdf | The officer was arrested for Rape in the First Degree and Unlawfully Dealing with a Child; but the rape charge was dropped. He forfeited 65 work days | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 18 | Sexual | Two NYPD detectives took an 18 year old girl to a secluded area and raped her while in handcuffs after taking her into custody on a drug charge. They then forced her out of their unmarked minivan and drove off. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/nyc-teen-claims-nypd-cops-raped-arrest-drug-charge-article-1.3530054 | During the ongoing investigation of the incident, the two officers were put on modified duty; they then quit the force. | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 18 | Sexual | During a traffic stop, two detectives forced a young female driver to remove her bra and expose herself to prove she wasn't hiding anything. They then arrested her on drug charges and took turns raping her while she was handcuffed in the back seat of their police van in Coney Island. | CNN | https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/31/us/nypd-detectives-rape-charges/index.html | X | x | x | WAR ON DRUGS, POLICING PROSTITUTION, TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||
2009 | Tiffany Jimenez | New York City | NY | Latinx | 19 | Physical | Police hurled homophic slurs at Tiffany and her friend Jeanette. Multiple officers tackled, beat, and violently arrested both individuals, allegedly for "disorderly conduct. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/brooklyn-cops-beat-2-lesbians-article-1.376381 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2006 | Shakina Thompson | Syracuse | NY | Black | 20 | Sexual | Police were called to respond to a domestic dispute regarding Shakina and her girlfriend. When an officer arrived, he sexually assaulted Shakina. He assaulted her two more times after the first incident. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/women-claim-syracuse-sexually-abused-article-1.2743535 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
1983 | Alecia McCuller | Rochester | NY | Black | 21 | Fatal | Alecia was allegedly attempting to stab her boyfriend when a police officer shot her. He then shot her again as she was bleeding on the ground. | Rochester Times-Union | "Police Clash Goes On" Rochester Times-Union. December 19, 1984 | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | [name redacted] | Rochester | NY | Black | 21 | Physical | Police punched the 21-year-old in the head and violently arrested her after she repeatedly alerted them that she was pregnant; she subsquently served time in prison for "resisting arrest". | x | ||||||||||||||||||
2013 | Andrea Rebello | Hempstead | NY | Latinx | 21 | Fatal | Andrea was shot by police when she was being held hostage and then used as a human shield by her kidnapper. Family say police recklessly endangered her life and fired the shot "with deliberate indifference" to her life. | News Day | http://www.newsday.com/long-island/crime/new-lawsuit-in-death-of-hofstra-student-andrea-rebello-1.11813401 | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | Shantel Davis | New York City | NY | Black | 23 | Fatal | Shantel was chased by police when she sped through a red light. According to police report, police discovered she was driving a stolen car during the chase, which ended when she hit a minivan. While she attempted to escape the scene, police confronted her in her car and shot her. Police reports say she apparently reached for the officer's gun. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/15/nyregion/woman-shot-by-police-in-brooklyn-after-car-crash.html?mtrref=www.google.com&gwh=3F7A512A20344EFD53DB89F31CCF9D1E&gwt=pay | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | 24 | Sexual | An NYPD detective assigned to investigate the rape of a 24 year old woman flew to her home for an interview, drank with her all night and convinced her to sleep at his place. In the morning he aggressively pursued her and neglected her request that her clothes stay on. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/exclusive-nypd-accused-groping-rape-victim-article-1.2080637 | The officer was merely demoted as a result, and the woman settled her lawsuit for $10,000 in court. | X | DV | ||||||||||||||
2014 | Rosann Miller | New York City | NY | Black | 27 | Physical | While having a cookout in her front yard with her husband, Rosann Miller was verbally degraded, placed in a chokehold and arrested by NYPD for "disorderly conduct" in refusing to move the cookout to the backyard. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/pregnant-woman-apparently-put-chokehold-article-1.1882755 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | Shereese Francis | New York City | NY | Black | 29 | Fatal | Shereese's family called for an ambulance to help Shereese, who was mentally ill and off her medication. When police arrived, they tackled her, causing her to asphyxiate. | Village Voice | https://www.villagevoice.com/2012/06/26/family-sues-to-learn-why-shereese-francis-was-suffocated-in-her-home-by-police/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2009 | Jeanette Grey | New York City | NY | Black | 31 | Physical | Police hurled homophic slurs at Jeanette and her friend Tiffany. Multiple officers tackled, beat, and violently arrested both individuals, allegedly for "disorderly conduct. Jeanette's tooth was broken in the proces when a cop slammed her face against the hood of the cop car. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/brooklyn-cops-beat-2-lesbians-article-1.376381 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Sahlah Ridgeway | Syracuse | NY | Black | 32 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about drug dealing. When an officer encountered a group of people, he reported he saw one woman with a gun. He ordered her to drop it and then immediately shot her. | Syracuse | http://www.syracuse.com/crime/index.ssf/2016/05/butternut_shooting_sahlah_ridgeway.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2005 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Latinx | 35 | Sexual | NYPD officers pulled a woman over, ordered her to open up her jacket, and ran a hand up her leg during the stop, and then told her they would follow her home to make sure she got home “safely.” Once there, they forced their way into her house, continued to assault her, and tried to force her to perform oral sex on them in her apartment while her three children slept nearby. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/22/nyregion/two-officers-are-charged-in-sex-attack.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Kimi Fletcher | Syracuse | NY | Black | 35 | Sexual | Kimi was raped on multiple occasions by a police officer. The first occurance happened after she called police to help make her kids go to school. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/women-claim-syracuse-sexually-abused-article-1.2743535 | The officer was fired and put on probation. | x | |||||||||||||||
1998 | Yvette Marin Kessler | Manhattan | NY | Latinx | 36 | Fatal | Yvette was arrested for drug possession chargers, which were later dismissed. She complained of stomach pains while in custody, and was taken to the hospital. Within 3 hours of being released from the hospital and placed back in custody, she was found dead in her cell, with injuries on her body. There is evidence that shortly before her death, a verbal alteraction arose with her and a guard for her request to go to the bathroom. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/1998/10/06/nyregion/family-seeks-inquiry-on-death-of-woman-in-police-custody.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
1999 | Cherae Williams | New York City | NY | Black | 37 | Physical | Cherae called police to report domestic violence after her boyfriend beat her. When police arrived, they would not get out of the car. When she asked for their badge numbers, they handcuffed Cherae, forced her into their car and drove her to a deserted parking lot. There, they pepper-sprayed her and beat her within an inch of her life. As a result, her nose was broken, her spleen was burst, and her jaw had to be wired shut because it was fractured. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2000/03/02/nyregion/2-officers-are-accused-beating-woman-who-asked-for-their-names-badge-numbers.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | Yang Song | New York | NY | Asian | 38 | Sexual/Fatal | Yang was sexually assaulted by a police officer who then pressured her to become a police informant for massage parlors. She then died after leaping from a window during an NYPD vice sting months after filing the sexual assault complaint against the NYPD. | Injustice Today | https://injusticetoday.com/family-former-attorney-of-queens-woman-who-fell-to-her-death-in-vice-sting-say-she-was-sexually-d67461a12f1 | x | x | IMMIGRANT, POLICING PROSTITUTION | ||||||||||||||
2015 | Maleatra Montanez | Syracuse | NY | Black | 40 | Sexual | Maleatra was raped by a police officer after she called police to report her daughter being missing. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/woman-sues-upstate-n-y-avoids-rape-charges-article-1.2637913 | The officer was fired and put on probation. | ||||||||||||||||
1990 | Mary Mitchell | New York City | NY | Black | 41 | Fatal | 8 cops responded to a call reporting a fight between Mary and her daughter. When they arrived, they shot her after she allegedly attempted to swing an officer's nighstick at him. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed2.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Chaumtoli Huq | Manhattan | NY | Asian | 43 | Physical | Chaumtoli was violently arrested on the sidewalk while waiting for her family to return from using the bathroom at a restaurant. She was charged with disorderly conduct, blocking the sidewalk and resisting arrest. Racial / xenophobic remarks were also made to her by the officers. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/exclusive-woman-settles-racial-profiling-suit-nyc-article-1.2327196 | Chaumtoli won $37,500 in a settlement with the city | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2015 | Raynetta Turner | Mount Vernon | NY | Black | 43 | Fatal | Raynetta was arrested for stealing food; after informing officers of her various medical concerns, she was found dead in her holding cell. | ABC 7 NY News | http://abc7ny.com/news/woman-accused-of-shoplifting-found-dead-in-mount-vernon-holding-cell/888789/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Sandra Amezquita | New York City | NY | Latinx | 44 | Physical | Sandra attempted to intervene while police arrested her son for alleged possession of a knife; police threw her heavily pregnant body to the ground and beat her with a baton. She gave birth 4 months early to a premature baby following the incident. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/exclusive-pregnant-woman-thrown-nypd-article-1.1950499 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2014 | Denise Stewart | New York City | NY | Black | 47 | Physical | Police arrived at the wrong address in responding to a call. When Denise tried to explain that she hadn't called 911, she was dragged out of her home naked except for a towel. She suffered an asthma attack, begged for her inhaler, and collapsed, while police refused to help her or cover her up. They also handcuffed her 4 children. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/brooklyn-jury-acquits-grandmother-dragged-naked-cops-charged-article-1.2909771 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Sandra Guardiola | Canandaigua | NY | Latinx | 48 | Fatal | A police officer arrived at parole officer Sandra's home for a wellness check. According to police reports, the officer then called an ambulance when they found Sandra semi-responsive. The officer alleges she then shot at him, prompting the officer to shoot 3 times and kill her. | FingerLake Times | http://www.fltimes.com/news/police-release-more-details-on-parole-officer-s-death/article_942865a4-75e1-5389-a60b-31c4465714a5.html | x | x | MOTHER, DISABILITY | ||||||||||||||
1999 | [redacted name] | New York City | NY | Black | 53 | Physical | A mother working as security was approached about her son being arrested. When she arrived at the scene, police assaulted her and fractured her hand by pushing her into a fence. She was then taken to booking. | Whose Safety?: Women of Color and Violence by Law Enforcement | https://www.afsc.org/sites/afsc.civicactions.net/files/documents/whose%20safety.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2006 | Patricia Thompson | Rochester | NY | Black | 54 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a domestic dispute involving Thompson. When they arrived, she allegedly lunged at them with a knife. They shot her. The family claims the police should have known about Patricia's mental health problems as she had had 15 encounters with police since 1991. | Spectrum News | http://www.twcnews.com/archives/nys/rochester/2006/03/03/rpd-officer-shoots--kills-woman-NY_335474.old.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2011 | Denise Gay | New York City | NY | Black | 56 | Fatal | Denise was sitting on a stoop when police fired 73 shots at a male "armed suspect". They allegedly accidentally hit Denise, killing her. However, police tried to pin the death on the suspect, and grilled Denise's sister for 12 hours in attempt to clear themselves. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/09/nyregion/killer-of-denise-gay-an-innocent-bystander-is-still-a-mystery.html | Denise's sister received $100,000 in a settlement from the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2003 | Alberta Spruill | Harlem | NY | Black | 57 | Fatal | Police conducted a no-knock search warrant looking for guns and drugs; they threw a flash grenade into Alberta's apartment after being given falso information from a "confidential informant". Alberta alerted the captain that she had a heart condition and soon suffered a heart attack. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/17/nyregion/woman-dies-after-police-mistakenly-raid-her-apartment.html | Alberta's family was given $1.6 milion in a settlement with the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2011 | Yvonne McNeal | New York City | NY | Black | 57 | Fatal | Police encountered a "squabble" outside a homeless shelter for mentally ill people. Yvonne allegedly threatened them with 2 ornate knives. They shot her. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/07/yvonne-mcneal-homeless-lesbian-killed_n_999809.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
1984 | Eleanor Bumpurs | New York City | NY | Black | 66 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about an eviction dispute. When they arrived, Eleanor allegedly tried to attack an officer with a knife. Another officer fired a shot at Eleanor, which shattered her hand and the knife. He then shot her again, killing her. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/1985/04/13/nyregion/state-judge-dismisses-indictment-of-officer-in-the-bumpurs-killing.html?pagewanted=all | Eleanor's family received a $200,000 settlement from the city | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2016 | Deborah Danner | New York City | NY | Black | 66 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about an "emotionally disturbed person". When they arrived, they alleged Deborah was swinging a baseball bat at them. They shot her. | NY Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/31/nyregion/new-york-city-police-deborah-danner-hugh-barry-bronx-womans-shooting-death.html | The police officer who shot Deborah was charged with murder. | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Tiffany [last name redacted] | New York City | NY | Black | 20s | Sexual | The young woman was arrested in public housing with guns drawn by police. When she told them she did not consent to the search, the officer groped her breasts. When she tried to report the officer at the precint, other officers mocked her and told her that they knew where she lived. | Gaurav Jashnani et al., “‘From the time I leave my house, I’m under the gun’: Trauma, Public Space and Order Maintenance Policing in New York City,” 2017, forthcoming article, | source link not available yet | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | [name redacted] | Wyandanch | NY | Black | 30s | Sexual | A woman was arrested and taken to a precinct for a traffic violation. Inside the precint, a police officer groped her chest and later she was forced her to perform oral sex while another police officer looked away. The woman asked to be taken to a hospital to be given a rape kit, and the officers refused. She went to the FBI immediately after she was released, and days after her released she began receiving texts from the assaulting officer. | NY Post | https://nypost.com/2017/07/27/cop-admits-to-sexually-assaulting-woman-in-interrogation-room/ | The officer was suspended for a month without pay. He is currently under investigation, with the possibility of 10 years in prison. | x | |||||||||||||||
2008 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | After a police raid, an NYPD officer forced the mother of three children to take off her clothes in her bedroom. He then took on a car ride before taking her to a police station, where he forced her to perform oral sex in exchange for “ripping up her papers” and threatened to take her children away from her if she did not do it. He was also accused of forcing a female drug dealer to have sex with him under similar circumstances and inappropriately touching a female court officer who had been arrested in 2009. | NY Post | https://nypost.com/2010/05/18/police-detective-arrested-for-allegedly-swapping-sex-for-leniency/ | X | X | MOTHER, WAR ON DRUGS | ||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer arrested the complainant’s neighbor - who was violating an order of protection of the complainant. Hours later then came to the complainant’s house, where he sexually abused her. | Commission to Combat Police Corruption | http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/ccpc/downloads/pdf/Seventeenth-Annual.pdf | The sexual abuse allegations were dropped for being unsubstantiated, but the officer forfeited 40 vacation days. | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Greece | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A woman called 911 to report domestic violence. When the officer arrived, he took note that she was drinking, which was a violation of the woman's probation terms for petty larceny. The officer told her he wouldn't report her probation violation if she had sex with him. He then assaulted her. | Democrat and Chronicle | https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2014/04/17/gary-pignato-greece-police-depositions/7840839/ | The officer was sentenced to 2-6 years in prison | x | |||||||||||||||
2011 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer was assigned two arrest two underage girls for marijuana and a firearm. While in the holding cell, he touched one girls butt and said made sexually suggestive comments. The officer proceeded to contact the girls and suggested that the girls meet up with him later on, including contacting them through his phone and suggesting they get drinks and meet him at a hotel room. The officer knew they were both underage. | Commission to Combat Police Corruption | http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/ccpc/downloads/pdf/18th-Annual-Report.pdf | The officer pled guilty to Conduct Prejudicial, was placed on dismissal probation, forfeited 30 vacation days, and was transferred to another command. | X | WAR ON DRUGS | ||||||||||||||
2012 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An NYPD cop met a woman on a domestic violence call. He pursued her for multiple months, then got her drunk one night at a bar and raped her later that night. She believed she was drugged. He then threatened to expose sexual photos he had secretly taken and threatened to kill her family if she reported him. | NY Post | https://nypost.com/2015/06/30/suit-alleges-nypd-cop-raped-took-naked-pictures-of-woman/ | News reports from 2015 claim the officer faced dismissal from the force and a $15 million lawsuit. | X | DV | ||||||||||||||
2014 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Two NYPD officers sexually assaulted a drunk woman at a casino in New Jersey after pushing her onto their hotel bed. | Press of Atlantic City | http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/crime/new-york-city-officer-accused-in-atlantic-city-sex-assault/article_b13abc3a-049b-11e5-b27d-3bc457d65ece.html | Charges were dropped against one of the officers but remain for the other. | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An NYPD cop was charged with soliciting regular sex and panties for $1,000 from a woman who was trying to join the police force in exchange for helping her get on the force. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/nypd-accused-demanding-sex-woman-force-article-1.1894689 | The officer received 5 years probation and was ordered to continue his sex addiction treatment. | ||||||||||||||||
unknown | [name redacted] | New York | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A school safety agent engaged in improper sexual relations with a 17 year old student. The same school officer had other allegations of inappropriately touching a student and having sexual relations with multiple students, including impregnating one of them. | Commission to Combat Police Corruption | http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/ccpc/downloads/pdf/15th_annual_report.pdf | X | SCHOOL | |||||||||||||||
1946 | Benita Schuster | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Benita was manhandled by an officer and forcibly yanked out of her seat at a restaurant to wait on a bench at their headquarters for 13 hours, despite being ill. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1946 | Helen Urquart | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Helen and two other black women were attempting to report to a police officer that a cab driver had denied them service when the officer brutally kicked Helen, and then arrested her. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1946 | Josie Stewart | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Josie and two other black women were attempting to report to a police officer that a cab driver had denied them service when the officer brutally beat and kicked Josie, and then arrested her. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1946 | Leitha Griffith | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Leitha and two other black women were attempting to report to a police officer that a cab driver had denied them service when the officer responded with violence by dragging her and the other women and then arresting them. | |||||||||||||||||||
1948 | Lena Thomas | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | The manager of a grocery store called the police in response to an argument between Lena and a food checker. When police arrived, an officer beat Lena. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1948 | Viola Smiley | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Viola was beaten by police officer and had her clothes torn while they searched her for alleged policy slips. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1949 | Alberta Bethel | Far Rockaway | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Alberta was beaten and clubbed to the ground by patrolmen after she witnessed the men bothering and poking black passers-by. When she noted a patrolman's badge number, he assaulted her and jailed her. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | x | ||||||||||||||||
1949 | Lena Fausset | Jamaica | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Lena was beaten by a patrolwoman after she accidentally bumped into the officer on the street. She was arrested as a result. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1950 | Augusta Lamar | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Augusta suffered a nervous attack and became unconscious. When police arrived, an officer beat into consciousness and then unconsciousness again. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1998 | JaLea Lamont | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Physical/Sexual | JaLea's mother called 911 for assistance when JaLea wouldn't wake up after taking cold medicine. When police arrived, they sexually harassed her until finding out JaLea was a trans woman. They then used transphobic slurs, and pepper-sprayed and beat JaLea as well as her family members. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | JaLea received $2 million in a settlement from the city. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
1999 | Anothai Hansen-Singthong | New York City | NY | Asian | unknown | Sexual | Anothai called police for protection from her abusive partner. When officers arrived, they arrested her and then performed a strip-search. | Invisible No More (original source?) | Invisible No More (original source?) | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2000 | [name redacted] | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | This woman was forced by officers to show her breasts to them when they asked probing questions about her body and genitalia. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2001 | [names redacted] | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | Two trans women were approached by police officers and threatened that if they did not have sex with them, they would be arrested. The women were forced to have oral sex with the officers, and did not report the incident because they feared their immigration status would be revealed. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2010 | [redacted names] | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | 3 young women were forcefully taken off a subway and assaulted by officers who assumed that the women had not paid for the subway ride. The officers slammed two women down on the ground, choked one of them and used pepper spray. They also used explicitly racially and gendered language in a derogatory way. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/subway-riders-free-swipes-fare-beating-arrests-protest-article-1.2633861 | |||||||||||||||||
2011 | Ryhanna Combs | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Ryhanna was arrested on the basis of allegedly loitering for the purposes of prostitution. Police officers lied that she had 9 condoms on her when she she actually had none, and forced her to sit in an uncomfortable position handcuffed to a rail for an extended period of time. | In NYPD Custoday, Trans People Get Chained to Fences and Poles | http://jezebel.com/5880990/in-nypd-custody-trans-people-get-chained-to-fences-and-poles | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2012 | Constance Malcolm | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Constance, mother of Ramarley Graham (who was shot and killed by police) went to find her mother who was being questioned by police at the precinct for 7 hours. When she arrived, she was tackled to the floor and assaulted by police. | Invisible No More (original source available?) | Invisible No More | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Thenjiwe McHarris | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Thenjiwe was violently thrown to the ground by police while she was trying to film an arrest. | Invisible No More: Police Violence against Black Women and Women of Color | Invisible No More: Police Violence against Black Women and Women of Color (original source?) | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Stephanie Maldonado | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Physical | Stephanie's wrist was fractured, her teeth broken, and her face badly bruised by a police officer who arrested her for allegedly jaywalking and cursing. He slammed her face down onto the pavement after he had handcuffed her. Stephanie needed to undergo months of dental surgeries and physical therapy to recover from the violent incident. | ABC News | http://abc7ny.com/news/investigation-woman-claims-police-brutality-against-nypd-officer/229978/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Eyricka King | Malone | NY | Black | unknown | Physical/Sexual | Police attacked and attempted to sexually assault Eyricka when they were policing her for sex work. She was beaten by police officers as well as correctional officers once she was put in jail. She is still currently incarcerated and has published a letter pleading for help due to the dangerous conditions she faces (including lack of medical treatment and violence from other inmates). | Letter from Eyricka | https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=340937659671327&id=149740108791084 | https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10154903083442297&id=65320602296&aymt_tip=0&ref=aymt_homepage_panel | x | x | ||||||||||||||
unknown | [redacted name] | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | This woman was ticketed by police for "loitering for the purposes of prostitution" when she was just getting a snack from a store. When she went into the precinct to complain, she was verbally assaulted with transphobic slurs, tackled to the ground, handcuffed to a railing for 8 hours and jailed. | Invisible No More: Police Violence against Black Women and Women of Color | http://invisiblenomorebook.com/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
unknown | Carmen [last name redacted] | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | An undercover police officer picked up Carmen in his car, telling her he would give her a ride home. He then forced her to perform oral sex, threatening her that if she didn't, he would arrest her for prostitution. | Make the Road | http://www.maketheroad.org/pix_reports/MRNY_Transgressive_Policing_Full_Report_10.23.12B.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
unknown | Cristina [last name redacted] | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Physical | Multiple police officers jumped out of a van and violenty arrested Cristina and her boyfriend. She was arrested on the basis of suspected prostitution, even though she had just left a club and was headed home. | Make the Road | http://www.maketheroad.org/pix_reports/MRNY_Transgressive_Policing_Full_Report_10.23.12B.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
unknown | Diana [last name redacted] | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | Diana was sexually harassed and fondled by a police officer at gunpoint, who threatened her that he would arrest her for prostitution if she did not perform oral sex. She managed to escape. | Make the Road | http://www.maketheroad.org/pix_reports/MRNY_Transgressive_Policing_Full_Report_10.23.12B.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
unknown | Lisa [last name redacted] | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | An undercover police officer picked up Lisa and told her he would take her home. He then proceeded to sexually touch her against her will, and threatened her that if she didn't have sex with him, he would arrest her for prostitution. | Make the Road | http://www.maketheroad.org/pix_reports/MRNY_Transgressive_Policing_Full_Report_10.23.12B.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
unknown | Yesenia [last name redacted] | New York City | NY | Latinx | unknown | Sexual | Yesenia was arrested allegedly on the suspicion of prostitution. One officer took her to a secluded part of the precint and fondled her. The officer told her if she performed oral sex on him, she wouldn't have to go to court. | Make the Road | http://www.maketheroad.org/pix_reports/MRNY_Transgressive_Policing_Full_Report_10.23.12B.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2007 | Nelly Amaya | East Hampton | NY | Latinx | Physical | ICE agents stormed into Nelly's house, entered her bedroom, and conducted a search through her home without identifying themselves. After she requested to see their warrant, ICE roughed her up as they frisked and arrested her. The agents did not have a warrant. During the arrest, the agents twisted Ms. Amaya’s arm, aggravating an existing injury. Her arm was swollen and bruised after the handcuffs were put on. She was taken away in her pajamas | Over-Raided, Under Siege: U.S. Immigration Laws and Enforcement Destroy the Rights of Migrants, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. | | ||||||||||||||||||
2004 | [redacted name] | Colerain Township | OH | Black | 12 | Physical | A young girl was tasered by police at a roller skating rink when she allegeldy would not follow skating instructions and was escorted out. Multiple police officers in the video can be seen throwing her down on the ground and arresting her. | WKCR Cincinnati | http://local12.com/news/local/deputies-working-security-use-stun-gun-on-12-year-old-girl | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | [name redacted] | Fairfield | OH | Black | 12 | Physical | This 12-year-old girl sustained a broken jaw and multiple broken ribs after police aggressively arrested her and slammed her into a cop car. | HuffingtonPost | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/17/fairfield-ohio-pool-police_n_7603484.html | |||||||||||||||||
2002 | [name redacted] | Norwood | OH | Unknown | 17 | Sexual | A police officer who was the head of the department’s Police Explorer program was charged with raping a 17-year old girl who was in the program. | POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female” | http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dwf2003.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
2016 | J.G. | Lakewood | OH | Black | 17 | Physical | J was listening to music through headphones in a library with her brother when a security guard (who was also an off-duty police officer) asked her to take her feet off the seat. He then asked her to leave the library; when she stood up, he assaulted her and slammed her into a book shelf. J suffered a broken jaw, a head contusion and a knee injury from the violent event. | Patch Media | https://patch.com/ohio/lakewood-oh/lakewood-police-officer-sued-breaking-girls-jaw | |||||||||||||||||
1994 | Zobeyda Rivera | Cleveland | OH | Latinx | 19 | Fatal | Zobeyda, unarmed, ran out of her car following a police chase. Police tackled her and shot her in the head. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed2.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
1994 | Rebecca Miller | Cleveland | OH | Black | 22 | Fatal | Police arrived to Rebecca's home in response to a domestic fight with her and her boyfriend. According to police, she would not drop the knives she was holding; she was shot holding her 2-year-old son. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed2.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Kisha Arrone | Dayton | OH | Black | 25 | Fatal | Police responded to a domestic abuse call; Kisha was allegedly threatening her domestic partner with a gun. When she discharged her gun into the sky (an action which Kisha's partner never witnessed), officers shot at her 20 times, killing her. | Fox 45 Now | http://fox45now.com/news/local/wife-of-woman-killed-by-police-questions-her-911-call-officers-actions | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2008 | Tarika Wilson | Lima | OH | Black | 26 | Fatal | Tarika was holding her 1 year old son when police burst into her home during a drug raid and recklessly fired shots at her, killing her and injuring her son. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/30/us/30lima.html | The family settled for $2.5 million | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2012 | Erica Collins | Cincinnati | OH | Black | 26 | Fatal | Police were responding to a call about a domestic dispute between Erica and her sister when they met her outside her home. She was carrying a knife to go slash her sisters' tires, as she told police; they told her to drop the weapon and shot her twice in the head. One witness said she did not pose a threat to the officers or advance toward them with the knife. | WLWT News | http://www.wlwt.com/article/sister-of-woman-shot-by-police-explains-incident-1/3525885 | |||||||||||||||||
1996 | Shirley Jackson | Cleveland | OH | Black | 30 | Fatal | Shirley suffered a heart attack and died in police custody; she had no health problems before her death. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed2.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
2012 | Malissa Williams | Cleveland | OH | Black | 30 | Fatal | When an officer allegedly mistook the sound of car backfiring for gunshot sounds, he entered a police chase with a car and ultimately jumped on top of the car and fired at the pursants (Timothy Russell and Malissa), killing them both. 137 rounds were fired at them in total, and autopsy reports revealed there were bullets in both victims' hands, indiciating a position of surrender. | LA Times | http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-cleveland-officers-firing-20160126-story.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | [name redacted] | Fairfield | OH | Black | 33 | Physical | After dropping off her kids at a pool, the 33-year-old was called and told that one kids' swimwear was not "proper". When she arrived back at the pool, police were arresting and grabbing multiple girls. She was aggressively thrown against a wall by police and arrested. She was then charged $1,000 fine and must take anger management classes. | HuffingtonPost | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/17/fairfield-ohio-pool-police_n_7603484.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
1990 | Audrey Marshall | Cleveland | OH | Black | 34 | Fatal | Audrey was shot in her kitchen by police after the police had chased her as she was trying to protect her baby. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed2.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Tanisha Anderson | Cleveland | OH | Black | 37 | Fatal | Tanisha was experiencing a breakdown from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder when her family called the police for help; when police arrived, they used a "take-down" move to restrain her, which caused her to asphyxiate. She was pronounced dead at the hospital. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jun/05/black-women-police-killing-tanisha-anderson | The family has won a $2.25 million settlement, and Tanisha's death was declared a homicide, but officers involved have not been charged. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2015 | Ralkina Jones | Cleveland | OH | Black | 37 | Fatal | Ralkina was arrested on the charge of assault against her ex-husband; two days after arriving at the jail, she was found dead. Some suspect that police mishandled her medication and did not fulfill her request for round-the-clock / attentive care during her stay in jail, as she had expressly stated her medication needs and health concerns to the police. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/woman-found-dead-jail-fears-life-video-article-1.2322707 | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2005 | Shirley Andrews | Cincinnati | OH | Black | 38 | Fatal | Police responded to a call that Shirley was "assaulting staff" and "destroying property". When they arrived, they tasered Shirley 6 times. She died 8 days later in the hospital from "natural causes" (speficially a pulmonary thromboembolism). | CityBeat | http://www.citybeat.com/news/porkopolis/article/13019834/janitorial-wages-and-other-cruel-realities | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | Linda Hicks | Toledo | OH | Black | 62 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about an elderly woman with scissors; the caller alerted police that the woman had schizophrenia. When they arrived, they attempted to taser her but it allegedly did not work. Linda then reportedly threatened them with scissors, and they shot her 4 times. | ABC 13 | http://abc13.com/archive/7209398/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | [name redacted] | Cincinatti | OH | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A sex worker was coerced into performing oral sex on a police officer in order to avoid arrest. | POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female” | http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dwf2003.pdf | x | POLICING PROSTITUTION | |||||||||||||||
2013 | [name redacted] | Cincinatti | OH | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer kissed and groped a woman against her will as she participated in a ride-along with the officer. | Cincinatti News | https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2018/02/10/3-women-accused-cincinnati-cop-sexual-misconduct-hes-still-job/1063185001/ | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Karen Cifuentes | Oklahoma City | OK | Latinx | 19 | Fatal | Karen and a man in her car were approached by police in a parking lot after police allegedly witnessed what looked like a drug transaction. Karen tried to leave the parking lot, hitting a pole in the process. When an officer stood in front of her car, she allegedly hit him with her car; he then shot her. | News Oklahoma | http://newsok.com/article/5342604 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Tereshea Tasha Daniel | Tulsa | OK | Black | 20 | Fatal | An undercover cop watched Tereshea shoot a man. She then tried to flee from police. When officers ordered her to stop, she allegedly pointed her gun at them. They shot her. | News Oklahoma | http://newsok.com/tulsa-officer-shoots-woman-after-robbery/article/1950679 | |||||||||||||||||
2007 | Milisha Thompson | Oklahoma City | OK | Black | 35 | Fatal | Milisha was shocked with a taser by police twice while being arrested. She was already in handcuffs and on the ground when tasered. Doctors attributed her death to "excited delirium". | San Diego Tribune | http://legacy.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/nation/20070622-1529-taser-death.html | |||||||||||||||||
2000 | Carmen Ybarra | Carnegie | OK | Indigenous/Native American | 36 | Fatal | Police were responding to a domestic violence call involving Carmen's sister and the sister's boyfriend. However, when police arrived, Carmen allegedly advanced toward them with "a shovel-like implement" and they shot her 3 times. According to a family friend, Carmen was raising an object similar to a broom handle above her head and stepped a few steps off the porch when she was shot; she was then shot again after she had already fallen on her knees. | News Oklahoma | http://newsok.com/article/2692686 | The officer resigned three weeks after the fatal shooting. | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Christina Tahhahwah | Lawton | OK | Indigenous/Native American | 37 | Fatal | Christina's family called police to help provide medical care since she had stopped taking her medication for bipolar disorder. She was arrested and died in police custody after witnesses stated that Christina had been tasered repeatedly for refusing to stop singing Comanche hymns. | Native News Online | http://nativenewsonline.net/currents/hundreds-gather-remember-comanche-tribal-member-christina-tahhahwah-died-police-custody-seek-answers/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2010 | Letha Coretta Adams | Muskogee | OK | Black | 38 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a domestic disturbance and burglary involving Letha and her daughter. When police arrived, Letha allegedly tried to grab an officer's gun and tackled him to the ground. When another officer arrived, she shot Letha. | News 9 | http://www.news9.com/story/13365071/muskogee-da | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Geraldine Townsend | Bartlesville | OK | Black | 72 | Fatal | Geradline, an elderly woman, was shot a pellet gun at police officers while they arrested her son for alleged marijuana possession. They responded by shooting and killing her. | Washington Post | https://www.cbsnews.com/news/video-released-in-killing-of-woman-72-who-police-say-fired-bb-gun-during-pot-raid/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Geneva Smith | Muskogee | OK | Black | 84 | Physical | Geneva was pepper sprayed and then arrested by police after they followed her son into her home for his running a stop sign. They also tased her son while his hands were in the air. She suffered a panic attack and had to be taken to the hospital after the violent incident. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cops-pepper-spray-elderly-woman_us_57c3268de4b085c1ff29d428 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Victims of Daniel Holtzclaw (including Jannie Ligons + 12 others Daniel Holtzclaw) | Oklahoma City | OK | Black | 17-57 | Sexual | Daniel Holtzclaw, a OKC police officer, preyed on low-income black women and sexually assaulted at least 13 victims. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/01/21/disgraced-ex-officer-daniel-holtzclaw-to-be-sentenced-after-sex-crimes-conviction/?utm_term=.f36a4b010445 | |||||||||||||||||
unknown | [redacted names] | Oklahoma City | OK | Black | unknown | Sexual | An officer raped 8 African american women. | Invisible Betrayal: Police Violence and the Rapes of Black Women in the United States | http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CAT/Shared%20Documents/USA/INT_CAT_CSS_USA_18555_E.pdf | He was arrested and charged with rape. | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | Kendra James | Portland | OR | Black | 21 | Fatal | Kendra was a passenger in a car that was pulled over by police. When the driver was arrested after police discovered a warrant for him, Kendra allegedly moved into the front seat of the car. The officer attempted unsucessfully to remove her from the car, alleging he tried to use a taser and pepper spray. The officer alleged he felt the car move (fearing he would be run over) and shot at Kendra, killing her. | Williamette Week News | http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-2106-anatomy-of-a-police-shooting.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Clackamas | OR | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A deputy molested woman during home detention checks. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | The deputy was convicted. | ||||||||||||||||
2003 | [name redacted] | Philadelphia | PA | Unknown | 13 | Sexual | A police officer was found to have committed over 100 sexual acts with a 13-year old girl enrolled in his riding club. | POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female” | http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dwf2003.pdf | The officer was sentenced to prison in 2003 | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | Lashae Whitaker | Philadelphia | PA | Black | 20 | Physical | A store employee refused to let two Black women leave a store, leading to a confrontation, during which sprayed them with mace. The confrontation escalated, and a police officer arrived. While trying to arrest the women, the officer forcefully slammed one woman into the aisle and then held her down on the ground, punching her. | Philly Voice | http://www.phillyvoice.com/police-woman-video-philly-7-eleven-brawl-threatened-burn-store-ground/ | |||||||||||||||||
unknown | Tierra Brown | Philadelphia | PA | Black | 28 | Physical | A store employee refused to let two Black women leave a store, leading to a confrontation, during which sprayed them with mace. The confrontation escalated, and a police officer arrived. While trying to arrest the women, the officer forcefully slammed one woman into the aisle and then held her down on the ground, punching her. | Philly Voice | http://www.phillyvoice.com/police-woman-video-philly-7-eleven-brawl-threatened-burn-store-ground/ | |||||||||||||||||
2007 | Lady Gonzalez | Philadelphia | PA | Latinx | 29 | Sexual | Police arrived at Lady's house in response to the police's claim that a police informant had bought cocaine off of Lady's husband (however, the informant said he never bought cocaine from Lady's husband). During the drug raid, officer Tolstoy took Lady upstairs and groped her sexually. | LA Report | http://www.lawreport.org/ViewStory.aspx?StoryID=1366 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2011 | Talia Barnes | Erie | PA | Black | 29 | Fatal | Talia was arrested for an unknown reason and tased at the police station. She then became unresponsive and was taken to a hospital, where was pronounced dead days later. Police did not tell the medical examiner or coroner that they had tased her. As a result the cause of Talia's death was listed as drug-related. A subsequent lawsuit disputed this ruling. | Legacy.Com | http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/erietimesnews/obituary.aspx?pid=152410236 | x | MOTHER | |||||||||||||||
2008 | Dagma Rodriguez | Philadelphia | PA | Black | 33 | Sexual | During a drug raid, a police officer took Dagma upstairs and fondled her. | Law Report | http://www.lawreport.org/ViewStory.aspx?StoryID=1366 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2007 | Reora Askew | Philadelphia | PA | Black | 38 | Fatal | Reora was allegedly threatening passengers on a SEPTA bus. When police arrived, they pepper-sprayed and then shot her, reporting that she had charged at them. | The Philadelphia Inquirer | https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-l9Ys3cd80fbmowbjVpSDJvVHM/view | The family received an undisclosed amount of money from the city. | ||||||||||||||||
2001 | Thomasina Brown | Pittsburgh | PA | Black | 44 | Fatal | Thomasina was shot by police directly after she shot another woman. While police say she was still holding the gun when she was shot, witnesses say Thomasina had dropped the gun and was pleading not to shoot her. | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | http://old.post-gazette.com/neigh_city/20010620inquest0620p4.asp | x | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | Brenda Williams | Scranton | PA | Black | 52 | Fatal | Police were performing a wellness check when Brenda allegeldy brandished a knife at them. They shot her. | The Times-Tribune | http://thetimes-tribune.com/news/judge-rules-for-officers-in-brenda-williams-shooting-1.1466533 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2003 | Ok Cha Kwon | Philadelphia | PA | Asian | 53 | Fatal | Ok, a mentally ill woman, was shot by police after she allegedly held a knife. | Philadelphia Weekly | http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/news/healthy-choice/article_2ae42cf9-0310-594b-88ed-306313c2355f.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
1985 | MOVE members: Rhonda Africa, Delicia Africa, Zenetta Africa, Theresa Africa, Katricia Africa | Philadelphia | PA | Black | Fatal | MOVE, a black liberation community, was bombed by police after a stand-off in which police tried to extricate the members of the house. The bomb killed 11 people and left hundreds homeless. | Truth-Out | http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/39962-ramona-africa-talks-move-liberation-and-surviving-1985-bombing | ||||||||||||||||||
2009 | Yvette Williams | Rock Hill | SC | Black | 15 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a robbery and were told Yvette had a gun. Despite the fact that she was 15 and had a BB gun, police fired 11 shots when they arrived, killing her. | San Diego Union Tribune | http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-us-teen-suspect-slain-060509-2009jun05-story.html | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Shakara [last name unknown] | Columbia | SC | Black | 16 | Physical | Shakara was slammed to the ground, dragged along the floor and violently arrested by a cop working as a "school resource officer". The officer had been called in response to Shakara taking her phone out in class and then not leaving the room when asked by the teacher. Another student Niya Kenny was also arrested for filming the violence. | NY Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/27/us/officers-classroom-fight-with-student-is-caught-on-video.html | The cop was fired | x | |||||||||||||||
1995 | Brenda Faye Cooper | Greenville County | SC | Black | 23 | Fatal | Brenda was shot by a police officer at a motel when she allegedly threatened him with a knife and would not surrender. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed2.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
1996 | Sandra Antor | (Interstate 95) | SC | Black | 26 | Physical | Sandra was speeding while making a road trip to Miami; when she pulled over she was physically and verbally abused by a patrolman in an unmarked car. | Augusta Chronicle | http://chronicle.augusta.com/stories/1999/04/14/met_258975.shtml#.WWvdBtPyvX8 | Sandra won a $400,000 out-of-court settlement and the patrolman was fired 8 weeks after the incident. | ||||||||||||||||
2009 | Tiraneka Shanese Jenkins | Charleston | SC | Black | 26 | Fatal | Police were called regarding a domestic dispute at a bar. When they arrived, Tirankea allegedly was holding a gun. They shot her. | WACH FOX 57 | http://wach.com/news/local/sc-woman-shot-by-officer-dies-4-days-later?id=324721#.VWQLomTBzGc | |||||||||||||||||
1963 | Fannie Lou Hamer | Charleston | SC | Black | 46 | Physical | Fannie as well as other civil rights activists were arrested for sitting at a bus station's white-only counter. She and others were badly beaten by police at the jail; the injuires to her eyes, legs and kidneys from that brutality affected her body for the rest of her life. | SNCC Digital | https://snccdigital.org/events/beatings-winona-jail/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Sharon Rebecca McDowell | Anderson | SC | Black | 49 | Fatal | Sharon was sought out by police officers for shoplifting; she fled from them and a police chase ensued. When they cornered her, she rammed a police car in attempt to escape. According to the police report, she prepared to hit two police officers on foot when they fired at her, killing her. | Fox Carolina | http://www.foxcarolina.com/story/24278010/police-shoplifting-suspect-shot-and-killed-in-anderson#ixzz43d4uZAAd | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Joyce Curnell | Charleston | SC | Black | 50 | Fatal | Joyce was arrested at a hospital after checking in for a stomach illness. She had a warrent out for her for fines related to stealing candy and beer. Once arrested, she was denied adequate medical treatment for 27 hours, suffered from dehydration, and died. | ABC News | http://abcnews.go.com/US/family-woman-died-dehydration-police-custody/story?id=37227196 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2008 | Lori Jean Ellis | Cassatt | SC | Black | 52 | Fatal | Police arrived at Lori's home to execute warrants Lori had for failing to appear in court over an open-container violation. When they arrived, she allegedly was holding a rifle and fired at them. Police responded by shooting and killing her. However, she had actually been holding a BB gun, and the details and officer's accounts of the event show gaping discrepancies. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2016/05/06/south-carolinas-poisonous-police-culture-the-death-of-lori-jean-ellis/?utm_term=.2b32ac055f7b | Lori's estate received a $2 million settlement. | ||||||||||||||||
2004 | Afaf Saudi | Greensboro | SC | Arab | 68 | Physical | Afaf, an Egyptian permanent US resident was forcibly removed from a store, "hog-tied" and tossed into a police cruiser, suffering a broken shoulder, a broken rib, and a mild heart attack. | Greensboro News and Record | http://www.greensboro.com/city-misses-opportunity-afaf-saudi-the-muslim-woman-arrested-at/article_09628613-5483-5e6c-9312-27f648010c89.html | |||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Charleston | SC | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A deputy committed criminal sexual conduct & kidnapping when he raped woman at a bar. | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | The officer was arrested | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Charleston | SC | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police officer had sex with a woman on top of cruiser while he was on-duty | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | The officer resigned | x | IMMIGRANT | ||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Great Falls | SC | Unknown | unknown | Physical | A police chief threw a handcuffed woman to the ground, injuring her face | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | |||||||||||||||||
1945 | Annie L. Smythe | Johnson | SC | Black | unknown | Sexual | A police officer threatened to arrest Annie if she did not let him rape her. She refused his advances, and he arrested her. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | [redacted name] | unknown | SD | Indigenous/Native American | 8 | Physical | Police responded to a call from a babysitter who called because the 8 year old was threatening to cut herself. When police arrived, they responded by tasering her which threw her against a wall and caused her physical and emotional injuries. | Twin Cities Daily Planet | https://www.tcdailyplanet.net/native-lives-matter-solution-police-violence-indian-country/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | Sarah Lee Circle Bear | Aberdeen | SD | Indigenous/Native American | 24 | Fatal | Sarah died in a holding cell some 50 hours after she had been jailed for a bond violation. She requested medical help multiple times for "excruciating pain" in her abdomen (probably in related to her pregnancy), but prison staff ignored her pleas. Following the investigation into her death, they released a statement alleging she had smuggled meth into her jail cell and that meth had been found in her system from the autopsy. | Indian Country Media Network | https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/news/native-news/authorities-end-investigation-into-death-of-sarah-lee-circle-bear/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2014 | Joy Ann Sherman | Mitchell | SD | Indigenous/Native American | 52 | Fatal | Joy spoke to police officers on the phone saying she was intoxicated and willing to hurt herself / others. When a police officer arrived at her hotel room, she opened the door and allegedly pointed the gun at him (an account which none of the officers at the scene could verify). He then shot her. | KSFY News | http://www.ksfy.com/home/headlines/Jackley-Mitchell-officer-involved-in-deadly-shooting-justified-285097221.html | |||||||||||||||||
2000 | Sharon Gullikson | Sioux Falls | SD | Indigenous/Native American | unknown | Physical | Sharon was thrown down on the ground by police and violently arrested. | Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide by Andrea Smith | https://rosswolfe.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/andrea-smith-conquest-sexual-violence-and-american-indian-genocide-2005.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2011 | Armetta Foster | Cleveland | TN | Black | 30 | Fatal | Armetta was approached by police while walking along an interstate with her children. Police allege she tried to stab the officer and then drive away in his car. The officer shot and killed Armetta as she was driving away. | WRCB | http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/14698843/family-of-woman | x | x | MOTHER, WAR ON DRUGS | ||||||||||||||
2005 | [name redacted] | Greeneville | TN | Unknown | 34 | Sexual | A police deputy followed the woman and her friend for 3 miles before pulling her over. He then ordered the friend to walk home. The woman admitted to having a small amount of marijuana, and the officer told her to meet her at a church, where he then led her into the back of his police car and raped her. Afterward, he threatened to "come get her and her daughter" if she told anyone. The sheriff who originally hired him was aware of his history of sexual misconduct. | Courthouse News | https://www.courthousenews.com/Victim-of-Cop-Assault-Seeks-Damages/ | The officer was sentenced to 188 months in prison | x | x | x | MOTHER, WAR ON DRUGS, TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||
2016 | Laronda Sweatt | Gallatin | TN | Black | 40 | Fatal | Police arrived after, according to police reports, Laronda injured a sheriff's deputy with an ax while he was serving her an eviction notice. Within 30 seconds of arriving at the scene, police shot at her and killed her. She was walking towards them with an ax but not swinging at them. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3529886/Heart-stopping-video-shows-moment-police-officer-fatally-shot-ax-wielding-woman.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2007 | Duanna Johnson | Memphis | TN | Black | 43 | Physical | Duanna was physically abused with an officer hitting her with handcuffs and sprayed her with pepper spray, after she did not respond to his homophobic slurs at her. She was arrested for alleged prostitution. | Department of Justice | https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-memphis-police-officer-pleads-guilty-using-excessive-force-arrestee | The officers involved were fired. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2003 | [name redacted] | Greeneville | TN | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | When an officer with a record of sexual misconduct was working as a jailer, he compelled a female inmate to engage in sexual activity. | Knoxville Press | https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/knoxville/press-releases/2010/kx041610.htm | |||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Chattanooga | TN | Unknown | unknown | Physical | Police officers beat a woman while during a raid of her friend's home without a warrant | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | |||||||||||||||||
1945 | [name redacted] | Memphis | TN | Black | unknown | Sexual | Two young black women, while waiting for a street car, were taken to an isolated area and raped by uniformed police officers. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1945 | [name redacted] | Memphis | TN | Black | unknown | Sexual | Two young black women, while waiting for a street car, were taken to an isolated area and raped by uniformed police officers. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | |||||||||||||||||
1945 | Nina Beltram | Hamlet | TN | Black | unknown | Physical | Nina and her 5-year-old son were beaten by a conductor for the Seaboard Airline Railway because the jim crow car was full and Mrs. Beltram had found seats in the "white" car. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 | Nina received a cash settlement after the violent incident. | x | |||||||||||||||
2008 | Juana Villegas | Nashville | TN | Latinx | Physical | Detained for driving without a license (a license she couldn't obtain because she was undocumented), Juana was shackled to a hospital bed while pregnant because she was undocumented. Her medical needs were completely ignored and as a result she developed a painful breast infection. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/18/us/settlement-for-a-shackled-pregnant-woman.html | Juana won a $490,000 settlement from the court; however she will only receive $100,000 while her lawyers will receive $390,000. | x | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2008 | Dymond Milburn | Gavelston | TX | Black | 12 | Physical | Police picked up Dymond on the suspicion of prostitution, when the call they had received regarded 3 white women. They beat Dymond in the face and throat, resulting in a bloody nose, black eyes, sprained wrist, and injuries to her ear and throat. Police later showed up at her school to arrest her for assault on an officer. | Houston Press | http://www.houstonpress.com/news/police-get-the-wrong-house-in-galveston-allegedly-assault-12-year-old-girl-6735520 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Janissa Valdez | San Antonio | TX | Latinx | 12 | Physical | A police officer arrested and slammed Janissa down to the ground after assuming a fight was breaking out between her and another girl. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/education/wp/2016/04/11/school-officer-fired-after-video-showed-him-body-slamming-a-12-year-old-girl/?utm_term=.26a69b5ef652 | The officer was fired. | x | |||||||||||||||
2003 | Ashley Villarreal | San Antonio | TX | Latinx | 14 | Fatal | Ashley's father was being investigated by the DEA for drug trafficking. In Februrary when Ashley was showing off her driving skills in her neighborhood, DEA agents somehow mistook her for her father and boxed her vehicle in. They then shot her when she allegedly drove toward them. | Washington Times | http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2003/feb/20/20030220-085605-7045r/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | [name redacted] | San Antonio | TX | Latinx | 14 | Physical | April Johnson's daughter was punched twice and then arrested by police officers - who arrived at a quinceañera allegedly to break up a fight that the 14 year old was in. The girl suffered mild traumatic brain injury, as well as trauma to her face and neck muscles. | San Antonio Current News | https://www.sacurrent.com/the-daily/archives/2017/05/25/family-says-14-year-old-girl-punched-by-san-antonio-cop-suffered-brain-face-and-neck-trauma | https://www.change.org/p/san-antonio-police-department-justice-for-april-johnson-and-her-daughter | ||||||||||||||||
2015 | Dajerria Becton | McKinney | TX | Black | 15 | Physical | Police arrived at a pool party attended by predominantly black teens in a predomininantly white suburb. As Dajerria was leaving, she was assaulted by officer Casebolt, who yanked her to the ground and kneeled on her bare back. He also pulled a gun on several other teens. | Dallas News | https://www.dallasnews.com/news/mckinney/2017/01/03/girl-pinned-mckinney-pool-party-sues-ex-cop-city-5-million | |||||||||||||||||
2002 | [name redacted] | Haltom City | TX | Unknown | 16 | Sexual | A police officer was arrested in connection with a sexual assault of a 16- year-old member of the Explorer program. | POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female” | http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dwf2003.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
2016 | Brea Hymond | Fort Worth | TX | Black | 19 | Physical | Brea Hymond, Jacqueline Craig's daughter, was violently arrested with her mom when an officer arrived to respond to her little brother being choked by her neighbor. | NBC News | http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Fort-Worth-Officer-Defends-Actions-in-Videotaped-December-Arrest-428485913.html | |||||||||||||||||
2010 | Ciara Chantelle Lee | Houston | TX | Black | 20 | Fatal | In response to a call about a robbery, police found Ciara. According to the police report, she pointed her gun at the officer and he responded by shooting her. However, an eye witness says he did not see a gun Ciara's hand, and saw her running away from the officer. | ABC 13 News | http://abc13.com/archive/7886327/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Destiny Rios | San Antonio | TX | Latinx | 21 | Physical | Destiny was arrested for prostitution. She was violently arrested, punched, and slammed against the hood of the car by officers, despite her pregnant state. She suffered a miscarriage as the result. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/11/destiny-rios-pregnant-police-brutality-san-antonio_n_1664816.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Charnesia Corley | Houston | TX | Black | 21 | Sexual | Charnesia was pulled over for suspected drug possession, and was subjected to an invasive/vaginal cavity search as police searched for marijuana. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/texas-strip-search-public_us_55c8f940e4b0923c12bdb903 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Symone Marshall | Huntsville | TX | Black | 22 | Fatal | After being run off the road and suffering an intense car accident, Symone was arrested for "possession of a controlled substance" and "failure to ID" herself. She was not provided adequate medical care or taken to a hospital, despite multiple calls from her sister, who said Symone was experiencing pain in her head and black outs. After two weeks in police custody, Symone died. | Huffington Post | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/texas-woman-dies-in-police-custody-after-two-weeks-of-gross-negligence_us_573dc687e4b0aee7b8e91a11 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2002 | Sophia King | Austin | TX | Black | 23 | Fatal | Police were called to Sophia's residence when neighbors reported her breaking things and damaging her own home (most likely due to the drastic deterioration in her mental health). According to police reports and the witness Diana Powell, Sophia attacked and attempted to stab her neighbor Diana when she was shot and killed by police. However, evidence shows that some accounts of the event have been distorted, as Sophia's autopsy shows the police officer was close enough to use a less lethal weapon. | Austin Chronicle | https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2002-08-02/99074/ | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2010 | Ahjah Diana Monique Dixon | Corsicana | TX | Black | 23 | Fatal | Ahjah was arrested for alcohol and illegal substances in her dorm room; she called her mother before being arrested, deeply worried about her state. Her mother alerted campus police of her mental health needs before they arrested her; according to her mother, Ahjah inhaled a large amount of cocaine while in a holding cell. She reported heart troubles and convulsions to the officers, and was not provided adequate medical care, resulting in her death. Her autospy also show bruises and lacerations that did not exist prior to entering the holding cell. | LA Progressive | https://www.laprogressive.com/justice-4-ahjah/ | https://www.facebook.com/Justice4AhjahDixon/ | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2017 | Carmen Ponder | Commerce | TX | Black | 23 | Physical | Carmen passed a truck on the highway; the driver of the truck was the 14 year old daughter of the chief of police. When Carmen arrived at a Walmart, a plainclothes officer verbally and physically assaulted her for passing the chief of police and his daughter. She was jailed for 24 hours. | The Root | http://www.theroot.com/whatever-you-black-bitch-texas-police-chief-kerry-cr-1795527098 | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | Esther Valdez | Austin | TX | Latinx | 24 | Physical | Esther and her girlfriend were observed by police grabbing each other. When police approached them, Esther who is deaf did not hear the police officer's instructions to stop. An officer ran up and tackled her for walking away from him. | Austin Chronicle | https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2010-12-03/tone-deaf/ | x | x | DISABILITY, HEALTH CRISIS | ||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Cameron County | TX | Unknown | 26 | Physical | A deputy punched an undocumented woman after subjecting her to racial and sexual slurs | Brownsville Herald | https://www.brownsvilleherald.com/woman-claims-deputy-constable-assaulted-her/article_e94aa088-83f7-5597-8fbf-803b47040241.html | x | IMMIGRANT | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Breaion King | Austin | TX | Black | 26 | Physical | Breaion King was asked to get back into her car in a parking lot of a fast food restaurant. The police officer said she was being pulled over for allegedly speeding over 15 miles per hour; he accused her of going to the parking lot to escape arrest, and when she said "can we hurry this up" he yanked her out of the car, slamming her on the ground. He later made anti-black comments in the drive to the station, claiming [non-black] ppl fear black people due to their "violent tendencies" | NBC News | http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/austin-police-chief-sickened-violent-arrest-breaion-king-n614586 | |||||||||||||||||
2012 | Shelly Frey | Houston | TX | Black | 27 | Fatal | A security guard shot Shelly after she allegedly stole from a Walmart. She was attempting to leave in her car when he opened her driver's side door; as she tried to accelerate, he fired into the car, killing her. The guard was also off-duty as a sheriff's deputy at the time. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2245074/Walmart-security-guard-shoots-shoplifting-mother-dead-parking-lot-tries-escape-young-children.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | Grizelda Hernandez | Laredo | TX | Latinx | 27 | Fatal | Grizelda and her son were shot and killed by a U.S. Border Patrol agent. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/border-patrol-supervisor-accused-killing-woman-1-year-old-boy-article-1.3928156 | The officer was arrested on two counts of capital murder. | x | MOTHER | ||||||||||||||
2006 | Erika/ Erica Tyrone | Houston | TX | Black | 28 | Fatal | Police responded to a call about a bank robbery. When police encountered Erika, she allegedly pointed a pistol at officers. They shot her. | Houston News | http://www.houstontx.gov/police/nr/2006/june/nr062106-3.htm | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | Sandra Bland | Hempstead | TX | Black | 28 | Fatal | Sandra was pulled over for a minor traffic violation ("failing to use her turn signal"), arrested and tased. Without being able to post bail, she was jailed for 3 days before she was found hanging in her jail cell. Many have speculated that her death was not suicide but homicide by police. | NY Times | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/07/20/us/sandra-bland-arrest-death-videos-maps.html | The state trooper who arrested her has been fired and her family has won a $1.9 million wrongful death lawsuit | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Morgan Rankins | Austin | TX | Black | 30 | Fatal | Morgan Rankins allegedly tried to run over three Austin police officers who were responding to a 911 call in South Austin before she crashed her vehicle, approached an officer with a knife and was shot and killed. | KXAN | http://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/officer-involved-in-deadly-shooting-in-south-austin/995100480 | x | DISABILITY | |||||||||||||||
2000 | Michelle Salazar | Corpus Christi | TX | Latinx | 31 | Fatal | Michelle, a sex worker who lived in the area, crashed through a motel office and behaved erratically. When police showed up, Michelle was pepper sprayed and wrestled by police officers until she stopped breathing. She then died. Witnesses say police used excessive force in the encounter. | Corpus Christi Caller-Times | https://docs.google.com/document/d/17rt1k9KUbWu7JdMipa3CDFOof4QppU_10S1Bs-yP0h0/edit | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2006 | Madeline Garcia | Corpus Christi | TX | Latinx | 34 | Fatal | Police were called to respond to a woman seemingly intoxicated or suffering from mental illness, as she was climbing light poles at night. When police arrived, she allegedly appeared agitated. In attempting to arrest her for public intoxication, police pepper sprayed and harshly bound her while arresting her. She became unconscious and then died. | Texas Justice Initiative | http://texasjusticeinitiative.org/police-custody/ | |||||||||||||||||
2005 | Carolyn Daniels | Forth Worth | TX | Black | 35 | Fatal | Carolyn approached a police officer on patrol and told him someone was after her. The police suspected she was on drugs and asked to see her ID. When she opened her purse, police allegedly saw a crack pipe and forecefully arrested her. Carolyn allegedly kicked at him while police were handcuffing her, prompting them to fire a taser at her. The taser caused Carolyn to cough blood. She was then tasered again by police. Once transported to jail, she became unresponsive and was taken to hospital, where she was pronounced dead. | Free Republic | http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1432998/posts | X | WAR ON DRUGS | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Mercedes DeMarco | El Paso | TX | Latinx | 36 | Fatal | Police responded to a domestic disturbance call made by a neighbor who reported Mercedes was frantically screaming for help in the street. When they arrived, they found Mercedes screaming and yelling, and then running away from officers. Officers tased her, at which point she become unconscious and then died in police custody. | Dallas Voice | http://www.dallasvoice.com/el-paso-drag-performer-dies-police-custody-10159399.html | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2016 | Sheketha Holman | Harris County | TX | Black | 36 | Physical | Sheketha was arrested and tasered in her wheelchair and then again after she was on the ground in handcuffs. She had been attempting to talk to and take picutres of police while they were arresting her pregnant daughter at a gas station. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/houston-woman-shocked-stun-gun-aruguement-deputies-article-1.2886577 | https://www.gofundme.com/tased-by-police-in-wheelchair | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2014 | Iretha Lilly | Providence | TX | Black | 37 | Fatal | Iretha allegedly became "unruly" during a court proceeding for drug charges, and was tasered by 3 deputies. One deputy did not know how many times she was tasered; later that night she complained of chest pains and was found dead in her cell. | Waco Tribune-Herald | http://www.wacotrib.com/news/courts_and_trials/jailed-woman-later-dies-at-hospital/article_295a2448-47f5-565b-b08b-7d0104877301.html | x | x (she was in court for drug-related charges) | |||||||||||||||
2007 | Marnell Robertson Villarreal | Houston | TX | Black | 42 | Fatal | Marnell allegedly ran into a police station holding a knife above her head. She advanced toward an officer, who used a stun gun on her and then shot her. | Houston Chronicle | http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Woman-with-knife-fatally-shot-at-HPD-main-office-1592057.php | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Jacqueline Craig | Fort Worth | TX | Black | 46 | Physical | Police responded to a call Jacqueline had made about her 7 year old son being choked by her neighbor. When the officer arrived, he asked Jacqueline why she did not teach her son not to litter rather than checking on her son, and then proceeded to violently arrest her and her daughter. | NBC News | http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Fort-Worth-Officer-Defends-Actions-in-Videotaped-December-Arrest-428485913.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Yvette Smith | Bastrop | TX | Black | 47 | Fatal | Yvette called police to respond to an altercation between 2 men fighting. When police arrived, they asked her to come out of her house. She opened the door, and was immediately shot by police twice. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/07/fdaniel-willis-not-guilty-fatal-police-shooting-yvette-smith-texas | The family of Yvette received a $1.2 million settlement from the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Rosa Elvira Lopez | Port Arthur | TX | Latinx | 50 | Fatal | Rosa was shot by police while standing up from a seat on her couch. Police say she was allegedly brandishing a knife and that their taser failed to subdue Rosa; they were, however, already aware of her mental illness. | Beaumont Enterprise | http://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/article/PAPD-officers-face-wrongful-death-lawsuit-6718135.php | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2001 | Shamim Siddiqi | Houston | TX | Asian | 52 | Fatal | After buying groceries at Albertsons, Shamim approached her friend and friend's daughter who were being questioned and then detained for alleged shoplifting by the store security officer and off-duty sheriff's deputy. Shamim was then accused of also shoplifting and detained as well, at which point she expressed that she wasn't feeling well, asked for water/medical attention and began rolling on the floor. She was mocked and dismissed while she suffered a heart attack. By the time emergency personnel had arrived, Shamim had died, in part due to her detainment and neglect by police officers. | Houston Chronicle | https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Woman-s-death-at-store-called-human-rights-issue-2021937.php | x | x | x | MUSLIM, IMMIGRANT, MOTHER | |||||||||||||
2006 | Clara Fay Morris | Plainview | TX | Black | 54 | Fatal | In response to an apartment alarm going off, police officers were informed that an elderly woman who was "off her rocker" lived inside. When they broke in, she allegedley wielded a knife at them; the 3 beanbag rounds fired into her had no effect, and when she charged at an officer with her knife, they shot and killed her, according to the police report. | Court document | https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_YUrB_q0WyCMGEzaEo1eG4zV2s/view | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Lucille Espinosa | Katy | TX | Latinx | 54 | Fatal | Lucille Espinosa was was barricaded inside her home. After several hours, police were approaching the home when they say they saw the woman armed with a gun through a window. Claiming to be concerned she would fire, they shot and killed her. | ABC 13 | http://abc13.com/news/swat-officers-fatally-shoot-armed-woman-in-katy-home/1954987/ | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Pearlie Golden | Hearne | TX | Black | 93 | Fatal | Pearlie's nephew called police when Pearlie pulled out a revolver in frustation at having her keys being taken by her nephew. When police arrived, she refused to drop the revolver; police shot at her 4-5 times, killing her, after she allegedly fired shots into the ground. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/texas-fatally-shot-armed-93-year-old-woman-not-face-charges-article-1.1935241 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Brandy Hamilton | Houston | TX | Black | 20s | Sexual | Brandy was forced to undergo a body cavity search in her bikini on the car ride back from the beach. The state trooper claimed he smelled marijuana. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/texas-women-sue-humiliating-body-cavity-searches-roadside-article-1.1390230 | |||||||||||||||||
2003 | [name redacted] | El Paso | TX | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A woman who was stranded on a country road with a flat tire was assaulted by two sheriff’s department officers. | POLICE SEXUAL ABUSE OF TEENAGE GIRLS: A 2003 Update on “Driving While Female” | http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dwf2003.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Alton | TX | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | A police chief running for mayor was arrested for public lewdness for sexual encounters with women in police cruisers | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://www.policemisconduct.net/databases/ | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Beaumont | TX | Unknown | unknown | Physical/Sexual | A police officer chased and groped a woman while working security | National Police Misconduct Reporting Project | https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?docid=1zosqTc1W6jbMWmyP9B2q9X0WUEGy0p4_beKjgEo#rows:id=1 | The officer was put on leave | ||||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | Austin | TX | Unknown | unknown | Physical | An officer was fired after using excessive force while approaching and arresting a woman suspected of prostitution. The officer delivered 6 knee blows, slammed her on the hood of the patrol car and threatened her with violence. | KXAN | http://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/apd-officer-fired-for-using-excessive-force-on-woman/1089849093 | Officer was fired. | x | POLICING PROSTITUTION | ||||||||||||||
2018 | [name redacted] | Willis | TX | Unknown | unknown | Fatal | Police were called about a trespasser. When police arrived, they alleged she was holding a knife and claimed they used less-lethal weapons before shooting and killing her. | ABC 13 | http://abc13.com/knife-wielding-woman-killed-in-officer-involved-shooting-in-willis/3746864/ | x | DISABILITY | |||||||||||||||
1993 | [redacted names] | Amarillo | TX | Latinx | unknown | Physical/Sexual | Border Patrol agents illegally detained and incarcerated a woman and her husband and child and subjected them to physical and verbal abuse, including threatening to rape her daughter. | Whose Safety?: Women of Color and Violence by Law Enforcement | https://www.afsc.org/sites/afsc.civicactions.net/files/documents/whose%20safety.pdf | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2001 | [name redacted] | San Antonio | TX | Black | unknown | Sexual | A police officer stopped this woman as she was crossing the street. He grabbed her right breast and persisted in asking invasive questions about which body parts of hers were real. He then arrested her for soliciting and jaywalking, and she was subjected to 2 more full nude searches in front of male officers, despite her objections. | Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People in the U.S. | http://web.archive.org/web/20110322100620/http://www.amnestyusa.org/outfront/stonewalled/report.pdf | x | ||||||||||||||||
2002 | Becki Taylor | Balcones Heights | TX | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Becki, along with 4 other women, was arrested allegedly for public intoxication. After arriving at the station, she was taken out of her holding cell and raped by the officers who had arrested her. | |||||||||||||||||||
2002 | Candace Ramirez | Balcones Heights | TX | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Candace, along with 4 other women, was arrested allegedly for public intoxication. After arriving at the station, she was taken out of her holding cell and raped by the officers who had arrested her. | |||||||||||||||||||
2002 | Denise Almodovar | Balcones Heights | TX | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Denise, along with 4 other women, was arrested allegedly for public intoxication. After arriving at the station, she was taken out of her holding cell and raped by the officers who had arrested her. | |||||||||||||||||||
2002 | Lindsey Valsamaki | Balcones Heights | TX | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Lindsey, along with 4 other women, was arrested allegedly for public intoxication. After arriving at the station, she was taken out of her holding cell and raped by the officers who had arrested her. | |||||||||||||||||||
2002 | Sarah Adams | Balcones Heights | TX | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Sarah, along with 4 other women, was arrested allegedly for public intoxication. After arriving at the station, she was taken out of her holding cell and raped by the officers who had arrested her. | |||||||||||||||||||
2014 | [redacted names] | Mission | TX | Latinx | unknown | Physical/Sexual | A Border Patrol agent near the Mexican border found and raped a mother and her two teenage daughters. He also slashed the mother's wrists and attempted to break one daughter's neck. | PBS | http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/border-agents-apparent-suicide-alleged-actions-shock-family/ | He committed suicide when police "closed in". | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2017 | April Johnson | San Antonio | TX | Latinx | unknown | Physical | In attempts to intervene from the police punching and arresting her daughter, April was choked and thrown down to the ground by police outside a quinceañera. | San Antonio Current News | https://www.sacurrent.com/the-daily/archives/2017/05/25/family-says-14-year-old-girl-punched-by-san-antonio-cop-suffered-brain-face-and-neck-trauma | x | ||||||||||||||||
2016 | Earledreka White | Houston | TX | Black | Physical | Earledreka called police when an officer began harassing her during a traffic stop. While on the phone she was violently arrested by the officer. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/08/05/social-worker-calls-911-because-shes-afraid-of-a-police-officer-he-then-violently-arrests-her/?utm_term=.8608f7e233c3 | x | TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||||||
2006 | [redacted name] | unknown | Unknown | Asian | unknown | Physical | A Chinese woman experienced a violent deportation attempt during her routine interview with immigration officials. The attempt appeared to be due to officials not wanting her to carry out her pregnancy in the US. She suffered a miscarriage of her twins as the result. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/14/nyregion/protests-brew-over-attempt-to-deport-a-woman.html?mcubz=0 | x | x | IMMIGRANT, PREGNANT | ||||||||||||||
2009 | [redacted name] | unknown | Unknown | Asian | unknown | Physical/Sexual | A woman who had been trafficked was struck in the head by a police officer during a raid. She passed out as a result of the assault and her undergarments were then exposed by another officer. | Kicking Down the Door: The Use of Raids to Fight Traffi cking in Persons | http://sexworkersproject.org/downloads/swp-2009-raids-and-trafficking-report.pdf | x | x | IMMIGRANT, POLICING PROSTITUTION | ||||||||||||||
1940s & 50s | Piri | unknown | Unknown | Black | unknown | Physical | A self-described "black-stud", Piri experienced police bruality and arrests for several years over wearing "men's clothing". | The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader | https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Persistent_Desire.html?id=3u9ZAAAAMAAJ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 (?) | [redacted name] | unknown | Unknown | Latinx | unknown | Physical | This woman's head was repeatedly slammed to the ground by arresting officers during an indoor sting operation, breaking her tooth and bones in her face. When her skirt rode up during the assault, exposing her genitals, an officer grabbed them and sadistically twisted them while all the officers involved taunted her as a “faggot.” | Invisible No More | Invisible No More | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2001 | [names redacted] | Unknown | Latinx | Sexual | Two young Latina transgender women reported that they were approached and questioned by police officers in a patrol car, and then threatened with arrest unless they had sex with the officers. The women performed oral sex on the officers before being allowed to go free. They did not report the incident to authorities because of their undocumented immigration status and the officers’ threats of retaliation. | Invisible No More | x | |||||||||||||||||||
2014 | Michelle Siguenza Anderson | Salt Lake City | UT | Latinx | 43 | Physical | Police responding to a child welfare call violently arrested Michelle. She spat on the officer due to frustration for the arrest, and he responded by forcing her face-down on the ground and punching her while she was in handcufffs. | Desert News | http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865657690/Officer-in-controversial-video-says-he-never-punched-woman-union-chief-says.html | x | ||||||||||||||||
2008 | Tameika Antoinette Jordan | Norfolk | VA | Black | 17 | Fatal | Police responded to a call that a girl was barricaded inside her home and had allegedly threatened to kill a family member. Police surrounded the apartment and negotiations apparently took place for 6 hours. When police entered the building, they say Tameika was aiming a gun at them; they responded by shooting and killing her. | Pilot Online | https://pilotonline.com/news/local/crime/girl-fired-shots-aimed-at-officers-norfolk-police-say/article_2885e9ee-bd22-59ab-be9c-572b33253ac7.html | x | x | HOMELESS, DV | ||||||||||||||
2001 | Melanie Jones | Newport News | VA | Black | 22 | Fatal | Officers responded to a loud music complaint; when they arrived, they shot and killed Melanie, claiming she wouldn't drop a gun she was holding. Many of her neighbors were at a loss to say why Jones would have pointed a gun at the officers. "She's a sweet person. She'll do anything for you," Shaketa Harris said. "I don't know why they shot her. I still don't know why." | Daily Press | http://articles.dailypress.com/2001-12-22/news/0112220061_1_drop-gun-officers-police-sergeant-shot | x | x | MOTHER, DISABILITY | ||||||||||||||
2016 | India Beaty | Norfolk | VA | Black | 25 | Fatal | Police responded to a disagreement between India and a man at a mall. She allegedly pulled out a replica handgun when police approached her, and they shot and killed her. Her family disagrees with the police report and state that they think she would not threaten police with a gun. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/virginia-woman-fake-gun-shot-killed-police-article-1.2570940 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | India Nelson | Norfolk | VA | Black | 25 | Fatal | Police responded to a motor vehicle accident; when they arrived, India allegedly pulled out a gun and shot her husband, prompting police to shoot her multiple times, killing her. | Pilot Online | https://pilotonline.com/news/local/crime/article_f28f1e99-47c4-5b55-ab61-2be876103474.html | |||||||||||||||||
2015 | India Kager | Virginia Beach | VA | Black | 27 | Fatal | In attempts to arrest Angelo Perry, a man wanted for homicide, police pulled over Perry and Kager. They immediately deployed flashbang grenades and then fired around 30 shots into the car, killing Kager and Perry (though she was not wanted by the police). | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/mom-woman-accidentally-killed-va-police-speaks-article-1.2527533 | x | ||||||||||||||||
1946 | Nannie Strayhorn | Richmond | VA | Black | 32 | Sexual | Nannie was picked up by police, taken to an isolated area, and raped at gunpoint. | At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance—A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power by Danielle McGuire | https://books.google.com/books/about/At_the_Dark_End_of_the_Street.html?id=dtUVU1kKfqYC | The officers were convicted and sentenced to 7 years in prison. | x | |||||||||||||||
2001 | Andrea Nicole Reedy | Hampton | VA | Black | 32 | Fatal | Police attempted to pull over Reedy for reckless driving. According to police reports, she accelerated and hit 3 police cars with her own car, apparently trapping one officer between her door and a car, before she was shot and killed. One witness says the collision occured after she was shot and that no police officer was ever trapped. The same witness heard one officer hurl anti-black remarks at Reedy before shots were fired. | Daily Press | http://articles.dailypress.com/2002-01-12/news/0201120255_1_naacp-members-naacp-s-concerns-hampton-naacp | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2015 | Natasha McKenna | Fairfax County | VA | Black | 37 | Fatal | Natasha was arrested and placed in custody for assaulting a police officer; during a week-long delay in transporting her to a different city, her mental health allegedly deteriorated. She was wrestled and tasered for 17 minutes and suffered a heart attack as a result, causing her to become brain dead. | Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/15-million-lawsuit-filed-in-inmates-death-at-fairfax-county-jail/2016/06/03/f162dd32-28ea-11e6-a3c4-0724e8e24f3f_story.html?utm_term=.783a6ef333da | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2013 | Mhai Scott | Sterling | VA | Asian | 38 | Fatal | While Mhai was working by handing out samples at Costco, police were called to address her seemingly erratic behavior ("swinging knives and scissors"). Police allege that they tried to subdue her with a taser, but when it failed they subsequently shot her. | NBC Washington | http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Deputy-Shot-at-Costco-in-Sterling-209389621.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2008 | Malika Calhoun | Seattle | WA | Black | 15 | Physical | Malika and her friend were arrested for allegedly driving a stolen vehicle. When she was asked to take her shoes off, she flicked one shoe off in the direction of an officer, who then proceeded to slam her head and body into a wall and then the floor, and then drag her out of the room. | CBS News | http://www.cbsnews.com/news/teen-girl-calls-cop-beating-horrible/ | Malika received a $150,000 settlement from the city. | ||||||||||||||||
2014 | Monique Tillman | Seattle | WA | Black | 15 | Physical | Monique was violently beaten, strangled against a cop car, body slammed on the ground and tased by a mall police officer before she was arrested for allegedly causing a "disturbance" at the mall. | NY Times | https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/17/us/teenager-sues-over-taser-arrest-while-riding-bicycle-outside-tacoma-mall.html | Monique was awarded $500,000 in court | ||||||||||||||||
2010 | [name redacted] | Seattle | WA | Black | 17 | Physical | The 17-year-old's friend was being arrested and grabbed by the officer for jaywalking when the 17-year-old attempted to intercede. He punched her in the face and she was subsequently sentenced to one year of probation. | |||||||||||||||||||
2014 | Miyekko Durden-Bosley | Seattle | WA | Black | 23 | Physical | While police were arresting Miyekko based on allegations of assaulting / threatening a family member, she was punched forcefully in the eye, fracturing bones around her eye socket. | Seattle Times | http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/woman-punched-by-seattle-officer-settles-suit-for-195000/ | Miyekko received a $195,000 settlement from the city. | x | |||||||||||||||
2016 | Renee Davis | Auburn | WA | Indigenous/Native American | 23 | Fatal | Police responded to a call from Renee's friend requesting a wellness check, as Renee had been struggling with depression. When police arrived, Renee allegedly pointed an unloaded handgun at them. They shot and killed her. | The Stranger | http://www.thestranger.com/slog/2017/05/24/25166066/muckleshoot-shooting-inquest-emotional-boyfriend-recounts-day-of-renee-davis-death | x | x | x | x (police were responding to a suicide threat?) | |||||||||||||
1997 | Theresa Henderson | Seattle | WA | Black | 24 | Fatal | According to her family, police choked Theresa after she attempted to swallow a bag of cocaine, thus killing her. | Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement | http://stolenlives.org/SL2ed2.pdf | |||||||||||||||||
2000 | Guadalupe Martinez | Kent | WA | Latinx | 27 | Fatal | Guadalupe was stopped by an officer and upon being discovered as a "missing person", she fled. A police chase begun that ended with her being boxed in by multipe police cars. When she got out of her car, she allegedly threatened officers with what appeared to be a handgun; they then shot her. | Seattle Times | http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20001111&slug=TTEJ2A8I3 | x | ||||||||||||||||
2001 | Rosa Hammer | Gorst | WA | Multi-Racial | 27 | Fatal | Rosa was pulled over on the highway for a traffic stop. When the officer tried to search Rosa's backpack without her consent, he noticed a gun inside and attempted to fire his gun. However, according to his account the gun did not fire; Rosa then fired her own gun, possibly in self defense, hitting the officer's hand. The officer then fired his second weapon, killing Rosa. | Peninsula Daily News | http://archive.peninsuladailynews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2001110250307 | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2017 | Charleena Lyles | Seattle | WA | Black | 30 | Fatal | Charleena called police to report a burglary. When they arrived, she allegedly was approaching officers with a knife. Almost immediately after arriving, police shot and killed her. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/19/seattle-police-shooting-charleena-lyles-mother | https://www.gofundme.com/bdgbc8pg https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/charleena-lyles-should-be-here/?t=1003& | x | x | x | x | ||||||||||||
2016 | Jacqueline D. Saylers | Tacoma | WA | Indigenous/Native American | 32 | Fatal | Jacqueline's longtime partner was being searched for by the police; after the police receieved a tip on his whereabouts, they found the couple sitting in their car. According to police, she started driving right at them, followed by police firing 7 shots at her through her car, killing her. However, witnesses say the police car was behind Jacqueline's, and that her side window was completely blown out. | The News Tribune | http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/crime/article79049822.html | x | x | |||||||||||||||
2004 | Malaika Brooks | Seattle | WA | Black | 33 | Physical | Malaika was pulled over and given a ticket for speeding. When she refused to sign it, the officer tasered her multiple times and dragged her face down on the street and arrested her. | NY Times | http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/15/us/police-taser-use-on-pregnant-woman-goes-before-supreme-court.html | Malaika received a settlement of $45,000 from the city. | x | x | x | |||||||||||||
2011 | Carolyn Moran-Hernandez | Lakewood | WA | Latinx | 46 | Fatal | Police responded to a call from Carolyn's partner saying Carolyn had punched her arm. When police arrived, Carolyn allegedly wielded a BB pistol at officers; they then shot her. It is unknown whether she suffered from mental illness. | Seattle Times | http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/lakewood-police-fatally-shoot-armed-woman-during-domestic-dispute/ | x | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2002 | Sarah Mayhugh | Yakima | WA | Unknown | 49 | Fatal | Sarah was involved in a minor traffic collision when police called for backup. An officer tried to forcibly remove her from her car, which allegedly prompted her to pepper spray him. Police claim she then approaching police "threateningly" with a claw hammer, at which point they shot her. | The Advocate | https://www.advocate.com/news/2002/12/28/transgendered-quotdrifterquot-shot-washington-state-police-7325 | x | x | x | TRANS/GNC, DISABILITY, TRAFFIC STOP | |||||||||||||
2003 | Desseria Whitmore | Seattle | WA | Black | 52 | Fatal | Desseria was going through security at an airport when they found a drug pipe and a small amount of marijauna, at which point security called the Seattle police. Police say Desseria tried to escape them, resisted arrest, and tried to swallow a bag of cocaine that got lodged in her throat and caused her death. However, the man accompanying Desseria says she never resisted arrest nor swallowed anything; rather, the officers threw her on the ground and blocked her airway, causing her death. | Seattle Times | http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20031030&slug=seatacdeath30m | x | ||||||||||||||||
2012 | Lashonn White | Tacoma | WA | Black | unknown | Physical | Lashonn called police to report a drunk friend attacking her. She communicated to the operater that she was deaf. When police arrived, they immediately tasered, arrested and then jailed Lashonn for 60 hours. | NY Daily News | http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/deaf-woman-tased-police-jailed-3-days-interpreter-article-1.1130732 | Lashonn won $1 million of a multimillion dollar lawsuit she filed against Tacoma police. | x | x | ||||||||||||||
2016 | [name redacted] | Madison | WI | Black | 18 | Physical | The 18-year-old was violently beaten, tasered, and arrested by security guards following a verbal altercation she allegedly had with another person in a mall. | |||||||||||||||||||
2016 | Genele Laird | Madison | WI | Black | 18 | Physical | Genele was violently beaten, tasered, and arrested by security guards following a verbal altercation she allegedly had with another person in a mall. | Daily Mail | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3663299/Girls-skips-criminal-charges-video-tasered-police-causes-outrage.html | |||||||||||||||||
2009 | [name redacted] | Chapmanville | WV | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | Three officers gang-raped a woman and threatened to kill her friends | WV Record | https://wvrecord.com/stories/510596934-trio-says-woman-was-raped-by-logan-deputies-chapmanville-officer | |||||||||||||||||
2018 | Claudia Patricia Gómez González | Laredo | TX | Latinx | 20 | Fatal | A U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent shot and killed undocumented immigrant Claudia as she was attempting to enter the United States. Witnesses dispute the police account which states that a group of people allegedly rushed the border patrol agent. | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/02/guatemala-texas-rio-bravo-border-claudia-gomez | |||||||||||||||||
2002 | Eveline Barros-Cepeda | Dorchester | MA | Latinx | 25 | Fatal | Eveline was the passenger in a police chase that police started when they were attempting to pull over and arrest the driver for shooting at a group of young men. One cop not involved in the chase was on the street that Eveline's car drove down and ended up running into. The cop involved in the chase then fired at the car, killing Eveline, as he allegedly believed the other cop was being dragged by the car. | Boston News | http://archive.boston.com/news/local/articles/2003/08/28/da_clears_officer_in_shooting/ | x | ||||||||||||||||
2013 | Lucinda White | Springfield | MA | Black | 29 | Physical | Lucinda, 8 months pregnant, called police for help after someone hit her car in the parking lot. Her partner and the other driver got into an argument; when police arrived, they demanded Lucinda to get on the ground. She told them she couldn't because seh was pregnant; the officer responded by throwing her to the ground and tasering her in the back. As she lay on the ground immobilized by the electric shock, she told the officer he was pushing on her baby. | Huffington Post | https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/03/lucinda-white-pregnant-woman-taser-video_n_3008838.html | The officers were found to be at no wrongdoing; Lucinda received a $10,000 settlement. | x | |||||||||||||||
2018 | Shukri Ali Said | Johns Creek | GA | Black | 36 | Fatal | The family of Shukri called police asking for help and saying she was threatening family members with a knife; they told police Shukri was mentally ill. When police arrived, Shukri allegedly did not drop the knife she was holding; police attacked her with a taser, a foam impact round, adn then shot her. | ABC News | https://www.cbsnews.com/news/johns-creek-shukri-said-fatal-police-shooting-somali-american-woman-probed/ | x | x | x | x | x | IMMIGRANT, MOTHER, DISABILITY, MUSLIM, HEALTH CRISIS | |||||||||||
2017 | Kim Doreen Chase | Baltimore | MD | Black | 52 | Fatal | Kim was arrested due to a warrant out for her arrest. Police allegedly let her go back to her mother's house and have her hair braided before being placed in a holding cell. Those who knew Kim say she was fine before being arrested; in the holding cell she collapsed and then died. | Baltimore Sun | http://www.baltimoresun.com/g00/news/maryland/crime/bs-md-ci-ill-prisoner-dead-20170420-story.html?i10c.referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.truth-out.org%2Fopinion%2Fitem%2F40395-two-years-after-the-uprising-black-women-s-experiences-of-policing-in-baltimore-still-under-the-radar%3Fmc_cid%3D74db75b77c%26mc_eid%3D%5BUNIQID%5D | |||||||||||||||||
2014 | Viola Young | Tallahasee | FL | Black | 61 | Physical | Viola approached police to ask a question about an individual they had just arrested. In response, they tried to arrest her. As she attempted to leave, a police officer tasered her in the back and then arrested her. | CNN | http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/01/us/florida-police-tase-woman/index.html | Two officers involved in the incident were suspended. | x | |||||||||||||||
2005 | [name redacted] | Greece | NY | Unknown | unknown | Sexual | An officer pulled the woman over on a traffic stop and began hitting on her in front of her kid. Days later, the officer arrived at her apartment and allegedly caught the woman smoking marijuana inside. The officer threatened to report her to child protective services, but agreed not to in exchange for sex. The same officer had previously had reports that he had stalked women. | Democrat and Chronicle | https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2014/04/17/gary-pignato-greece-police-depositions/7840839/ | The officer was sentenced to 2-6 years in prison | x | x | X | MOTHER, WAR ON DRUGS, TRAFFIC STOP | ||||||||||||
1950 | Mrs. Charles Turner | New York City | NY | Black | unknown | Physical | Mrs. Turner was beaten by two police officers after she left a restaurant with a "fair-complected" black man. | We Charge Genocide: The Historic Petition to the United Nations for relief from a Crime of the United States Government against the Negro People | https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015074197859;view=1up;seq=32 |