
This is a living, searchable database gathering past and current incidents of police violence against women of color, including both trans and non-trans women of color.

Entries can be sorted by column or filtered by a wide variety of options using the drop down menus and search boxes below. Click enter in each field to search.

This database contains cases referenced in Invisible No More, and many that aren't included in the book. It certainly does not represent all instances of police violence against Black women and women of color - please feel free to add more cases by clicking here: Share a case.

In order to protect the privacy of individuals who are still living and who have not elected to speak extensively to the media or participate in legal proceedings, in some cases names and sources have been omitted from the public database.

Thanks to Alexis Pegues and Levi Craske for their substantial contributions to creating this database.

Please Note: Saving/exporting will save only the current filtered results. To export the ENTIRE database simply leave all filters un-set, then save/export to your desired format.

To see cases marked as involving people who are TGNC, LGBQ, Muslim, immigrants, pregnant, mothers, people with a disability, homeless or low-income, or responses to the war on drugs, policing of sex work/ prostitution charges, traffic stops, incidents at schools, domestic violence or other crises, download the entire database in an Excel or CSV file and sort by column.

Updated 9.24.19

Generated by wpDataTables